

Article 57, PCT

2020-06-09 21:37:28 | 条文

Article 57

(1)(a)  The Union shall have a budget.
(1)(a) 同盟は、予算を有する。

(b)  The budget of the Union shall include the income and expenses proper to the Union and its contribution to the budget of expenses common to the Unions administered by the Organization.
(b) 同盟の予算は、収入並びに同盟に固有の支出及び機関が管理業務を行つている諸同盟の共通経費の予算に対する同盟の分担金から成る。
(*proper: suitable, befitting, relevant, distinctive, peculiar)

(c)  Expenses not attributable exclusively to the Union but also to one or more other Unions administered by the Organization shall be considered as expenses common to the Unions. The share of the Union in such common expenses shall be in proportion to the interest the Union has in them.
(c) 諸同盟の共通経費とは、同盟にのみでなく機関が管理業務を行つている他の同盟にも帰すべき経費をいう。共通経費についての同盟の分担の割合は、共通経費が同盟にもたらす利益に比例する。

(2)  The budget of the Union shall be established with due regard to the requirements of coordination with the budgets of the other Unions administered by the Organization.
(2) 同盟の予算は、機関が管理業務を行つている他の同盟の予算との調整の必要性を考慮した上で決定する。

(3)  Subject to the provisions of paragraph (5), the budget of the Union shall be financed from the following sources:
(3) (5)の規定が適用される場合を除くほか、同盟の予算は、次のものを財源とする。

(i)  fees and charges due for services rendered by the International Bureau in relation to the Union;
(ⅰ) 国際事務局が同盟の名において提供する役務について支払われる手数料及び料金

(ii)  sale of, or royalties on, the publications of the International Bureau concerning the Union;
(ⅱ) 同盟に関する国際事務局の刊行物の販売代金及びこれらの刊行物に係る権利の使用料

(iii)  gifts, bequests, and subventions;
(ⅲ) 贈与、遺贈及び補助金
(*bequest: act of bequeathing, thing bequeathed, legacy)
(*subvention: grant, allocation)

(iv)  rents, interests, and other miscellaneous income.
(ⅳ) 賃貸料、利子その他の雑収入

(4)  The amounts of fees and charges due to the International Bureau and the prices of its publications shall be so fixed that they should, under normal circumstances, be sufficient to cover all the expenses of the International Bureau connected with the administration of this Treaty.
(4) 国際事務局に支払われる手数料及び料金の額並びに国際事務局の刊行物の価格は、この条約の管理業務に係る国際事務局のすべての経費を通常の状態において賄うことができるように定める。

(5)(a)  Should any financial year close with a deficit, the Contracting States shall, subject to the provisions of subparagraphs (b) and (c), pay contributions to cover such deficit.
(5)(a) 会計年度が欠損を伴つて終了する場合には、締約国は、(b)及び(c)の規定に従うことを条件として、その欠損を填補するため分担金を支払う。

(b)  The amount of the contribution of each Contracting State shall be decided by the Assembly with due regard to the number of international applications which has emanated from each of them in the relevant year.
(b) 各締約国の分担金の額は、当該年度における各締約国からの国際出願の数に妥当な考慮を払つた上で総会が定める。

(c)  If other means of provisionally covering any deficit or any part thereof are secured, the Assembly may decide that such deficit be carried forward and that the Contracting States should not be asked to pay contributions.
(c) 総会は、欠損の全部又は一部を他の方法によつて暫定的に填補することができる場合には、その欠損を繰り越すこと及び締約国に分担金の支払を求めないことを決定することができる。

(d)  If the financial situation of the Union so permits, the Assembly may decide that any contributions paid under subparagraph (a) be reimbursed to the Contracting States which have paid them.
(d) 総会は、同盟の財政状態が許す場合には、(a)の規定に従つて支払われた分担金をこれを支払つた締約国に払い戻すことを決定することができる。

(e)  A Contracting State which has not paid, within two years of the due date as established by the Assembly, its contribution under subparagraph (b) may not exercise its right to vote in any of the organs of the Union. However, any organ of the Union may allow such a State to continue to exercise its right to vote in that organ so long as it is satisfied that the delay in payment is due to exceptional and unavoidable circumstances.
(e) (b)の規定に基づく分担金を総会が定める支払期日から二年以内に支払わなかつた締約国は、同盟のいずれの機関においても、投票権を行使することができない。ただし、同盟のいずれの機関も、支払の延滞が例外的なかつ避けることのできない事情によるものであると認める限り、当該締約国が当該機関において引き続き投票権を行使することを許すことができる。

(6)  If the budget is not adopted before the beginning of a new financial period, it shall be at the same level as the budget of the previous year, as provided in the financial regulations.
(6) 予算が新会計年度の開始前に採択されなかつた場合には、財政規則の定めるところにより、前年度の予算をもつて予算とする。

(7)(a)  The Union shall have a working capital fund which shall be constituted by a single payment made by each Contracting State. If the fund becomes insufficient, the Assembly shall arrange to increase it. If part of the fund is no longer needed, it shall be reimbursed.
(7)(a) 同盟は、各締約国の一回限りの支払金から成る運転資金を有する。運転資金が十分でなくなつた場合には、総会は、その増額のための措置をとる。運転資金の一部が必要でなくなつた場合には、その運転資金の一部は、払い戻す。

 (b) The amount of the initial payment of each Contracting State to the said fund or of its participation in the increase thereof shall be decided by the Assembly on the basis of principles similar to those provided for under paragraph (5)(b).
(b) 運転資金に対する各締約国の当初の支払金の額及び運転資金の増額の部分に対する各締約国の分担額は、(5)(b)に定める原則と同様の原則に基づいて総会が定める。

(c)  The terms of payment shall be fixed by the Assembly on the proposal of the Director General and after it has heard the advice of the Coordination Committee of the Organization.
(c) 支払の条件は、事務局長の提案に基づき、かつ、機関の調整委員会の助言を受けた上で、総会が定める。

(d)  Any reimbursement shall be proportionate to the amounts paid by each Contracting State, taking into account the dates at which they were paid.
(d) 払戻しは、各締約国の支払つた額に比例して行うものとし、各締約国の支払つた日を考慮に入れる。

(8)(a)  In the headquarters agreement concluded with the State on the territory of which the Organization has its headquarters, it shall be provided that, whenever the working capital fund is insufficient, such State shall grant advances. The amount of these advances and the conditions on which they are granted shall be the subject of separate agreements, in each case, between such State and the Organization. As long as it remains under the obligation to grant advances, such State shall have an ex officio seat in the Assembly and on the Executive Committee.
(8)(a) その領域内に機関の本部が所在する国との間で締結される本部協定には、運転資金が十分でない場合にその国が立替えをすることを定める。立替えの額及び条件は、その国と機関との間の別個の取極によつてその都度定める。その国は、立替えの義務を有する限り、当然に総会及び執行委員会に議席を有する。

(b)  The State referred to in subparagraph (a) and the Organization shall each have the right to denounce the obligation to grant advances, by written notification. Denunciation shall take effect three years after the end of the year in which it has been notified.
(b) (a)の国及び機関は、それぞれ、書面による通告により立替えの約束を廃棄する権利を有する。廃棄は、通告が行われた年の終わりから三年を経過した時に効力を生ずる。

(9)  The auditing of the accounts shall be effected by one or more of the Contracting States or by external auditors, as provided in the financial regulations. They shall be designated, with their agreement, by the Assembly.
(9) 会計検査は、財政規則の定めるところにより、一若しくは二以上の締約国又は外部の会計検査専門家が行う。これらの締約国又は会計検査専門家は、総会がこれらの締約国又は会計検査専門家の同意を得て指定する。


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2020-06-09 16:15:48 | 英語特許散策

For a material of a pan and the like used with an electromagnetic cooker, a thin stainless steel-clad steel plate including a stainless steel mating material and a low-carbon steel base material, and a clad steel plate having a stainless steel mating material and a base material made of aluminum or an aluminum alloy are often used in view of corrosion resistance and induction heating properties.


The clad steel material according to Patent Document 3 includes ferrite-based stainless steel and aluminum.


However, in the clad steel material according to Patent Document 3, the ferrite-based stainless steel has poor corrosion resistance, and aluminum suffers from poor abrasion resistance, resulting in possibly reduced cookware lifetime.


Further, Patent Document 3 does not provide information about the surface profile of the clad steel material.


[0003] A technique proposed to improve the properties of an electric-resistance-welded steel pipe or tube is an electric-resistance-welded clad steel pipe or tube.


The electric-resistance-welded clad steel pipe or tube is an electric-resistance-welded steel pipe or tube produced using a clad steel sheet that is obtained by cladding a steel sheet as base metal with a metal sheet (cladding metal) made of a material different from the base metal.


Combining the different materials in this way makes it possible to obtain a steel pipe or tube having excellent properties by benefiting from the properties of both the base metal and the cladding metal.


For example, in the case of using carbon steel as the base metal and a stainless steel sheet as the cladding metal, an electric-resistance-welded clad steel pipe or tube having both the corrosion resistance of the stainless steel sheet and the strength of the carbon steel can be obtained.


[0003] Another technique proposed to improve the properties of an electric resistance welded steel pipe or tube is an electric resistance welded clad steel pipe or tube.

一方、電縫鋼管の特性を向上させるための他の手段として、電縫溶接クラッド鋼管(electric resistance welded clad steel pipe or tube)が提案されている。

The electric resistance welded clad steel pipe or tube is an electric resistance welded steel pipe or tube produced using a clad steel sheet that is obtained by cladding a steel sheet as base metal with a metal sheet (cladding metal, also referred to as “cladding material”) made of a material different from the base metal.

電縫溶接クラッド鋼管とは、母材としての鋼板に、母材とは異なる材料からなる金属板(合せ材(cladding material))をクラッドしたクラッド鋼板を用いて製造される電縫鋼管である。

Furthermore, the inventors also found that, in the case a cladded material is produced by hot-rolling a layered material of the core material and a skin material, it is preferable to reduce a rate of strain of a sheet due to reduction of its thickness in each pass in the hot clad-rolling process (or hot rolling process for joining) and


control a temperature of the layered material during the hot clad-rolling so as to be low, 


so that formation of the Mn-based intermetallic compounds is suppressed and the desired amount of solid-solubilized solute atoms can be obtained, whereby a predetermined dispersion state of second phase particles is obtained.


[0033] JP08-141754A (Patent Document 18) discloses a method for producing a titanium clad steel plate, in which a steel material is used as a base metal and titanium or a titanium alloy is used as a cladding material, and in which assembled slabs for rolling that were assembled by welding the joining surfaces of the base metal and cladding material after being evacuated of air, are joined by hot rolling.



The clad steel material according to Patent Document 3 includes ferrite-based stainless steel and aluminum.


However, in the clad steel material according to Patent Document 3, the ferrite-based stainless steel has poor corrosion resistance, and aluminum suffers from poor abrasion resistance, resulting in possibly reduced cookware lifetime.


Further, Patent Document 3 does not provide information about the surface profile of the clad steel material.


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2020-06-09 15:19:02 | 英語特許散策

Figure 4 is a schematic drawing of a decoder system 400 according to an embodiment of the invention, having as its input a bit stream signal and as its output an audio signal.


As in the conventional decoders shown in figure 1 , a post filter 440 is arranged downstream of a decoding module 410 but can be switched into or out of the decoding path by operating a switch 442.


The post filter is enabled in the switch position shown in the figure. It would be disabled if the switch was set in the opposite position, whereby the signal from the decoding module 410 would instead be conducted over the bypass line 444.


As an inventive contribution, the switch 442 is controllable by post filtering information contained in the bit stream signal, so that post filtering may be applied and removed irrespectively of the current status of the decoding module 410


Because a post filter 440 operates at some delay - for ex- ample, the post filter shown in figure 3 will introduce a delay amounting to at least the pitch period T - a compensation delay module 443 is arranged on the bypass line 444 to maintain the modules in a synchronized condition at switching.


The delay module 443 delays the signal by the same period as the post filter 440 would, but does not otherwise process the signal.


To minimize the change-over time, the compensation delay module 443 receives the same signal as the post filter 440 at all times.


In an alternative embodiment where the post filter 440 is replaced by a zero-delay post filter (e.g., a causal filter, such as a filter with two taps, independent of future signal values), the compensation delay module 443 can be omitted.

ポストフィルタ440をゼロ遅延ポストフィルタ(例えば、2つのタップを有し、将来の信号値には依存しない因果性フィルタ(causal  filter)など)と置き換えた実施形態では、補償遅延モジュール443は省略できる。

Although the example shown in Figure 2 shows the generation of the spherical harmonic transform in the time domain it is understood that in some embodiments the spherical harmonic transform is applied in the frequency domain (or frequency band domain).


In other words the spherical harmonic transformer 209 is a frequency band signal transformer and is located before the inverse filter bank 137 and after the combiner 207. The weights can be applied in this example to the frequency band signals.


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