オサンポ take a walk - スキマ草 Sukima-soh : 階段脱出 escaped then being at the stair

2015年07月31日 | 日記

In the hot summer
I've ran away from the garden
Then being here

I decided to live here and have flowered. I like being here rather than being in the garden because I enjoy seeing and watching the street. When people walk by me, pay an attention to me. I feel self-conscious a bit I'm happy with it. The owner of house would allow me to be here. Well, let's be careful for heat disorder each other, get through this heated summer!
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オサンポ take a walk - かたつむり snail

2015年07月30日 | 日記

Even it's hot
I'm climbing on the wall
I'm snail

That snail is climbing on the wall. There was a less sized one, too. I only see some snails at the particular place, here. I think that more snails at somewhere but I haven't found any. Whenever I pass by the wall, I check them if they are. When I find some, I'm happy then I tell them, like "Pay an attention to birds, don't be eaten" in my mind. If I have this kind of "happy to see" things more and yet more, I will be able to enjoy my walking. I thank you all which are there. Thanks!
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫: 夏の猫万歳 many cats!

2015年07月29日 | 日記

It's heated
But we are here
Then help you survive
From this hot summer

It's extremely hot! That's heated summer! Well, I think that cats are genius to find cool spaces. When a cat is in some place, there must be cool. It is good to cats, but not for us. It would be too narrow to us. Oh, God. Now, what we can only do is "seeing a cat that is enjoying to be relaxed in a narrow space which humans cannot be there". It would be a piece of cool thing during the hot summer.
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断捨離 Danshari=getting rid of the clutter in my life - 郵便はがき ¥10 Post card ¥10

2015年07月28日 | 日記

¥10 stamp
post card
I finally used it

今は便利なのでネットで「10円はがき」っていつのなの? と調べましたら昭和47年から51年ごろまで使用されていたらしいです。とっくに「昭和は遠くなりにけり」だと思うのですがねぇ、今は平成27年!ってことはヨン…四十年以上前の「はがき」ってことですね! わお。今の「はがき」は52円分の切手が必要なので、42円分の切手を貼って懸賞に応募しました。家庭用プラネタリウム。当たるかしらん?
I checked this card on the Internet when it was used... It is around 40 years ago. Wow! Now a post card needs 52 yen of stamp, so I added ¥42 yen stamps then I applied for a prize. The prize is a small machine of planetarium for household use. I hope that I will get it.
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オサンポ take a walk - 燕ン巣 swallow nest

2015年07月27日 | 日記

The baby birds are sleeping
It's the night festival
Many people are having fun

大勢の人でごった返して賑わう(ウルサイ)中、そー言えば商店街の燕はどーしてる? とふと思い出して様子を見に行ったならば、雛が三羽ほどいて、親鳥と共に巣の中で大人しくしているのを見てあ生まれてたんだと思ったのと同時に、まあ何でしょう、はたから見ると、燕家族はニンゲンたちの騒音を冷静に受け止めているよーに見えて安心したのでしたが。しかし昨日と今日のコレ、何? お祭りです、と口で説明出来ないですからねぇ。でもよくよく考えてみれば、ヒトがいた方がカラスとかを追い払えるから、燕は案外何とも思っていなかったりして? うーむ、想像の域を出ないですねぇ。何はともあれ、雛タチが無事に育ちますよーに。
Last night and Saturday, we had the night festival. There were many people, it was so noisy. I just thought of the swallows and their nest so I went to see it, there were three baby birds and their parents, I was happy to know it. I was wondering, they seemed OK with the noisy which humans made but were they truly OK? I noticed that lots of people would prevent crows' attack. Oh,I see. I'm not sure that my ideas are correct or not. Anyway, I hope that the baby birds will grow up then become big enough to leave the nest.
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オサンポ take a walk - 夕空 the evening sky

2015年07月26日 | 日記

The evening sky
Was amazing
But it's too hot

あづいアヅイ家に居てもあづいアヅイ。夜もあづいアヅイがオサンポはして少しでもカラダを動かさないとまずいマズイと日が傾いてからナントカ外に出ると、空はキレイな夕焼け空で。ほお~っとやっぱ空でも見上げてカラダを伸ばさないとねーと自分をアゲて。あづいアヅイ夏はキライだが、キレイな夕焼けはスキ。っつ~動機付けでオサンポをガンバる。オサンポってガンバルもの? と自問しながら、オサンポをガンバるあづいアヅイ夏。樹々の葉は濃く生い茂り蝉タチは賑やかに鳴き交わす。夏は来ぬ。
It's been extremely hot!! all day and everyday. Even night, it's still hot. But I think that I need to do some exercises so I go for a walk in the evening. Yesterday, when the sun was going down, I got out of my house then took a walk. There was the beautiful evening sky. I looked up it and stretched my body. My feelings got better. I don't like hot summer, I like a colourful evening sky. It can be my motivation to go out for walking. I do my best for taking a walk. Do my best? It's a bit funny. Anyway, even this hot hot hot summer, I'll go for a walk to keep fit. Many trees have many greenish leaves, and many cicadas are lively singing. The summer has come.
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断捨離 Danshari=getting rid of the clutter in my life - 東京タワーノート the notebook of Tokyo Tower

2015年07月25日 | 日記

Tokyo Tower
Climb the steps outside
The notebook was presented as a memory

I don't remember when I went to Tokyo Tower... Anyway, that day, I tried to walk up the steps, outside, to get to the observation deck. It's a small challenging as they had the lift. After I reached the deck, they gave me the notebook as a memory. Now, they give us a certification. Well, I've kept the note in the drawer for a long time. But I've been doing "Danshari", I decided to use it. Even if I use it, my memories will remain.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫: 夕涼み enjoying cool air in the evening

2015年07月24日 | 日記

In the summer evening
The cat is in the sandpit
Enjoying a cool air

When I took a walk in the evening for avoiding hot, after the sun disappeared, I met a cat that was enjoying a cool air on the sandpit. I found the cat silhouette from a distance. I was getting excited. I took a picture at nice position. "Meow---" I said to the cat like that ( it doesn't mean anything ) then I quietly left there, I never interrupted the cat. I'm very satisfied when I see cats. Meow!
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 元気 / バンニャイ Woo-hoo

2015年07月23日 | 日記

In a hot day
I stretch my arms
To get cool

今日は薄曇りですがほんに暑い日、チョットでも涼しくなろーと、両前足思いっきり伸ばしてバンニャイ(万歳だよね)するんです。そスッと、ちょっこしでも涼しく感じるかな~って。いやあ猫はまあ暑いの平気な方なんスけど、それでもねー、最近の夏は昔に比べてホントマジ暑いッス。異常ッスよね、コレ。大丈夫なんスかね、地球? ニンゲンのことはどーでもいいッんス(え、そーなの⁉︎) 。ウチら猫はサイズが小さいンで省エネルギーで生きていけるからいいッスけど、ニンゲン以外の、ウチらよりカラダの大きな仲間タチのことが心配ッス。(ニ、ニンゲン以外ね…。ニンゲンガンバリマス)
It's cloudy, not very hot, it's OK today. But, when it's hot, I do stretch my arms to get cool. I call it "woo-hoo". I think that I feel cool by doing so. Well, we are cat, cat is OK to hot. But we think that nowadays, it's been hotter than before. Getting hotter every year. It's crazy! Is that OK? Our earth? I don't care about humans. ( oh, do you? ) We are a small animal, we consume little energy to survive, so that we should be OK. I'm concerned about big sized animals except humans. ( e...except humans... We will make an effort to keep a good condition for our earth )
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オサンポ take a walk - 蝉 : 抜け殻 cicada:exuvia

2015年07月22日 | 日記

Cicada's singing
There is a exuvia of cicada
Surely it is here

蝉の声は聞いている。蝉が開けた地面の穴も見た。そして抜け殻。そこにいることは確実に分かっているのに、姿を見ることはない。確実にいることは分かっているのに…、何の交わりも無く過ぎ去っていく。…とまあコッチが勝手に「蝉が鳴く季節が来た」とかって、アチコチで蝉の気配を感じてココロをざわつかせているだけのことで、向こうはニンゲンのことなんかお構いナシなんでしょう。「え? 何? おらっち忙しいィし」まあこれもある意味片想いと呼べるモノかも知れない。コッチは気があるけど向こうはお構いナシ。夏の間だけの片想い。
I can hear their songs. I saw the small hole on the ground which was made by a cicada. Also, a exuvia. We know that many cicada are singing and they are on the trees. We never see them. We do know that they are here, we never have a relationship with them. Well, we think that "summer has come, many cicadas will sing", we pay an attention to them. But they don't care us. "Uh? We are busy! No much time!" It would be like one-way love. Only during summer season.
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