旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki - オマケ情報 Added information

2015年01月21日 | 日記

I saw an illustration of Japanese classical style Kimono for women
At the station

「なぬ? 十二単?」フィンランド・ヘルシンキ中央駅の本屋さんで見かけました。先ほどやっとネット上で調べましたところ、Mia Kankimakiさんというフィンランドの女性の方が「清少納言」についてお書きになった本だとか。おー。ご興味のある方はコチラへ→http://oga.otava.fi/authors/mia-kankimaki/

Oh? When I saw that illustration, I was surprised because the long hair woman must have been a Japanese lady who were wearing the old style Kimono. The book written by Mia Kankimaki, the author is Finnish woman, is about Sei-shonagon. Sei-shonagon is a woman's name, who was real person, a kind of maid for a wife of the Emperor around 1000 years ago. The author has been interested in Japan. Kiitos! If you are interested in her, you could visit at →http://oga.otava.fi/authors/mia-kankimaki/
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文房具三昧 stationary-loving レタリング シート instant lettering

2015年01月20日 | 日記

It's instant lettering sheets
It's now out of production
I've heard

I found them in my bookshelf. I used some letters of them such a long time ago, then I just forgot. I checked about it on the website, some website said that it was now out of production. It might be, because of PC? We can made any printings by PC easily. I thought I would throw them away, but I changed my mind when I knew it was out of production. I will use all of them.
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旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki - オマケ情報 Added information

2015年01月19日 | 日記
サンポ と言う

It's a name for a shopping centre
It's easy to remember for Japanese

サンタクロース村があるロバニエミというところに、「サンポ・ケスカス」と言うショッピングセンターがありました。アルファベットで「SAMPO」とあったので「サンポ」と読みました。(が、実際の発音はチョット違うのかも知れませんが…) 「ケスカス」は英語で「センター」とかの意味らしいです。今日やっと「SAMPO」の意味を調べまして、英語で「favourite」と出たので「好きな、お気に入り」とかでしょーか。いい意味ですね。「お気に入りのショッピングセンター」。あの寒かった日、地元料理レストランに予約いっぱいで入れず、スーパーで買ったお惣菜をココ、「サンポ・ケスカス」で電車の待ち時間を潰しながら一人で食べた夜。また一つの言葉に、一つの思い出が追加されました。「サンポ」と聞けば、あのヒトリポッチの夜を思い出す…。
There is a shopping centre, "SAMPO KESKUS" at Rovaniemi in Finland. "KESKUS" means "centre" in English. "SAMPO" means "favourite". In Japan, "SAMPO" means "take a walk". I like this name. I remember that I ate some foods which I bought at the supermarket, alone, when I waited for the departure time of my train at night. I tried to go to the local restaurant but I failed. I think that whenever I hear " SAMPO", I will remember that night.
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旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki - オマケ情報 Added information

2015年01月18日 | 日記

In Helsinki
Amos Andersonin

アモス・アンダーソンさんというお金モチ(?)だった方の個人コレクションを展示していて、その収蔵数がフィンランド国内で最大規模、と言うことと、美術館がその方の元邸宅だと言うことで、どんなモンダイと出掛けて行きました。何か宗教関係のものにハマっていた時期があるとかで、教会で使われていたという小さなパイプオルガンがあったり、宗教画が多かった常設展示でしたが、その時に開催されていた企画展も同じ入場券で見られました。いくつかやってました。その時に印象に残ったのが、Anita Snellman というフィンランドの女性画家の回顧展(だと思うのですが。興味のある方はコチラへ→
http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anita_Snellman ) でした。

I went to Amos Andersonin taidemuseo in Helsinki. He, Amos was a rich man ( must have been ) who collected lots of paintings, it is the best numbers in Finland and the museum is his house. I wanted to see both his collections and house. Most permanent exhibits are about the paintings for religions. There were some exhibits at that time, the most impression for me was the exhibit of Anita Snellman. She was a Finnish artist. If you are interested in her, you could visit at : http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anita_Snellman

I enjoyed myself to be in the museum. I had no idea about Anita Snellman but I knew her now. I sometimes found the differences about how to exhibit from Japan's. I love to learn about different cultures.
I think their bathrooms are so stylish. I saw many in anywhere. Is it Finnish culture?

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旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki - オマケ情報 Added information

2015年01月17日 | 日記

A cold night
We stay at
The head of great man

I saw many kind of birds in Finland. Winter is so freezing in Finland. I thought it was so difficult to survive but they are alive. Finnish people are kind, they feed birds, it would be one reason for that. That day, two doves on the great man's head, I thought they found a good place to sleep over night.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 玉吉&元気 Tamakichi&Genki

2015年01月16日 | 日記

Tamakichi will become 15 yeas old
On his birthday
29 February


Tamakichi, his birthday is 29 Feb 2000. It's so out of common, someone said. ( I read about it the newspaper ) He will become 15 years old, he is now quieter than before, we think that it's easier to take care of him. He didn't like to sleep
with Genki before, now he seems ok with it. He is slowly getting old...
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旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki - オマケ情報 Added information

2015年01月15日 | 日記
付き 蛇口

Dyson company
Made a hand dryer
With tap

ヘルシンキ中心街にあるとあるデパートのトイレで発見しました(確かマークス&スペンサーが入っていたビルかと…) 。最初見た時ギョ?っとしましたが、「何コレ? ヒコーキ? どーやって手ェあらうん?」正面の鏡に写実的な絵で使い方の説明がしてあることに気付き…、勇気を出して手を洗い、乾燥も試みてみました。なるほど! 狭いトイレであればあるほど、この仕組みは画期的に生かされる、と思いました。実際この"ダイソン"があったトイレは狭くて、狭いのに三人ほどの女子がぎゅう詰め、視線も気になりましたが、この"ダイソン"は撮っておきたいと活写。日本でダイソンは、掃除機と羽の無い扇風機(と温風機→コレ欲しいデス) のイメージしかナイですが(ってことナイですか?)、このよーなハイテク(?)なモノも作ってたんですねー。狭いトイレの中で秒単位で驚いたことが忘れられず、今頃ブログに書いています。
I found the high-tech tap with a hand dryer at some department store in Helsinki. ( I think that the building would have had Marks & Spencer ) At first, I was so surprised about this shapes, aeroplane?? How do I wash my hands?? I found the graphic painting that explained how to use the tap. I tried to use it bravely, washing and drying. I was succeeded, I think it is good invention. Especially, if a bathroom was very small. No much space. Actually, the bathroom was so small, there were three girls at that time. I cared about their attentions to me, but I took the photo. Because I was impressed about it for a second. In Japan, Dyson company, I think that they sell well only two products, vacuum and electrical fan with no fans( I would like one ). I didn't know they made such a high-tech machine, too, for bathroom.
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旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki - オマケ情報 Added information

2015年01月14日 | 日記

ATENEUM museum
Has held the exhibition of "SIBELIUS AND THE WORLD OF ART" 17.10.2014-22.03.2015


I love museums so I went to ATENEUM museum in Helsinki but it was under constructions. Usually we can see European paintings but at that time, it was held the exhibition.

「ヨハン・シベリウス」フィンランドの大作曲家らしいです。本人自身も大男のよーでした。自然を愛し、自然からもインスピレーションを受けて作曲することもあったとか。おービバ、自然! 偶然見ることになった企画展ですが、フィンランドに関係することを少しでもオベンキョ出来たので、良かったかな、と思いました。

Jean Sibelius is very famous Finnish great composer. I didn't know about him but I could learn something about him with the exhibition. He was also a big man. He loved natures, also got many inspirations from natures then composed music. ViVa, nature!
Finnish people must love coffee, I found "Sibelius coffee" at the souvenir shop.


Well, in Japan, we have coin-operated lockers at any of museums, in Finland, they have the same as ours. Mostly, they don't need any coins, just they have keys. Only ATENEUM museum, the lockers need 1 euro, but it returns after that.

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オサンポ take a walk - 富士山 Mt. Fuji

2015年01月13日 | 日記

Only during winter
We can see Mt.Fuji
In the evening

I only know one place where we could see Mt.Fuji during winter near my house. It's today. There must be a few conditions to see the mountain. We know Mt. Fuji is there, but we would not have many opportunities to see it. Oh dear...
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旅 Trip - フィンランド go to Finland / Helsinki - オマケ情報 Added information

2015年01月12日 | 日記

The Milk carton
It has lovely cow illustrations
Enjoy drinking


I thought that the illustrations on the milk carton was lovely, I bought it, it was kind of cream. I thought they had various types of milk, but I could not buy everything... Even though I would like to know them.
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