江戸時代に生きていたならば、怪しげな瓦版や丁半博打の勝ち方なんてぇ本を、読み本屋に廻たりして大儲け。しかしなあ日本では、カネは汚いものなんてな 『 偏見 』 があったから、鼻つまみ者でなかば犯罪者みたいなものだ。それがわが尊大なるアメリカに於いては、巨大金融都市ニューヨークの市長様に成れるのだから、世界は広い。
マイケル・ルーベンス・ブルームバーグ(Michael Rubens Bloomberg、1942年2月14日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の実業家、政治家。第108代ニューヨーク市長(共和党:2002年 - 現職)。
Michael Rubens Bloomberg (born February 14, 1942) is an American businessman, politician and philanthropist. Since 2002, he has been the Mayor of New York City and, with a net worth of $18.1 billion in 2011, he is also the 13th-richest person in the United States.[3] He is the founder and eighty-eight percent owner of Bloomberg L.P., a financial news and information services media company.[4][5][6]
A lifelong Democrat before seeking elective office, Bloomberg switched his registration in 2001 and ran for mayor as a Republican, winning the election that year and a second term in 2005. Bloomberg left the Republican Party over policy and philosophical disagreements with national party leadership in 2007 and ran for his third term in 2009 as an independent candidate on the Republican ballot line. He was frequently mentioned as a possible independent candidate for the 2008 presidential election, which fueled further speculation when he left the Republican Party.[7] There was also speculation that he would run as a vice-presidential candidate.[8] Bloomberg did not, however, seek the presidency nor was he selected as a running mate by any of the presidential candidates.
In the fall of 2008, Bloomberg successfully campaigned for an amendment to New York City's term-limits law, in order to allow him to run for a third term in 2009. Bloomberg won the election on November 3, 2009.[9]
人物・経歴 [編集]1942年、マサチューセッツ州ボストン生まれ。両親はポーランドからのユダヤ系移民。1964年、ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学電気工学科卒、その後ハーバード大学で経営管理学修士号(MBA)を取得している。
ニューヨーク・メッツのファン。著書に自伝の『Bloomberg by Bloomberg』(1997, ISBN 0-471-15545-4) など。
Early lifeHe was born at St. Elizabeth's Hospital[10] in the Brighton neighborhood[10] of Boston on February 14, 1942. His father, William Henry Bloomberg (1906–1963), was a real estate agent, and the son of Alexander "Elick" Bloomberg, a Jewish immigrant. His mother, Charlotte Rubens Bloomberg, was born on January 2, 1909, in New Jersey, the daughter of a Jewish Russian immigrant and a New Jersey–born mother. She died, aged 102, on June 19, 2011.[11]
The family lived in Allston, Massachusetts, until Michael Bloomberg was two years old; they then moved Brookline, Massachusetts, for the next two years, finally settling in Medford, a Boston suburb, where he lived until after he graduated from college. His younger sister, Marjorie Tiven, has been Commissioner of the New York City Commission for the United Nations, Consular Corps and Protocol, since February 2002.[12]
Bloomberg attended Johns Hopkins University, where he joined Phi Kappa Psi, worked as a parking lot attendant to pay his tuition, and graduated in 1964 with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in electrical engineering.[13]Later he received his MBA degree from Harvard Business School. In 2007, he received an honorary doctorate of public service from Tufts University,[14] and in 2009 received an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Fordham University.[15] In 2011, Bloomberg also received an Honorary Doctorate of Public Service from George Washington University.
Bloomberg married Yorkshire-born Susan Brown in 1975. Their marriage produced two daughters: Emma (b. ca. 1979) and Georgina (b. 1983), who were featured on Born Rich, a documentary film about the children of the extremely wealthy. Bloomberg divorced Brown and is currently living with former New York state banking superintendent Diana Taylor.[16][17][18]
ニューヨーク市長 [編集]9/11テロの衝撃もいまだ冷めやらぬ2001年秋、任期満了となったルドルフ・ジュリアーニの後任を選ぶ市長選にブルームバーグは共和党から立候補して周囲を驚かせた。民主党のマーク・グリーン市政監督官[4]の優勢が伝えられる中、共和党には有力候補がいなかったのに業を煮やしての出馬だったが、事実上の「戦時下」にあって事態収拾に奔走するジュリアーニの指導力を高く評価していたニューヨーク市民は、大企業の総帥としての指導力と決断力に実績があり、またジュリアーニと同じリベラル[5]な共和党員のブルームバーグを支持、選挙では得票率 50% 対 48% でグリーンを破った。
選挙戦には6600万ドル (約79億円) という多額の資金を費やしたが、そのすべてをポケットマネーから出している。またニューヨーク市長には歳費として19万5000ドル (約2300万円) が支給されるが、ブルームバーグはこれを一切辞退、ただし法令上市長がタダ働きというわけにはいかないので、毎年1ドルを市から受け取っている。
2010年 人気調査で過去30年間の歴代市長のトップに輝いた
『ブルームバーグ メディア界に旋風を起こす男』荒木則之訳 東洋経済新報社 (1997年11月) ISBN 9784492061008
Business careerIn 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers where he headed equity trading, and later, systems development. In 1981, he was fired from Salomon Brothers and was given a $10 million severance package.[19] Using this money, Bloomberg went on to set up a company named Innovative Market Systems. In 1982, Merrill Lynch became the new company's first customer, installing 22 of the company's Market Master terminals and investing $30 million in the company. The company was renamed Bloomberg L.P. in 1986. By 1987, it had installed 5,000 terminals. Within a few years, ancillary products including Bloomberg Tradebook (a trading platform), the Bloomberg Messaging Service, and the Bloomberg newswire were launched. As of 2009, the company had more than 250,000 terminals worldwide. His company also has a radio network which currently has its flagship station as 1130 WBBR-AM in New York City. He left the position of CEO to pursue a political career as the mayor of New York. Bloomberg was replaced as CEO by Lex Fenwick. The company is now led by president Daniel Doctoroff, a former deputy mayor under Bloomberg.
As the mayor of New York, Bloomberg declines to receive a city salary, accepting remuneration of $1.00 annually for his services. He maintains a public listing in the New York City phone directory, residing not in Gracie Mansion – the official mayor's mansion – but instead at his own home on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, at 17 East 79th Street between Madison and Fifth Avenues. He owns additional homes in London, Bermuda and Vail.[20]
Bloomberg says that he frequently rides the New York City Subway, particularly in the commute from his 79th Street home to his office at City Hall. However, an August 2007 story in The New York Times asserted that he was often seen chauffeured by two New York Police Department-owned SUVs to an express train station to avoid having to change from the local to the express trains on the Lexington Avenue line.[21]
Bloomberg wrote an autobiography, with help from a ghost writer, called Bloomberg by Bloomberg (1997, ISBN 0-471-15545-4).