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Sex Education Finland Contents of "Sex Education from 5 years old"  性教育 フィンランド「5歳からの性教育」の中身

2020-05-25 15:38:08 | 健康


福田さんは今もスウェーデンにて大学院に入り、セクソロジーを学んでいる。そこで出会ったフィンランドのトンミ氏から教わったのは、「フィンランドでは5歳から性教育をしている」ということだった。5歳からの性教育? しかしそこには「性教育とは何か」を根本から明らかにするヒントがあった。



最近、「性教育」が「セクシュアリティ教育」と呼ばれ始めているのをご存知だろうか? 「性教育」というとどうしても、性行為そのものや性感染症や避妊をイメージしがちだ。しかし本来はそれだけでなく、互いの関係性の構築や多様な性のあり方、性暴力、ジェンダー観など、性に関して扱うべき分野は多岐にわたっている。そして、それらがよりポジティブに、オープンに語られることが本来は重要なのだ。







フィンランドのカリキュラムでは、「悲しいときはどんな感じ? 怒ってるときは? 楽しいときは? 誰かを好きと思ったときは?」といった「気持ちに気づく」ところから始まるという。






「じゃあ、他の人に急にからだを触られたらどうしようか、ということをいっしょに考えます。自分のからだは自分のものだから、他の人が勝手に触っちゃいけないし、他の人のからだも勝手に触っちゃいけない。嫌だったら嫌って伝えようね、と。それでも聞いてもらえないときには、安心して伝えられる大人に相談しよう、ということを話していきます。それじゃ、誰かを好きだなって思ったとき、手を繋ぎたいなと思ったときには、どうしようか? そういうときも、おもちゃのときと同じで、ちゃんと相手に聞いて、いいよと言われてからじゃないとね、と理解を広げていくのです」

最初、なぜセクシュアリティ教育でおもちゃの話!? と思った人もいるかもしれない。でも、おもちゃも性的同意の話も同じなのだ。性の話も実は日常の平凡なルールの延長線上にあり、「軽くならいい」「冗談ならいい」など、そこだけ特別なルールが適用されるわけではない。だからこそ、性の話だけを抜き取らないことも重要だし、こうやって日常に起こるプロセスを踏んで伝えることで、「性が特別なことではない」ことを自然と理解できるようになるのだ。








「性器は恥ずかしいものだから、人に話しちゃいけません、と教えられた子供が、誰かから意に反して触られたり、からかわれたりしたとしたら、どうでしょう!? どうやって信頼できる大人にそれを相談できますか? 恥の概念なく、生殖器も自分のからだの一部として認識できていたら、他者に好きにさせないと言う意味でも、誰かに相談するという意味でも、安全を守るスキルにも繋がるのです」(トンミ氏)









しかし、そういう感じる人は私だけではないらしい。最近、私もアクティビストの一人として参加する国際NGO JOICFPが、国際ガールズデーに合わせ、「性と恋愛2019」という調査を発表した。そこには、こんなデータがある。













Kazuko Fukuda realized that in Sweden, when she was studying abroad as a college student, she has been lagging behind in her choice of Japanese knowledge about sex and options for contraception, which is completely different from overseas. Since returning to Japan, he has appealed for the need to share accurate information and means, including a project called "Nothing".

Mr. Fukuda is still in graduate school in Sweden and is studying sexology. Mr. Tonmi of Finland, whom I met there, learned that "I have been teaching sex in Finland since I was five years old". Sex education from 5 years old? However, there was a hint to clarify "what is sex education?"

Since 24th, he has also been active as an interpreter at a gender conference in Finland. Photo courtesy of Kazuko Fukuda
"Sex education" is not sexual activity itself

Did you know that recently "sexuality education" is beginning to be called "sexuality education"? When I say "sexual education", I tend to imagine sexual activity itself, sexually transmitted diseases, and contraception. However, not only that, but there are a wide range of fields that should be dealt with regarding sexuality, such as building relationships with each other, diverse ways of sex, sexual violence, and gender views. And it is essentially important that they be spoken more positively and openly.

According to the International Guidance on Education for Sexuality, co-published by WHO (World Health Organization) and UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), which can be said to be the international standard for sex education, sexuality education begins at the age of five. This is no exception in Finland, which I touched on in this article, and many people are working to implement sexuality education from kindergarten.

However, I think that many people feel uneasy or anxious, such as "sex education for kindergarteners?" Or "What about a society that is more open and positive for sex?". I used to be one of them. Therefore, in order to learn what kind of education is being conducted in Finland, which can be said to be a developed country of sexuality education, we interviewed Mr. Tonmi Palanen, the director of Sexpo Foundation who has supported Finnish sex education for 50 years.

Start focuses on relationships, not sex

“It is important to start sexuality education from an early childhood, but it is unlikely to teach an infant with a direct focus on sexual activity itself. Nevertheless, children feel more emotional than adults think. I'm interested in the body, and I have a lot to say about it, "says Tonmi.

Even at the age of kindergarten children, not only "I want to play with you!", But a little development from that, I have a feeling that "I love you!" "I want to be with you!" "I want to hold hands". That's very natural. That is why he learns how to deal with those feelings and actions.

According to the Finnish curriculum, it begins with "noticing what you feel when you are sad? When you are angry? When you are happy? When you think you like someone?"

“Imagine, for example, that you were suddenly picked up by a toy that you were having fun with. At that time, you were“ sad, ”“ disliked, ”“ angry! While thinking about such various emotions together, before suddenly taking a toy and making the opponent feel sad, saying "I want to play with this" or "use this toy Can i First of all, I will tell you that listening is important.

If you say "OK", you can play together, and if you say "No", wait and play with other things. Then, even if I said I didn't like it, if I couldn't get it from the other person, I'd tell them that I should talk to an adult. "(Tonmi)

To feel sad about taking a toy conveys the essence of sexual consent. photo / IStock
Sex stories are the same as children's toys

Up to this point, it may be a scenario that has been reported in kindergartens and preschools in Japan. But there's a little more to this.

"So, what do you do if someone suddenly touches your body? Because your body is yours, you must not touch it, Even if you don't like it, tell me that you don't like it. If you still can't hear it, let's talk to an adult who can tell you with peace of mind. What do you do when you think that you want to hold your hands, and when that happens, just like when you are playing with a toy, you must listen to the other person and ask for it. We will expand our understanding. ''

At first, some might wonder why sexuality education is about toys !? But the same is true for toys and sexual consent. The story of sexuality is actually an extension of the ordinary rules of everyday life, and special rules such as "lighter" and "joke" are not applied. That's why it's important not to pick out only the sexual story, and by stepping through the processes that occur in this way, you can naturally understand that "sexuality is not special".

"From the age of an infant, you will practice your communication and negotiation skills from a young age, while keeping the boundaries between yourself and others clear. In doing so, you will be able to respond to even larger and more complex relationships and events in the future. I will be able to do it. "(Tonmi)

This is the basis of sexuality education for young children. While listening to Mr. Tonmi, I'm sure that not only toddlers, but to those who are willing to carry out one-sided body touches in the workplace, I would definitely like to hear this story. Would not.

The true meaning of being positive and open to sex

As I mentioned earlier, "sexuality is also an extension of ordinary rules in everyday life", but in fact it has another important meaning. It's just like anything else, to be learned as "what you can talk about sexuality".

Nowadays, phrases like "open to sex" and "sex positivity" have come to be whispered. What kind of image do you have in that word? I feel that there are a lot of people who think that "open to sex = Yariman", "talking about anything" and so on. Of course, no matter who you talk to or what you talk about, it's your personal freedom, but the phrase "open to sex and positive" here is different from "you can speak properly when you need it and without shame." Means.

In Finland, there is also a word called the "toilet word," which is categorized as "so embarrassing that you must not say it in public." It also includes words that describe genitals. But Tonmi resolutely opposes categorizing them simply as "embarrassing."

Sex stigma planted in childhood

`` What if a child who was taught that I should not talk to people because my genitals are embarrassing is touched or teased by someone unintentionally !? If you can recognize genitals as a part of your body without the concept of shame, it means that you will not let others like it, that you will consult with someone, and it will be a skill to protect your safety. It is. "(Tonmi)

The value of embarrassment that was rooted as a child can be stigma. photo / iStock

Certainly, even in my twenties, some friends hesitate to go to the hospital, saying that it's embarrassing because it's about genitals. Also. The concept of "shame," "don't touch," and "don't be understood by people" greatly influences the difficulty of complaining of sexual violence.

That said, it doesn't mean that you can do anything anywhere without saying that you are sexually positive and open. It is necessary to separate public places from private places. For example, children often run around naked and play with genitals anywhere. Even in such a case, just yelling "No", you may recognize the body and nakedness as embarrassing or unlucky.

Instead, he said, "Sure, it might feel good, but it's important to me, so let's just do it in my room." Mr Tonmi says it's ideal to use the words that you can get.

And when I look at the current situation in Japan again ...

Mr. Tonmi talked about a lot of important things, but I am still not good at expressing my feelings to the other person. The first step, "awareness of emotions," which Finnish infants learn is almost impossible. Rather, I erase it unconsciously. Because when the other person's reaction is scary and I can't express my feelings different from the other person, it's very difficult to adjust to the other person while keeping thinking "I hate ...".

But I don't feel like listening to the other person. Therefore, I should make it something I didn't have in mind from the beginning. Then, after that, it will become severely painful. Although I learned a lot and improved a lot through the activities of "# Nothing", it is still not easy to change the habits that have become the way to survive for many years. Oh, I also wanted to get a Finnish education before this habit.

However, I don't seem to be the only person who feels that way. Recently, JOICFP, an international NGO that I participate in as one of the activists, announced a study called "Sex and Love 2019" in line with International Girls Day. There is such data there.

■ Match it so that the other person likes it !?

Regardless of gender, about 3 out of 4 people consider the other person carefully.

■ Have you ever tried to be reluctant?

Source: "Sex and Love 2019" International Cooperation NGO Joycef

In terms of sexual intercourse, more than half of the women, especially women, have had experience responding to sexual intercourse without being reluctant. On top of that, even the basic facts about contraception, such as contraception, are barely discussed.

How long will Japan continue to "do not change"?

Isn't this just the result of the shame concept being passed down while the education that should have been around the age of five was skipped? With self-reliance, I have to cut off this flow.

Japan does not have childhood sexuality education like Finland does. I feel that it is meaningful to gain, convey, and listen to your feelings, and to accumulate them, no matter what age they are, instead of being thrown away by different education and different values ​​for sex. .. Sexual matters are also important, and if you know that you should talk, you should be able to talk little by little what you need.

According to the previous survey, three out of four women had their minds erased in order to match their partner, and one in two responded to sexual relations despite being uncomfortable. There is an answer. Both are quite painful. However, with each person's one-step understanding and courage, the current situation may change little by little.

In fact, I myself wrote an article before, but I have the experience that I was able to convey my true intentions because I met someone whom I could consider sexual agreement with. For the next generation, it is of course necessary to change the educational system in the future, but more than that, each of us can change the "social atmosphere". I believe it will lead to a big start.

It is time to change the atmosphere of society for the future of children. photo / iStock


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幸福になるために必要な正しい先祖供養   Correct ancestral memorials needed to be happy

2020-05-25 15:28:59 | 運命学











二つの輪廻 りんね













































 それでは、なぜ運命心理学と言うのでしょうか? 祖先の抑圧された欲望が、子孫の深層意識層に働きかけて、その子孫の運命を決定させてしまう、という学説











Correct ancestral memorials needed to be happy

I will talk about what is absolutely necessary for everyone to be happy, but what exactly is that?

Most of you can imagine,

◇ The correct way to worship an ancestor

◇ Correct way to memorialize an ancestor

This is an important thing that is absolutely essential for our happiness. Properly worship your ancestors and give a proper memorial service to your ancestors This is only for Okinawans

Rather, it is absolutely necessary for people around the world to be happy. I came to talk about that today.

Two Rinne Rin

If you don't go to the proper way of worshiping your ancestors and offering a proper memorial service to your ancestors, you will have an unhappy ancestor's reincarnation. It's like turning a circle with a circle. If it is a straight line, you will end up turning around the wheel someday, so there is no limit.

The reincarnation has two meanings. The first is the cycle of reinventing yourself many times, enduring a tough destiny and a tough life. Reincarnated,

Instead of dying, I am born into the world many times and live a painful life. It is not decided whether it will end in three times or five times, but how many times like a circle

Repeat endlessly. This is the first reincarnation.

Another reincarnation is to experience the life of an ancestor who lived a very difficult or tragic life in the same way. There are two reincarnations like that, which is

Even so, there is no difference in tracing a difficult and unfortunate fate / life. That being said, there are quite a few who conclude that it's superstition.

I say I will be reborn, but nobody has seen anything like that

I can't believe it because I don't know. Superstition!

“I follow the painful fate of my ancestors in the same way. There is no such a silly thing, it's superstition!”

Like so. ’

But this is neither a mistake nor a superstition. Perhaps Okinawans have a deep understanding of that?

In Okinawa. I heard that there is a word called "jijiuri". The latter reincarnation of experiencing the same life as an unhappy ancestor is said in Okinawa. Isn't it Jijiuri?

I think. Truth is always regarded as the same phenomenon even if the language changes. Songdi theory and the suppressed desires of ancestors

I can give any number of demonstrations about this latter reincarnation. And it's a scientific demonstration. When we talk about spiritual problems, we can say that science is absolutely

There are always people who cannot believe without a testimony.

So I give you the words of a world-famous psychologist. The psychologist is Dr. L. Sondy. This person is called Impulsive Psychology / Fate Psychology

Has established a new psychology. Dr. Sondi does not notice the deep awareness of the problem. A person is involuntarily driven by subconsciousness and deep consciousness.

The ancestors did not do anything, and were suppressed because of that.

Like a volcanic eruption, once it's all released, there's no oppression

However, there are in-laws, humanity, and rule-making

There are things like that, but just because I thought

I can not put it out as it is, I will put up with it. That patience goes to the subconscious and is compressed into deep consciousness. So

This is a suppressed heart. An ancestor dies while holding the oppressed heart. However, the end is dead.

Surface consciousness


Deep consciousness

Human consciousness is divided into three layers: surface consciousness, subconsciousness, and deep consciousness, and surface consciousness is driven by subconsciousness and deep consciousness.

Those who are doing so are so impulsive that it is called impulse psychology. Though we think about things, we make the final conclusions and decisions impulsively. Even two days, three days

However, even on four days, I think about it, but that is nothing but when I move into action, I do it impulsively. And in the end, I have an unfortunate encounter. Is it

Et al. Is called impulse psychology.

Then, why do you call fate psychology? The theory that the suppressed desires of ancestors act on the deeper consciousness of descendants to determine their destiny.

That's why. Our hearts are divided into three stages. The top is surface awareness. This surface consciousness thinks and thinks about various things, but below that

I have a subconscious. The subconscious does not appear directly in the surface consciousness, but in reality it drives the surface consciousness. Moreover, modern psychology

It is said that there is a deep and deep heart called deep consciousness below. In fact, deep consciousness drives subconsciousness, and subconsciousness drives surface consciousness. However, surface consciousness is

It's not. The oppressed consciousness, thoughts, and mind of its ancestors act on the unconscious layer of the offspring, and determine the four types of occupation, marriage (love), illness, and death of the offspring.

It is Dr. Sondi's theory.

/> It is very scary because the suppressed desire of the ancestors works deeply in the hearts of the descendants and unknowingly decides the four on the right. Repression of ancestors, especially for men

I think that the most threatening thing is the unconscious choice of occupation due to the desires given.
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仁王2 おすすめ ゲーム

2020-05-25 12:17:15 | ゲーム

仁王2 – コーエーテクモゲームス

<figure class="wp-block-image">仁王2 - コーエーテクモゲームス</figure>






(2020/5/25 12:15時点)

<figure class="wp-block-image">仁王2 - コーエーテクモゲームス</figure>




<figure class="wp-block-image">薙刀鎌</figure>






<figure class="wp-block-image">大太刀</figure>





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コード:ドラゴンブラッド おすすめ ゲーム

2020-05-25 07:40:09 | ゲーム


  • 無料
  • iPhone
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<figure class="wp-block-image"></figure>

  1. 拡大する
  2. 拡大する

  1. 拡大する
  2. 拡大する


  • アクション爽快かつ派手な技が多く、触っていて楽しい。
  • やれる事の多さが作り込みの大きさだと感じる。コンテンツの多さに戸惑う事もあるけど、この風呂敷の大きさは力の入れようを感じる


<figure class="wp-block-image">AppStoreからダウンロード</figure>

<figure class="wp-block-image">GooglePlayで手に入れよう</figure>

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今日の運勢 5月25日  Today's Fortune May 25

2020-05-25 07:30:48 | 運命学



躍動の週  衰の日


● Day of Saturn

The small ego is easy to tear. We receive visits from people with desperate thoughts. Leave the interest and cultivate the feelings of heaven.

Week of dynamism Day of decline
A day when I feel unsteady and often feel unwell.
It is easy to get caught up in negative emotions, which can lead to illness and injury.
I am also worried about being deceived by sweet words due to mental instability.
No matter how good the story is, avoid making decisions on this day.

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毎日の健康は 毎日の運動から!

2020-05-25 07:21:32 | 健康




  • ●骨を丈夫にする

  • ●血液中の善玉コレステロールを増やし、

  • ●筋肉がつく

  • ●エネルギーをつくるための酵素が増える

  • ●体が柔らかくなる

  • ●病気に対する抵抗力が高まる

  • ●血管の弾力性を保ち、動脈硬化の予防につながる

  • ●脈拍数が増加して、力強い心臓をつくる

  • ●毛細血管が発達し、血管のバイパスをつくる

  • ●肺の機能が強化され、酸素を取り込む能力が高まる

  • ●ストレスが解消される

  • ●体力にも自信がつき、何事にも積極的に取り組めるようになる

  • ●細胞をいきいきさせる

  • ●精神的にリフレッシュでき、集中力を養える

  • など




  • ●単純性肥満(脂肪がつき、肥満になる)

  • ●循環器疾患(高血圧、心筋梗塞、狭心症など)

  • ●整形外科的疾患(膝関節症、腰痛症など)

  • ●消化器疾患(便秘、胃・十二指腸潰瘍など)

  • ●代謝疾患(糖尿病、高脂血症など)

  • ●呼吸器疾患(息切れ、去痰障害など)

  • ●泌尿器系疾患(腎臓結石)

  • ●免疫力低下

  • ●老化の促進

  • など


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