Unsuk Chin - Graffiti (2013)
One of many brilliant showcases of Unsuk Chin's mastery of orchestral color
00:00 1 - PALIMPSEST. Orchestral sounds slowly emerge: waves of pizzicatos, mallet percussion, glowing harmonic swells, furtive string runs in tight canon, ... 02:19 A kaleidoscope of styles is built: a haunting string chorale, (2:50) mixing with agitated woodwinds. (3:20) Frantic rapid articulations (4:07) A hushed mini-nocturne (5:14) A jagged quasi-dance (6:14) The chorale mixed with violent orchestral flashes (7:38) 08:01 A highly rhythmic conclusion, gradually growing more violent, before falling away into a wash of thin timbres and breath noise 09:53 2 - NOTTURNO URBANO. Distant bells draw near. Eerie yet warm woodwind multiphonics and micropolyphony (13:09) 14:50 A sense of urgency as strings and woodwinds play frantic rapid tremolos, climaxing in a... 15:24 ...a roaring brass cluster. The sound softens until a beautifully warm Gmaj7/11 chord (15:57), and a return to the bells of the beginning of the movement 17:04 3 - PASSACAGLIA. A whimsical brass passacaglia anchors the movement. Continuous "flitting interjections of different instruments, which are highly varied in character and length"