自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百九

2021年08月31日 | 日記






When you lie down, you can see the sky.


When it's difficult to look up, you just lie down on the ground. What you will see is only sky!

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百八

2021年08月30日 | 日記




と、思いたいのに、今日も猛暑日! 溶けてしまう前に涼しくなって〜!


The dead spider lilies have a dead leaf on them. It means autumn has come, hasn't it?


I would like to think so, but it was also too hot and humid!! I would be melted. Before that, please cooler soon!!

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百七

2021年08月29日 | 日記






Crape myrtle, (we call it "slipping a monkey-tree" in Japan) Did a monkey really slip?


I wasn't duvious about that until now but I just thought.

*why do we think that a monkey slip on the tree? Because this wood surface is smooth.

**not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百六

2021年08月28日 | 日記






In the evening, many crows are on the electrical wire. It looks wise more than expected.


Crows, their bodies are big, their voice is loud and eat sparrows, But...

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百五

2021年08月27日 | 日記






A couple of dove, cry together. Poppo-


In the morning, when I saw that couple, the sentece came up in my mind.

*not sure about my English...

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日乗 diary - 夏の夕焼け雲の中に something like a face in the clouds in the sunset of summer

2021年08月26日 | 日記



そしてそれに三角形の耳っぽいモノが目の下辺りにあると思えば、それは猫のカオだったりして?? にゃー?

The air around me turned orange colour so it's the time to see a sunset, I looked up the sky. I found that one cloud turned bright madder.

Oh, how nice they are! I photographed it with my iphone then I checked it at home, I discovered that something like a face that turns over in the cloud.

Well, what's more, under the eyes, there are something like triangle ears that look like cat's. So, the face is a cat??  Meow?

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : よく見る花ですが、名前が I see this flowers frequently but not sure the name

2021年08月25日 | 日記





The flowers in the picture that are planted in the flowerbed. Its size is around less than 80cm, and round, the flowers are covered on it. I thought that I found flowers! During waiting the bus, I was happy to see and photograph them, but next day.

Around the centre parts of them, were caved. The flowers that were along on the edge of the flowerbed, were fine.

What happened to them for a day? Like this situation, do plants have something feelings "we've been damaged!"? I hope that, they are strong...so, they will get over from this happening with not-so damaged parts.

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : 壁から出てる、コニシキソウかな it would be an Euphorbia supina

2021年08月24日 | 日記



I've known this plant since I was child, I guess. When I cut this stalk, something white liquid(like milk) comes out from that. I played with that when I was child.

I had no idea about the name so I checked it out on the internet, I found the name but it was the website that sell chemical herbicides. Well, I felt something mixed feeling our relationships between humans and plants.

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant : 花に出会う機会の減る夏 It would be less opportunity to see flowers in summer

2021年08月23日 | 日記




I think that it would be less flowers in summer. But I'm not sure if it is ture or just for me, less opportunity to see them.

While summer season, it is too hot, so I wouldn't go for a walk so often. Even do that, it's evening so darker, around the grounds are also dark, it would be difficult to find any flowers, so I might miss them?

The flowers that someone plants must be somewhere, I have no idea where I should go to see them. I'm feeling like that I really miss them.

*not sure about my English...

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ホンヨミ Book-loving - 「頭がいい」の正体は読解力 about a book

2021年08月22日 | 日記




I'm writing the book, but it's only written in Japanese. The book tells us, if you want to be smart, comprehension, you have to be a person who can write well. Write something with his methods, then, you will be able to write well. then become smart. Let's begin from now, without excuse which are like... no time and no energy(tired).

*not sure about my English...

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