

●旅先で出会った人たち ③ <モンテアルバン遺跡>

2005-11-26 22:21:37 | サボテンの国への旅





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2005-11-05 18:36:22 | サボテンの国への旅


ダラスで入国審査後、メキシコシティ行きの便に乗り換えです。メキシコシティからは当日のうちにオアハカまで行ってしまいました。飛行機が遅れて暗くなってからの到着。空港で紹介してもらったSan Augstineホテルに直行すると、ガブリエルさんが応対してくれました。背はそこそこ高く優しそうですが、英語ができなくて、スペイン語のできないでっちゃんとスマイルでごまかしあいながら手続きをとりました。
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●旅先で出会った人たち ① <3人の日本人>

2005-10-30 01:27:23 | サボテンの国への旅





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2005-10-26 00:01:41 | サボテンの国への旅
Puerto Escondido(プエルトエスコンディード)で初めてサーフィンしました。旅行ガイドブックにない近道で入ったこの場所は世界でも有数のサーフィンの本場だそうです。国際大会は7月、8月でいまは人影まばらなだだっ広いビーチでした。サーフショップにて初心者のレッスンについて尋ねようとすると、話してくれたメキシコ人は、俳優の坂口健二さんが出ていた「君のいた夏?」というテレビ東京の昨年の番組でも登場していたおじさんでした。


"Do you speak English?"
"Yes I do."

"I am looking for an instructor of surfing. Can I have a lesson for surfing?"
"Yes, I can. But I am very busy now. You can ask someone around safe guard tower. Somebody can do it."

そしてセーフガードの人に尋ねてさらにサーフィンをおしえることができる、彼の(資格のある)友人が到着するのに30分待ちました。そこに登場したのは、野球の日本ハムの新庄に似たガイでした。。。 まぁ練習は一時間で3000円、板代含むといったところ。一時間やるとそうとうヘトヘトになります。見事、立ち上がることができたでっちゃんでした。こんな風に地元の人たちといろいろ話してたどりつく出来事が綴りがいのあるものなのです。。。
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2005-10-23 00:32:18 | サボテンの国への旅



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* 5 months old Pretty Baby

2005-10-23 00:14:55 | サボテンの国への旅
This is the first time I looked at the baby repeatedly and carefully. A Baby car and a young woman waited for boading on right at the entrance of the plane. Customers were getting into while she was caring her baby. The plane I boaded was by two hours earlier than I had scheduled to boad the day before. It was 10:10 am so it looked that there were very few people who transitted from other planes, and I saw a lot of vacant seats there.

The woman with a baby came to the boader line of my seat and checked if the seat next to me, which I left my jacket was her seat. She said "isn't this my seat? Oh, my seat is that..." She carried the baby in the center of 5 boader seats and she had one next to the baby. I saw the baby and asked her "how old?"

She replied " FiVe Moaaanths" with smile. Oh what a pretty baby he/she was... He always showed the strange reaction, crying, smiling and sleeping. She had always to care it. When the baby cried she soon found what the baby wanted. The baby repeatedly sleeps and cries. One American big flight attendant came to her and held the baby in her left bold arm. The baby looked happy in very stable strong arm.

Mother was young but I did not know how old she was. After 14 hours flight I found she saying she was "a student"... and asked some questions about immigration cards to the flight attendant.

"How old am I?"
"If I made a baby when I was the same years old as she, how old would my child be?"
I spent the long road in the air with thinking about such a thing... and came back to Japan one day later than scheduled.
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* Unknown route

2005-10-18 05:16:35 | サボテンの国への旅
I could get the unkown route to the next destination from the very rural beach. Local people usually use this route but the English guide book and Japanese guidebook don´t show this one. I think that it because there are few people other than locals go to my destination. However it is very easy way.

Owner´s brother of Cabana I stayed showed to me this easy cheap route. First I take a collevtivo, which is called the camioneta here and just a small truck of which back where people get on. And in 20 minutes it took me a place called San Antonio, and costed only 5 pesos to reach there.

There is a big road where traffics are busier. At the stop where some shops are there, I waited for the bus and soon got the bus. There were full of only locals, this atomosphere was what I would like to enjoy. Bus stopped at several points and I seemed to sleep a bit. Much sooner than I expected we arrived the destination. Being too easy to get the place dissapoints me because I like some trouble on the process in travel, which would become a nice memory when the journey finishes. And the cost was only 15 pesos (US$ 1.50).

I wrote this route with the cost on the English guide book.

I add that I met English couple, I think they were not married, who stayed at the same cabana. Mark said that Laura was so suuffered from mosquite? that she wanted to move... We had a picture and exchanged the e-mail addresses. They have a same publish company´s guidebook, and it is the 9th edition and mine is the 8th eddition....

I experienced the surfing for the first time today. It is also good story I am impressed because it took time to get an instructor and a man I expected was out of business this day...
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* Bano

2005-10-16 09:23:38 | サボテンの国への旅
Sanitario, Servicios and Bano.. Do you know what these words mean? These are toilet in Spanish. Caballero is gentleman, but I forget what shows lady at the door of bano.

I have one thing to feel strange about toilet here. Frankly saying I can not get how to use the toilet... When I use toilet for pissing -Sorry if I use the incorrect or wrong word in the meaning and the morality- there is the place for that or I can use the room for shitcream -Sorry alse if the word is incorrect or wrong in the meaning and the morality- . Then the plate in the room always or almost is naked in the rural area. Do you get what I mean? Only the backet. When I do the shitcream how should I do? Should I sit on that? It is dirty because it is definitely pissed..

What I feel more strange is how women use this toilet. The situation or facility is the same. Do they sit directly on that or can they do by half-standing-position? In my case as a man, I position the half standing-position for the shitcream.

I masterd the number up to ten.
0 zero/cero
1 one/uno
2 two/dos
3 three/tres
4 four/quatro
5 five/cinco
6 six/seis
7 seven/siete
8 eight/ocho
9 nine/nueve
10 ten/diez
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* Washing

2005-10-15 11:02:12 | サボテンの国への旅
The third night is passing here and I will probably extend another night here. Not Nothing to do, but that there is nothing to do becomes comfortable. No plan tommorrow.

Today I washed some clothes by hand, and it was after a year interval. When I travel abroad I always take some washing-soap. I was permitted to use the backet and water by cabana´s owner. I washed underwears, Polo-shirt, T-shirt and socks in order. My room is so suitable to hang wet clothes that in 5 hours those almost became dry...though wet wind blow into from the sea together with the big sound of wave.

During the time of washing I found ordinary life here. Some people came here by car to bring some material or food or to pick up some money for them... But no new guest came today while one English couple left here for Puerto Escondido. I had thought that they were also Germany, and I add that she looked like Uma Sahman???.

I am looking forward to meeting new guest tommorrow...

Good night..
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* On hammock

2005-10-14 11:11:22 | サボテンの国への旅
I was surrounded with sound of big wave all night long. Very big sound of big wave made me scary when I heard it three years ago. But now it is a comfortable sound for me to forget all or frash back everything in my calm emotional situation. The hammock is outside of the room on 2nd floor, and I see the Pacific Ocean. There is nothing and only rocks and hills close to my cabana.

As the morning comes, the temperature be lower and I felt cool, so I took a polo-shirt and another T-shirt as the time went on. Sleep and Awake repeated each other. At six o´clock, the sun started to appear and the east of sky became red....

Anyway the nice romatic situation I ever experienced, maybe most are here, very small village. I think in a few years this would be much closer to modern life though there are many outside of modern society. Many local people walk in no shoes...but,,

I would like to add one I experienced for the first time. I did ¨Shitcream¨outside, on the field, say hidden place. Nobody came during the time I was doing, and probably during more time after I disappeared from there... This place is such a rural village..
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