大日如来(だいにちにょらい、梵: Mahāvairocana
三身(さんじん、または さんしん、梵: trikāya)は、大乗仏教における、仏の3種類の身のあり方(法身・報身・応身)で、仏身観の一種である。三身説。
もっとも一般には、同じ報身・報土であっても菩薩の智慧の程度に応じて、感得できる報土には上下の隔てがあると考えられていました。しかし少なくとも愛憎の煩悩を断ち切り、真如の一分をさとる智慧を開いた初地以上の菩薩 (天台宗では初住以上の菩薩) でなければ感得することができないというのが仏教の常識でした。初地とは、五十一段階に分けられる菩薩の階位の第四十一位目をいい、見惑 (邪師や邪教によって後天的に起こすようになった煩悩) とか思惑 (生まれつき持っている極めて根深い煩悩) といわれるような、無量の煩悩を断ち切って、もはや迷いの境界(三界)を輪廻転生しなくなった菩薩ですから、これ以上を聖者といいます。
このように初地以上の菩薩が、それぞれのさとりの、さとりの程度に応じて感得する報土を他受用報土(他の菩薩に受用させる報土・天台宗では実報無障礙土) といいます。仏が完成された仏界としての報土は仏陀だけが受用されますので自受用報土 (天台宗では常寂光土) と呼んで区別されていました。ですからたとえ弥勒菩薩のような最高位 (第五十一位) の菩薩であっても真実の報土 (自受用報土) は窺い知ることはできないといわれていました。このような通説を完全に破って、信心の行者が往生させていただく報土は、真実報土であって、ただ仏と仏とのみが知見することのできる無上涅槃の境界であるといい、往生はそのまま成仏であると言い切っていかれたのが親鸞聖人でした。
Dainichi Nyorai (Dainichinyorai, Bonn: Mahāvairocana

Shaka Nyorai or Shaka Munibutsu means the Buddha's founder, Buddha (Gautama Siddatta, Gautama Siddhartha, and Shakudani Tadata) Buddha)

Jundai Kannon is one of the bodhisattvas who is a religious object in Buddhism.

Sanjin (or Sanshin, San: Sankaku:) trikāya) are the three types of body of Buddha in Mahayana Buddhism (Holy body, sacred body, and body), which is a kind of Buddha's view. Three-way theory.
Volume 3 of "Tenjikyoron" states that "There are three kinds of Buddha in every Buddha. First is a Buddha, second is a Buddha, and third is a Buddha." Usually, this three body theory is often used.
The correspondence is as follows.
Description of the three bodies Santoku Buddha (Horai) Hoshin: Truth of the universe, truth itself, the Buddha nature. Hojin Bi Roh Buddha Hojin: The attribute of Buddhism and its function. Or a figure of practicing and becoming Buddha. Hanwa Amitabha Buddha (Ojin) The figure of Buddha who is enlightened in this world and appears in front of people. Liberation Sakyamuni Buddha
What the three bodies embody is called the first three bodies, or the third body Enmitsu.
Buddhist Buddha (the Buddha as it is the truth itself) refers to the realm of indiscriminate wisdom of the Buddha, which is the body of the Satori of the Buddha. There is only one person who knows and knows there, and it completely transcends the dual confrontation of life and death, self and others, love and hate, good and evil, and there is no time or space restriction. , Is an area that cannot be expressed in words, which is characterized by targeting things, separating them, and distinguishing them. Although it is also called legality, legality, Buddhism, Buddha, and legal soil, there is no life or death there, and there is no difference between traffic and traffic.
The Buddhist Buddha is a Buddhist Buddhist statue of Mantoku Enman who was completed by his long-term training as the Bodhisattva completed his own satori and at the same time made a vow to save all sentient beings. It realizes an infinite amount of desires and virtue, so it has eternal "life" (infinite life) and infinite light of wisdom (infinite light). The territory of such a Buddha is called Hodo, where the true world of truth is realized, as promised when he was a Bodhisattva.
However, it was generally considered that even the same body and body, there was a gap between the top and bottom that could be felt, depending on the degree of bodhisattva's wisdom. However, the common sense of Buddhism was that at least the Bodhisattva above the first land (the Bodhisattva above the first residence in the Tendai sect), who at least cut off the anxieties of love and hate and opened up the wisdom of the true heart, was the only common sense. Hajime is the forty-first place of the Bodhisattva's rank, which is divided into fifty-one stages, and is used for confusion (anxiety caused by evil teachers and priests) and speculation (born naturally). It is a bodhisattva that has no longer reincarnated from the boundary (third world) in which he is lost by cutting off an infinite amount of anxiety, which is said to be extremely deep-rooted anxiety.
In this way, Bodhisattva above the first ground is said to have received the soil that each Satori feels according to the degree of Satori. I will. Only the Buddha can accept the Buddhist information as the Buddhist world where the Buddha was completed. Therefore, it was said that even the highest-ranking Bodhisattva like the Maitreya Bodhisattva (the 51st place) could not know the true Hodo (self-supporting Hodo). It is said that the hodo that the devotee's devotee revives after breaking such a popular theory is the true hodo, is the border between the Buddha and the Nirvana, which only Buddha can know. It was Shinran Saint who was said to have been a true Buddha.
The Buddha who has continued to burn the anxieties of love and hate, and the Buddha who has been able to control his anxieties and is no longer appearing in the table, but who has appeared according to the mind of the practitioner who has yet to open his true wisdom. Says. Among them, there is a Buddhist shrine that was eradicated at the age of 80, like Shakyamuni, who appeared in this poem according to human beings.
三身(さんじん、または さんしん、梵: trikāya)は、大乗仏教における、仏の3種類の身のあり方(法身・報身・応身)で、仏身観の一種である。三身説。
三身 | 説明 | 三徳 | 仏(如来) |
法身(ほっしん) | 宇宙の真理・真如そのもの、仏性。 | 法身 | 毘盧遮那仏 |
報身(ほうじん) | 仏性のもつ属性、はたらき。あるいは修行して成仏する姿。 | 般若 | 阿弥陀仏 |
応身(おうじん) | この世において悟り、人々の前に現れる釈迦の姿。 | 解脱 | 釈迦牟尼仏 |
もっとも一般には、同じ報身・報土であっても菩薩の智慧の程度に応じて、感得できる報土には上下の隔てがあると考えられていました。しかし少なくとも愛憎の煩悩を断ち切り、真如の一分をさとる智慧を開いた初地以上の菩薩 (天台宗では初住以上の菩薩) でなければ感得することができないというのが仏教の常識でした。初地とは、五十一段階に分けられる菩薩の階位の第四十一位目をいい、見惑 (邪師や邪教によって後天的に起こすようになった煩悩) とか思惑 (生まれつき持っている極めて根深い煩悩) といわれるような、無量の煩悩を断ち切って、もはや迷いの境界(三界)を輪廻転生しなくなった菩薩ですから、これ以上を聖者といいます。
このように初地以上の菩薩が、それぞれのさとりの、さとりの程度に応じて感得する報土を他受用報土(他の菩薩に受用させる報土・天台宗では実報無障礙土) といいます。仏が完成された仏界としての報土は仏陀だけが受用されますので自受用報土 (天台宗では常寂光土) と呼んで区別されていました。ですからたとえ弥勒菩薩のような最高位 (第五十一位) の菩薩であっても真実の報土 (自受用報土) は窺い知ることはできないといわれていました。このような通説を完全に破って、信心の行者が往生させていただく報土は、真実報土であって、ただ仏と仏とのみが知見することのできる無上涅槃の境界であるといい、往生はそのまま成仏であると言い切っていかれたのが親鸞聖人でした。
Dainichi Nyorai (Dainichinyorai, Bonn: Mahāvairocana

Shaka Nyorai or Shaka Munibutsu means the Buddha's founder, Buddha (Gautama Siddatta, Gautama Siddhartha, and Shakudani Tadata) Buddha)

Jundai Kannon is one of the bodhisattvas who is a religious object in Buddhism.

Sanjin (or Sanshin, San: Sankaku:) trikāya) are the three types of body of Buddha in Mahayana Buddhism (Holy body, sacred body, and body), which is a kind of Buddha's view. Three-way theory.
Volume 3 of "Tenjikyoron" states that "There are three kinds of Buddha in every Buddha. First is a Buddha, second is a Buddha, and third is a Buddha." Usually, this three body theory is often used.
The correspondence is as follows.
Description of the three bodies Santoku Buddha (Horai) Hoshin: Truth of the universe, truth itself, the Buddha nature. Hojin Bi Roh Buddha Hojin: The attribute of Buddhism and its function. Or a figure of practicing and becoming Buddha. Hanwa Amitabha Buddha (Ojin) The figure of Buddha who is enlightened in this world and appears in front of people. Liberation Sakyamuni Buddha
What the three bodies embody is called the first three bodies, or the third body Enmitsu.
Buddhist Buddha (the Buddha as it is the truth itself) refers to the realm of indiscriminate wisdom of the Buddha, which is the body of the Satori of the Buddha. There is only one person who knows and knows there, and it completely transcends the dual confrontation of life and death, self and others, love and hate, good and evil, and there is no time or space restriction. , Is an area that cannot be expressed in words, which is characterized by targeting things, separating them, and distinguishing them. Although it is also called legality, legality, Buddhism, Buddha, and legal soil, there is no life or death there, and there is no difference between traffic and traffic.
The Buddhist Buddha is a Buddhist Buddhist statue of Mantoku Enman who was completed by his long-term training as the Bodhisattva completed his own satori and at the same time made a vow to save all sentient beings. It realizes an infinite amount of desires and virtue, so it has eternal "life" (infinite life) and infinite light of wisdom (infinite light). The territory of such a Buddha is called Hodo, where the true world of truth is realized, as promised when he was a Bodhisattva.
However, it was generally considered that even the same body and body, there was a gap between the top and bottom that could be felt, depending on the degree of bodhisattva's wisdom. However, the common sense of Buddhism was that at least the Bodhisattva above the first land (the Bodhisattva above the first residence in the Tendai sect), who at least cut off the anxieties of love and hate and opened up the wisdom of the true heart, was the only common sense. Hajime is the forty-first place of the Bodhisattva's rank, which is divided into fifty-one stages, and is used for confusion (anxiety caused by evil teachers and priests) and speculation (born naturally). It is a bodhisattva that has no longer reincarnated from the boundary (third world) in which he is lost by cutting off an infinite amount of anxiety, which is said to be extremely deep-rooted anxiety.
In this way, Bodhisattva above the first ground is said to have received the soil that each Satori feels according to the degree of Satori. I will. Only the Buddha can accept the Buddhist information as the Buddhist world where the Buddha was completed. Therefore, it was said that even the highest-ranking Bodhisattva like the Maitreya Bodhisattva (the 51st place) could not know the true Hodo (self-supporting Hodo). It is said that the hodo that the devotee's devotee revives after breaking such a popular theory is the true hodo, is the border between the Buddha and the Nirvana, which only Buddha can know. It was Shinran Saint who was said to have been a true Buddha.
The Buddha who has continued to burn the anxieties of love and hate, and the Buddha who has been able to control his anxieties and is no longer appearing in the table, but who has appeared according to the mind of the practitioner who has yet to open his true wisdom. Says. Among them, there is a Buddhist shrine that was eradicated at the age of 80, like Shakyamuni, who appeared in this poem according to human beings.