
I waited again
Until I could borrow a book
At the library
感想をひとことで言おうとするとムリがありますが敢えて言えば、「辛い」。(何故「辛い」と「幸い」の漢字はこんなに似ているのでしょう? たまたま?) 今「辛い」ヒトはまんま、「辛くない」ヒトは他人事と思って気軽るに読めることでしょう…。ホホ。
昔は名前の読み方も不確かだったのに、(マタキチ?) ここに来て何故か又吉ブーム(?)到来風。


I'm taking about some novels written by Naoki Matayoshi. Naoki, is a comedian, he loves reading books, has read so many books... now he challenged to write two novels, his first story has got a Akutagawa prize by the publisher.
Now he appears in some TV programmes, not only comic shows, but educational ones. When he was just a comedian, I wasn't interested in nor didn't care but now I read his books and watch his TV programmes. The first catalyst was, a woman colleague gave me his two books, they are essay. Thank you! I Since then, a part of my world has been expanding. That's interesting.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

I waited again
Until I could borrow a book
At the library
感想をひとことで言おうとするとムリがありますが敢えて言えば、「辛い」。(何故「辛い」と「幸い」の漢字はこんなに似ているのでしょう? たまたま?) 今「辛い」ヒトはまんま、「辛くない」ヒトは他人事と思って気軽るに読めることでしょう…。ホホ。
昔は名前の読み方も不確かだったのに、(マタキチ?) ここに来て何故か又吉ブーム(?)到来風。


I'm taking about some novels written by Naoki Matayoshi. Naoki, is a comedian, he loves reading books, has read so many books... now he challenged to write two novels, his first story has got a Akutagawa prize by the publisher.
Now he appears in some TV programmes, not only comic shows, but educational ones. When he was just a comedian, I wasn't interested in nor didn't care but now I read his books and watch his TV programmes. The first catalyst was, a woman colleague gave me his two books, they are essay. Thank you! I Since then, a part of my world has been expanding. That's interesting.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.