オサンポ walk - 植物plant : ヒメオドリコソウがまだ a purple dead-nettle

2021年04月30日 | 日記

葉が紅葉(?)したヒメオドリコソウ と思われる植物が、ドクダミ草などの色んなのの中に混じって、一本だけ顔を出していました。

It would a purple dead-nettle? its leaves might have turned colour?  Only that plant was poping out of the other plants.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ七十二

2021年04月29日 | 日記







Avocado is extremely cream.

I cannot imagine the inside of it from the outside. The inside of it is...pale greenyellow and, its taste is rich cream.

At the first time, when I ate it, I was soooooooo surprised!! How the difference between the outside and the inside?? I always think of... what a brave person who ate something non-good looking foods as the first human....

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : ユウゲショウ、4月半ばごろから咲き始め The rose evening-primrose

2021年04月28日 | 日記



I thought this flower, I see in summer but they start to bloom around in May. This flower opend around the end of April, a bit earlier than usual. They came from USA around in Meiji period.

Their flower is deep pink, the size is arounf 1cm, their small flowers are lovley. They have been in Japan over 100 years, now they are one of local flowers in Japan??

*not sure about my English... 

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オサンポ walk - 空sky:今日は満月と知らずに

2021年04月27日 | 日記

ピンクムーンと呼んでいるのでしょうか? そうとは知らずにいて、帰り道に出会してびっくりです。


Is it a Pink moon? I didn't know that, today, I saw that moon when I was on my way to home, I was so surprised because it was too big and bright!!

But, pink...I didn't think so, but so big and bright!!

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ七十一

2021年04月26日 | 日記





時々ですがその土塊、巣穴の出入り口にキレイな円、真円とも言えるような円を描いている時があります。感動しちゃいます。と同時に、どうしてそうなるのか? という疑問も・・・。


The ants work, I work, too.


I'm really impressed with their work performances, such as digging the ground and take soil out of the inside. They are many but how many times do they do it again? Then, they make a pile of soil, like a hill.

I sometimes find a beautifil circle, like a ture circle at around a doorway of ant's nest. I touch it, and I'm wondering how & why they create it? 

*not sure about my English...


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川柳 satirical haiku(senryu) - 其ノ二

2021年04月25日 | 日記

飼い猫が ねぼけまなこで お出迎え



My cat came to me with sleppy eyes when I came back to my house

Explanation: I was happy to have him but when I discovered the truth that he was sleeping until I'd just arrived at home, I got jealous of him. I would like to ask him if we can change our situations...

*not sure about my English...


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オサンポ walk - 虫bug: 初蝶は俳句の春の季語 Haiku has season's word

2021年04月24日 | 日記



I tried to make a Haiku but I couldn't do it. I've seen the first butterfly that would have been Colias erate, on the 27th of March. It was a warm day and sunny the butterfly was flying degage.

I've seen 4 buttterflys today, such as, they would have been Colias erate, cabbage butterfly and lycaenid. I couldn't photograph them because they move so fast!!

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : 雑木林からの顔出しの藤の花 The Japanese wisteria is poping out of the small grove

2021年04月23日 | 日記

も、満開です! ニンゲンが関わらなくてもどんだけ素敵なんでしょう〜。


The flowers have been in full bloom! They don't need any humans' help, to open their flowers beautifully.

(Even if we are busy, neve stop to see at something beautiful things...)

*not sure about my English...

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鳥 bird - 何鳥さんでしょう? Who are you?

2021年04月22日 | 日記



In this morning, I found some bird when I walked through the small park, my eye cought her(him?) who was doubled size of sparrow?

The bird was staring at somewhere else upwards, so has stayed there around 30 seconds. Not soon fly away, is unsual. I tried to photograph her. What thing did she care for? And, I'd like to know your name...


*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant:ハハコグサかな are you cudweed?

2021年04月21日 | 日記


There were one little cudweed (I guess) that had yewllow flowers being close to the doorway of the ant's nest.

*not sure about my English...

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