

We are having grilled corn on the cob.

2015-10-29 08:28:31 | 日記



(1)テントはどうするの?→ 平らな場所を見つけなければならないし、旧式の杭を伴うテントだから地盤が固くなくちゃいけないんだ。



(4)どんな味付けをしたの?→ 粗びきこしようとシーズニングソルト、それにガーリック・パウダーを入れてみたんだ。




(8)暗くなってきたね。→ うん、それに月が山際にのぼってきたよ。




(1)How about the tent? → We need to find some flat ground. And this is an older style tent with stakes, so the ground needs to be hard,too.

(2)Okay. Then we can gather some wood for the campfire.

(3)The coals are ready in the Hibachi. Where are the steaks?

(4)What did you put on them? → I added fresh ground pepper, seasoning salt, and garlic powder

(5)They look great. → I also put some mesquite woodchips in the Hibachi. They will give the steaks a smoky flavor.

(6)What else are we having for dinner? → We are having baked potatoes, which I wrapped in foil to put in the campfire to cook.

(7)Plus, we are having grilled corn on the cob.
※Cob…芯 穂軸

(8)It's starting to get dark. → Yes, and the moon is starting to rise over the ridge.

(9)I think it's I full moon. That means the coyotes will be out tonight.

(10)Yes, they will be out looking for food and howling at the moon.
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