日乗 diary - 何年も使っていながら You have used it such a long time...

2020年09月30日 | 日記




How many years

You've been using

But you didn't notice it









You can find a snake in the design of the futon cover in the photograph. No surprise, I knew the snakes there. I bought it when I stayed in England to study English. During that days, I needed to buy a cover, though the landlady offered me a futon. I wouldn't like to buy it because it's too big, my pocket money was not enough and I thought I wouldn't have brought it with me when I was back to Japan. But I had to buy one, I'm not sure if I bought it at a secondhand shop, and it's for children. I guess that it might be still the same as before, at that time, tax of things for childern was cheaper than adult. So, it's for children.

My mum had used it such for a long time, she suddenly noticed it there is snakes(more than one) in the design. She doesn't like snakes at all, she gave back ti to me, she wouldn't like to use it anymore. She aske me if I knew about that, I said "Yes", she said, "Why didn't tell me about that?". Well, everybody would be easy to notice it, I believe so.

Anyway, from this night, it will be mine again. Good night.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.


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日乗 diary - 朝起きるとちゃぶ台にドイツ国旗 I found the German flag on the table this morning

2020年09月29日 | 日記




When I woke up this morning

I found the German flag

On the table




何かの掲示かメッセージか吉兆か凶兆か。「不思議、大好き」(by 糸井重里)なので、少しドキドキしながらあれこれ想像を巡らしていて…ハタと気が付いた。その国旗を作った時、日本とイギリスも同時に作り、運動会の賑やかし万国旗のように糸で繋げて壁に貼った。用が済んだ後もしばらく、壁に貼っておいたままにした△





Why I found that on the table? This German flag is, I made it before, I also made Japanese and British ones. Then I had hung them on the wall with the string. (I put them in line on the string.)

I use the light-tight curtain every night. When it's morning, I move it to the wall. On the wall, here is the flags. I guess that, one day, one German flag moved to on the curtain, and lived on there, but this morning, finally, the flag dropped on the tabel when I moved the curtain to the wall?? 

I thought somehing strange happened at the beginging, as I like that. But I needed to get back to the real life. I think that the curtain story would be a correct answer.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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スズメ見なくはないね?70 we have seen some sparrows タモリ倶楽部

2020年09月28日 | 日記




Baby spallows

Come here,

Play with us




その番組では雀の数が20 年前と比べると半減していると伝えていた。雛の数が減っているのが原因ではないかとのこと。雀の住宅事情が昔と違って悪くなっているのも要因の一つかもしれないようで、日本の木造建築と藁葺き屋根が雀の住処になっていたのだろう△


マクドナルドの屋根瓦のスキマから、出入りしている雀も見たことがある。建築のデザインが著しく変わっても、人間が作る建物や家がやはり良いのだろうか。カラス避けには人間? 雀とは長い付き合いである。これからも上手に共存してゆきたい。



I've been interested in spallow when I heard that their numbers have been decreasing, now they are in half comparing to around 20 years ago.

There are many reasons, one of them is, the designs of our buildings have changed a lot. They used to be built with wood and straw, that is good materials for their house, nest.

However, any spallows have tried to find better house for them, such as traffic light and telegraph pole. When you hear their songs on the street, just look up then, you would find their house.

Spallows and we have had such a long time relationship each other.  I hope we will live together forever!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.


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オサンポ walk - 虫bug : 日々昆虫 Everyday, insects!

2020年09月27日 | 日記




Oh, insects!

There are browing the winds in Autumn

They are living!









I saw many insects, such as yellow butterflys, a bee, a mantid and so on, when I was walking to go shopping. I was happy with that.

I love flowers. At the begining, insects were just neighnbours to flowers. When I see flowers, sometimes I find them on flowers. Now, I'm interested in them as much as flowers. I'm impressed with their perfect design of bodies.

I've been worried about the environment problems, how much do they get damaged from that? When they are nowhere, I miss them. When I see them, happy, sometimes confused. But I am happy to see them everyday.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant: 銀杏も心配 I'm also worried about these gingko

2020年09月26日 | 日記




 The gingko's leaves

They've been still green

But it has started to be blasting









When I was walking on the xystos that had gingko, many leave of them have been still green but at around the edges of them were getting brown, looked like blast.

Normally, around here, it start to turn around the middle of November. There are more one month and half, will they keep their leaves green until that day?

Last year, we had a lot of violent big tyhoons all over Japan. They gave us salt damages, especailly on the agricultual crops and any plants and trees. Another xystos that has also gingko, got salt damages, on their halves of leaves of trees.

However, that was by the tyhoons. This year, around here, we got only one tyhoon. July and at the beginning of August, we had a lot of rain. After that, we had over 30 C(degrees) for nearly one month. Then, now cooler, we sometimes feel chilly at night. That graph might be like zigzag. Those gingko would be damaged by that?

I believe that humans are impacted by climate change nowdays. The gingko, too? But They connect to the earth that gives them a lot of energy. They should be OK. Hope so.

*I'm not sure  if my English grammars are OK.

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日乗 diary - 来年の干支は丑 Next year's animal symbols is Ox

2020年09月25日 | 日記




Next year,

About animal symbols

It's Ox









I've been challenging to sell my photographs at PIXTA. It is a website that we can sell our works, such as photograph, video and illustration. 

I used to use my single-lens reflex camera but I sold it at the shop. My iPhone's camera has good qualities, so I can sell my works that were taken by my iPhone. PIXTA didn't allow to sell any photographs taken by a camera that belogs to smartphone but now they have allowed to do that.

It's a good news to me, because, single-lens reflex camera is very heavy, it's not easy to take it with me anytime. 

I photograph flowers. insects and natures when I go for a walk. But those photographs wouldn't be demanded by many people. Two people bought my photographs, I thank them!

Now I am following themes for the popular events through the year, such as new year card. Next year, about animal symbols, it's Ox. I'm trying to photograph about that, with my praying to both, the consumers and I.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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日乗 diary - 中途半端 by halves

2020年09月24日 | 日記




I alway do something by halves

It's my bad behaviour

I cannot change it










One of my bad behaviours is, I never finish what I start something.  In this summer, I found many things like that in my room when I couldn't go for a walk, because it's too hot outside.

I have read many how to books about tidying my room some years ago. I wouldn't get any tips from them. So, I am still lazy, nothing changed.

I love lovely erasers that provided by Iwako company. (You can find some of them on the photo above) We can buy them, three ones in a package at 100 yen shop. It costs us 100 yen+tax. It wouldn'be cost a lot, so I buy them sometimes.

I also a plastic case for them. I can put them in the case with a small box. I put the three ones in the box, tidily. I bought this UNICORN last year. I was busy at that time, I just put it as the packaged in the box. One years later, I opened the package then took out the UNICORN then put them in the box. It's easy, but I spent such a long time. I alway stop something by halves. 

I'd like to change such my stupid behaviour!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant: 彼岸花、今年も I saw Spider lilies again this year

2020年09月23日 | 日記




They are spider lily

I met them

At the same place as last year









I knew this spider lily for a long time ago, but I was conscious of it from a few years ago. They live not only in a plain field, but with other plants, like weeds. It made me surprised a bit.

Once I notice them, my eyes look for them when I am walking. If I remember where I saw them, I will check there again. When I see them again, I will be happy.

Thier colour, usually, it is said, red. Buy for my eyes, they are scarlet, dark red or rosy. I sometimes see white, but they are less because they are narural crossing. They have their garden species, the colours are yellow and pink.

I am really interested in their appearance. At first, they just come out as one green stick on the ground, then grow up, having a bud at the top of the stick then open. After that, their leaves come out of the ground. I've never seen leaves, it's not easy to keep on eyes to them after finishing flowers. I am going to watch leaves this year.

Juse seeing flowers during walking, it's easy. But, write something about them. it's not easy. Before, I just did it, photograph them then up to my blog, finished. Now I would like to be a good  writer to describe them more details and my feelings to them.

I would like to make much of seeing flowers. As I can see them once a year .

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.



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オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : シダ君 Mt. Fern 8

2020年09月22日 | 日記




Mr. Fern has been

Still growing

Then, he will be...?



既に次世代のための胞子は飛ばし済みなので、後は余生か? 何はともあれ今年は根気よくちゃんと、定期的に観察すると決めたので今後の様子はやがて…分かることである△

ここでちょっと、軽くシダ系の植物について調べてみた。一口にシダ系、と言っても種類が非常に多い。そして人類誕生以前から存在しているらしい(人類誕生は約700万年前とか) 。太古の歴史を感じさせる植物、というのは分かったが、残念ながらこのシダ君の同定は出来なかった△

色々と調べている中で、胞子の様子を載せている写真を見つけた。同族とは思えないくらい、それぞれデザインが違っていた。色、形、etc. このシダ君の胞子は茶色がかったオレンジ色であった。細かい粒がびっしりと葉の裏に張り付いていた。しかし他のモノには、大きめな緑色の粒がくるんと丸まっているように見えるのもあった△




A few days ago, I passed by him, the leaf at the right hand side was little last time I saw him, that day, it was growing up more than the previous day. 

He once was nearly dying, but came back. When it was September, it was still hot, but it is much cooler today, though it was a bit humid. It is going to be cooler and cooler, so how he is going on, I am going to watch him anyway.

He already spored during summer. It's been his afterlife? What life he is having, I decided to watch his whole life, when I pass by him. I will see him what will happen.

I checked him/his group out on the internet. He is a member of various, different types of the group. His ancestor was born very very long time ago, before mankind(around 7 million years ago) was born. Oh, my god. Such a long life! I couldn't identify what he is, his name and so on.

And their spores are also various. They have diffetent shapes, colours, etc. I found one of them, it was like a bigger, green and round, it is totally different from Mr. Fern's ones.

Fern's world is also large and deep. Mr. Fern told me that.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.



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猫三昧 Cat-loving - シャー猫 a hissing cat

2020年09月21日 | 日記




A cat is hissing 

To me but, I got used to it

So, lovely!









I love cat. Wherever I meet cats, I will say Hello to them. Thier recations  to me are various.

I understand, there must be some distance between us. When I find a cat, I just stop. Then, take out my iPhone from my pocket, or say hello to them. The sequences are flexible, whick first is that depends on situation.

If they run away, just let them do that. Otherwise, you will be disliked more...

If their reactions are not so unfriendly, I will try to be friends of them. They wouldn't give me particular reactions, never mind. They wouldn't run away. If they close thier eyes to me, it means that they might say Hello to me. Good.

It's my opinion, in these days, many cats are not friendly to strangers, they are friendly only to thier owners or persons who give them foods. That must be good. This ideas would protect them from bad persons who wouldn't like cats. For me, it will be luck when I meet cats during walking, only that makes me happy.

About the cat in the photo, he(she?) was hisss when I said him "Hello". After 2 or 3 times he hissed, then he showed me his feelings that was like he was frighten. If he would haven't got used to go outside, or he would have thought that I was a weird stranger. Anyway, I haven't seen "hisss" for a long time, I was happy to see his hisss.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.


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