ボス:How much did you say you had paid for this set of golf clubs?
私: Five hundred bucks, Boss.
ボス:My,my,my!! You must be kidding me. As much as 500 bucks, Sanzo?
私: Yeah.But it’s been sold at 700 bucks elsewhere,though.
アメリカでは上の会話でのやり取りのように、「ドル dollar」のことを、buck(s) と表現することがしばしばあります。
ボス:How come this computer has not been fixed yet?
私: Hasn't it? That’s funny. I have told John to take care of it before he goes home. Some thing must have happened to John.
ボス:Oh come on, Sanzo. Don't pass the buck around. I have told you to fix it, right?
私: Don’t misunderstand me, Boss. I’m not passing the buck. John really wanted to fix the computer as he was the one who originally made it.
ボス:Are you sure about that?
私: Positive, boss. The buck stops here, always.
逆に「私、逃げも隠れもいたしません!」「私が全責任を負います!」とカッコ良く見栄を切る場合は、「無責任なヤツならpass するbuck、私の所じゃ止まります」との気概をこめて The buck stops here.とか The buck stays with me.とか表現します。
いまやどこに行っても開店ブームでスッカリ日本にも定着した、あのシアトルに本社を置くStarbucks CoffeeのStarbucksとはどんな意味なのでしょうか?