

Article 54, PCT

2020-06-06 18:03:03 | 条文

Article 54
Executive Committee

(1)  When the Assembly has established an Executive Committee, that Committee shall be subject to the provisions set forth hereinafter.
(1) 総会が執行委員会を設置したときは、執行委員会は、(2)から(10)までの規定に従うものとする。

(2)(a)  The Executive Committee shall, subject to Article 57(8), consist of States elected by the Assembly from among States members of the Assembly.
(2)(a) 執行委員会は、第五十七条(8)の規定に従うことを条件として、総会の構成国の中から総会によつて選出された国で構成する。

(b)  The Government of each State member of the Executive Committee shall be represented by one delegate, who may be assisted by alternate delegates, advisors, and experts.
(b) 執行委員会の各構成国の政府は、一人の代表によつて代表されるものとし、代表は、代表代理、顧問及び専門家の補佐を受けることができる。

(3)  The number of States members of the Executive Committee shall correspond to one-fourth of the number of States members of the Assembly. In establishing the number of seats to be filled, remainders after division by four shall be disregarded.
(3) 執行委員会の構成国の数は、総会の構成国の数の四分の一とする。議席の数の決定に当たつては、四で除した余りの数は、考慮に入れない。

(4)  In electing the members of the Executive Committee, the Assembly shall have due regard to an equitable geographical distribution.
(4) 総会は、執行委員会の構成国の選出に当たり、衡平な地理的配分に妥当な考慮を払う。

(5)(a)  Each member of the Executive Committee shall serve from the close of the session of the Assembly which elected it to the close of the next ordinary session of the Assembly.
(5)(a) 執行委員会の構成国の任期は、その選出が行われた総会の会期の終了時から総会の次の通常会期の終了時までとする。

(b)  Members of the Executive Committee may be re-elected but only up to a maximum of two-thirds of such members.
(b) 執行委員会の構成国は、最大限その構成国の三分の二まで再選されることができる。

(c)  The Assembly shall establish the details of the rules governing the election and possible re-election of the members of the Executive Committee.
(c) 総会は、執行委員会の構成国の選出及び再選に関する細目を定める。

(6)(a)  The Executive Committee shall:
(6)(a) 執行委員会は、次のことを行う。

(i)  prepare the draft agenda of the Assembly;
(ⅰ) 総会の議事日程案を作成すること。

(ii)  submit proposals to the Assembly in respect of the draft program and biennial budget of the Union prepared by the Director General;
(ⅱ) 事務局長が作成した同盟の事業計画案及び二年予算案について総会に提案をすること。

(iii)  [deleted]
(ⅲ) 削除

(iv)  submit, with appropriate comments, to the Assembly the periodical reports of the Director General and the yearly audit reports on the accounts;
(ⅳ) 事務局長の定期報告及び年次会計検査報告を、適当な意見を付して、総会に提出すること。

(v)  take all necessary measures to ensure the execution of the program of the Union by the Director General, in accordance with the decisions of the Assembly and having regard to circumstances arising between two ordinary sessions of the Assembly;
(ⅴ) 総会の決定に従い、また、総会の通常会期から通常会期までの間に生ずる事態を考慮して、事

(vi)  perform such other functions as are allocated to it under this Treaty.
(ⅵ) その他この条約に基づいて執行委員会に与えられる任務を遂行すること。

(b)  With respect to matters which are of interest also to other Unions administered by the Organization, the Executive Committee shall make its decisions after having heard the advice of the Coordination Committee of the Organization.
(b) 執行委員会は、機関が管理業務を行つている他の同盟にも利害関係のある事項については、機関の調整委員会の助言を受けた上で決定を行う。

(7)(a)  The Executive Committee shall meet once a year in ordinary session upon convocation by the Director General, preferably during the same period and at the same place as the Coordination Committee of the Organization.
(7)(a) 執行委員会は、事務局長の招集により、毎年一回、通常会期として会合するものとし、できる限り機関の調整委員会と同一期間中に同一の場所において会合する。

(b)  The Executive Committee shall meet in extraordinary session upon convocation by the Director General, either on his own initiative or at the request of its Chairman or one-fourth of its members.
(b) 執行委員会は、事務局長の発意により又は執行委員会の議長若しくはその構成国の四分の一以上の要請に基づき、事務局長の招集により、臨時会期として会合する。

(8)(a)  Each State member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote.
(8)(a) 執行委員会の各構成国は、一の票を有する。

(b)  One-half of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
(b) 執行委員会の構成国の二分の一をもつて定足数とする。

(c) Decisions shall be made by a simple majority of the votes cast.
(c) 決定は、投じられた票の単純多数による議決で行う。

(d)  Abstentions shall not be considered as votes.
(d) 棄権は、投票とみなさない。

(e)  A delegate may represent, and vote in the name of, one State only.
(e) 代表は、一の国のみを代表し及びその国の名においてのみ投票することができる。

(9)  Contracting States not members of the Executive Committee shall be admitted to its meetings as observers, as well as any intergovernmental organization appointed as International Searching or Preliminary Examining Authority.
(9) 執行委員会の構成国でない締約国及び国際調査機関として又は国際予備審査機関として選定された政府間機関は、執行委員会の会合にオブザーバーとして出席することを認められる。

(10)  The Executive Committee shall adopt its own rules of procedure.
(10) 執行委員会は、その手続規則を採択する。


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2020-06-06 17:45:15 | 英語特許散策

[0025] The plasma radiation source shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 contains, in a vacuum chamber 1, a plasma 2 which is induced by laser radiation.


The radiation S emitted by the plasma 2 is directed to a radiation outlet opening 4 in the vacuum chamber 1 by means of an optical element which is arranged in the vacuum chamber 1 and constructed as a collector mirror 3.


An intermediate focus is generated by imaging the plasma 2 with the collector mirror 3, this intermediate focus being localized in, or in the vicinity of, the radiation outlet opening 4 and serving as an interface to exposure optics in a semiconductor exposure installation for which the plasma radiation source, preferably designed for the EUV wavelength region, is provided.


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2020-06-06 11:41:30 | 英語特許散策

Matrix processing clusters 230 may include processing resources configured to perform matrix operations, such as matrix multiplication, convolutions, and/or dimension shuffling, among other examples.


In some embodiments, matrix processing clusters 230 may be collectively used to execute a particular matrix operation by performing matrix processing in parallel.


In the illustrated embodiment, matrix processing chip 220 includes twelve matrix processing clusters 230a-l.


Moreover, in the illustrated embodiment, matrix processing clusters 230 are configured or arranged using a two-dimensional mesh interconnection topology.


The interconnection topology of matrix processing clusters 230 may facilitate cyclical communication among the matrix processing clusters 230.


Moreover, other embodiments may include any number and/or arrangement of matrix processing clusters 230.


[0054] Accordingly, the term "module" is understood to encompass a tangible entity, be that an entity that is physically constructed, specifically configured (e.g., hardwired), or temporarily (e.g., transitorily) configured (e.g., programmed) to operate in a specified manner or to perform part or all of any operation described herein.


Considering examples in which modules are temporarily configured, each of the modules need not be instantiated at any one moment in time.


For example, where the modules comprise a general-purpose hardware processor configured using software, the general-purpose hardware processor may be configured as respective different modules at different limes.


Software may accordingly configure a hardware processor, for example, to constitute a particular module at one instance of time and to constitute a different module at a different instance of time.


[0078] In this depicted example, stiffener 200 is formed utilizing first section 202 and second section 204.


As depicted, these two sections are multi-layered structures in an uncured form and can be positioned relative to each other at splice location 206 as shown by splice center line 208 to form splice 210.


[0044] From the foregoing, it will be appreciated that example methods, apparatus and articles of manufacture have been disclosed that relate to example shear ties configured and/or structured to have spring-like properties within the constraints of the static and/or fatigue properties of the material from which the shear ties are made.


In some examples, the shear ties are made of aluminum. However, any other material(s) may be used to produce the shear ties.


In some examples, the example shear ties enable the pull-up capabilities to be increased between about 80% and 120% relative to some examples.


Such an approach of changing the pull-up capabilities (e.g., increasing the pull-up capabilities), enables fewer shims to be used when assembling and/or manufacturing aircraft and/or associated aircraft wings.


In some examples, the example shear ties are one-sided shear ties. In some examples, the example shear ties are two-sided shear ties.


[0001] This invention relates to pneumatic tires, and more particularly, the invention relates to ply constructions for tires.




[0002] Modern passenger tires are typically constructed utilizing two or more layers of ply or a fabric woven from reinforcement filaments or cords.


Such ply materials are typically made from an apparatus having a guide insert having passages through which the cabled reinforcement cords pass.


If one of the reinforcement cords breaks, the apparatus typically needs to be disassembled, the guide insert removed, and then individually rethreading of the cords in the insert needs to occur.


This procedure results in a significant loss on productivity.


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