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誰もマインクラフトだと信じてくれない」 2年半かけて作った「マイクラ」アートが衝撃の美しさ

2020-05-20 15:51:14 | ゲーム


「誰もマインクラフトだと信じてくれない」 2年半かけて作った「マイクラ」アートが衝撃の美しさ


<figure class="wp-block-image">Minecraft マイクラ 東京 夜景 約2年半 ブロック モザイク画 Kein</figure>



<figure class="wp-block-image">Minecraft マイクラ 東京 夜景 約2年半 ブロック モザイク画 Kein</figure>



<figure class="wp-block-image">Minecraft マイクラ 東京 夜景 約2年半 ブロック モザイク画 Kein</figure>


Minecraft (マインクラフト) - Switch

(2020/5/20 15:50時点)


<figure><iframe src="https://e03ccd9e990eb8c5132664863eade1be.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html" width="336" height="280"></iframe></figure>


<figure class="wp-block-image">Minecraft マイクラ 東京 夜景 約2年半 ブロック モザイク画 Kein</figure>


<figure class="wp-block-image">Minecraft マイクラ 東京 夜景 約2年半 ブロック モザイク画 Kein</figure>



―― 制作したきっかけを教えてください

Keinさん 私は東京、港区の街並みが好きで、よくビルを眺めながら散歩をします。特に六本木ヒルズから眺める夜景は私が1番好きな景色でして、これをマインクラフトで再現できたらと思い立ち、作り始めました。

―― 制作時間はどのくらいですか?advertisement

<figure><iframe width="336" height="280"></iframe></figure>

Keinさん 完成までは約2年半かかりましたが、1日あたりの時間はあまり長くはありません。元はPE版(※)で作っていたもので、移動中など空いた時間にiPhoneで1日1時間ほどで制作していました。

※PE版(Pocket Edition):現・Bedrock Edition(BE版・統合版)。モバイル端末などで遊べるマイクラのエディション

<figure class="wp-block-image">Minecraft マイクラ 東京 夜景 約2年半 ブロック モザイク画 Kein</figure>


―― 参考にしたものがあれば教えてください

Keinさん 写真からブロックの設計図を作る作業は専用のソフトを使用しました。基本的にはこの設計図を元に制作を進めていきました。

<figure class="wp-block-image">Minecraft マイクラ 東京 夜景 約2年半 ブロック モザイク画 Kein</figure>


<figure class="wp-block-image">Minecraft マイクラ 東京 夜景 約2年半 ブロック モザイク画 Kein</figure>


<figure class="wp-block-image">Minecraft マイクラ 東京 夜景 約2年半 ブロック モザイク画 Kein</figure>


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謎の中毒性あり!ハマるパズルゲーム「トゥーンブラスト(Toon Blast)」

2020-05-20 15:43:34 | ゲーム

<figure class="wp-block-image is-resized"><figcaption> </figcaption></figure>

    • パズルゲーム

Peak Games無料posted withアプリーチ

<figure class="wp-block-image"></figure>

<figure class="wp-block-image"></figure>


★ 脳も活性化する!?


★ 気軽にプレイできる!


★ ギガ節約できる!







めっちゃ頭使うわ2020/03/23軽い気持ちで始めたけど、想像以上に頭を使ってる!スキマ時間にも楽しめるので良いですねストアでダウンロードするSponsored by Peak

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脳の秘密  2  Brain Secret 2

2020-05-20 15:21:52 | 






















 といって、知覚、集中、組織づけ、客観性、問題解決と意志決定、創造性の六項目をあげた上で、 『もし、頭脳の直接のトンーニングが教育の正式の目標として受け入れられれば、教育制度の革新的な改善が必要である。










Montessori method and fighting law

"The main difference between highly civilized humans and barbarians is education. Anthropologists have gathered a great deal of credible evidence that the spiritual disposition of the savage is not very different from that of those in the most advanced societies. If a child of a poor race is moved out of its living environment and given the same education as a child of a well-educated family, it will show almost the same intellectual level. This is true for individuals as well as for races. An Indonesian tribe, who has only ceased eating for only a few years, has issued some of the world's best chess players in the question of about 60 years. Many similar mathematicians are born from similar races.

If education is thus enabling humans to jump into the questions of years for thousands of years, today's people are expected to reach some point in the future. By disseminating now, we will be able to make a leap for hundreds of years into the future. Therefore, we must anticipate the changes that will probably occur in the years to come, and incorporate those changes that we consider most desirable as soon as possible, "says George Gallup eagerly in his book.

Exactly. There is no room for a little objection. But the words that really have to be heard come after.

He concludes that education in the United States is of little help to the development of human intelligence, and says so.

No matter what kind of school education method you take, let many students master major areas of knowledge and

It has not been prominently successful in providing the necessary communication skills. These are serious flaws. However

An even bigger drawback is that it has not succeeded in significantly increasing the intellectual capacity of students. Creative

To develop more talented people and get new and better solutions to their own and social problems. ”

No effort has been surprisingly made to show what to do.

+ And there are more fundamentally important things. … It is important for students to know about great thoughts, great works and great events in human history. But it's not the only end

But let alone the main purpose. Most importantly, the training of the brain itself is of fundamental importance. The idea of ​​training brain function is well supported by Orda Sue Huxley (British writer). He directly trains his head to “learn and live”

It's time to think about what's happening. "

In addition, he has a chapter called “Development of Intellectual Ability” and says:

‘Which function of the head can be most effectively trained, and how to train them

There are many unsolved questions about whether to do it. Moreover, such training

There is also the question of when to do the training. But it has to undertake

Absent. And for some brain functions, it has been demonstrated that effective toning is possible.

There is. Even with current research techniques, just paying proper attention to this aspect of education,

It can be very helpful in resolving centuries of neglect. Here are some of the intellectual capabilities that are known to be developable. "

However, after raising the six items of perception, concentration, organization, objectivity, problem-solving and decision-making, and creativity, “If direct brain toning is accepted as the official goal of education, Institutional reforms are needed.

Hacksley, to discover an effective way to train the brain. We conduct a worldwide survey to examine various technologies to achieve the desired human abilities, find the basis (principle) of the various technologies, and finally The principles of all general education

Proposing that there should be an institution to "systematize the means of application from the stage, from kindergarten to graduate school."

After that, as an example of such “Harakawa” and “technology”,

For example, perceptual training can be traced back centuries.

Hacksley reports in early Sanskrit literature that he found a shuffled conversation on this issue between Shivua and his wife Purzati. Shivua lists 112 exercises to develop perception. According to Huxley, the practice problem. From praying to eating, eating and doing love. ”

It teaches the perception of all things and covers all areas of human experience. "

Gallup sang the words like this. "It's strange that all these old methods have been overlooked. And the non-forgotten non-following

There are often individuals or cultures that have always developed important skills. -But they still have great value. "

Then, give a noteworthy opinion as to why such an important old technology has become less attention-grabbing.
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アップルARメガネ、製品名は「Apple Glass」で価格は約500ドル、度付きレンズも入れられる噂

2020-05-20 15:05:40 | pc

Jon Prosser


ウワサの発信源は、先日もアップルARメガネが2021年前半に発表と示唆したJon Prosser氏です。同氏はYouTubeにて、次のような追加の噂話を語っています。

  • 製品名は「Apple Glass」

  • 基本価格は499ドル~、追加料金で度付きレンズも入れられる

  • ジェスチャー操作できるディスプレイが左右両方のレンズにある

  • 初期のApple Watchと同じく、iPhoneとのペアリングに依存する

  • 初期プロトタイプはLiDARとワイヤレス充電を実装している

  • アップルは当初、秋のiPhoneイベントで「One More Thing」のサプライズとしてメガネを発表することを計画していたが、(新型コロナの)集会制限により、2021年3月のイベントに先送りされる可能性がある

  • アップルは2021年後半または2022年前半のリリースを目指している




フラッグシップiPhone 12シリーズ(仮)のうち一部Proモデルが10月発売になるとの説は有名アナリストMing-Chi Kuo氏Jeff Pu氏らも述べていたことですが、未曾有のウイルス危機に際して個別モデルの発売のみならず、発表イベントそのものを延期することもあり得そうです。

Source:Jon Prosser(YouTube)

【第三世代】Google Glass V3.0 2GB RAM グーグルグラス XE-C 開発者向け (White ホワイト)

(2020/5/20 15:04時点)

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八面六臂の大活躍 第6の栄養素食物繊維  A big success of Hakaku Rokuchi No.6 nutrient fiber

2020-05-20 11:18:26 | 健康

食べ物から得られる栄養素のうち糖質、脂質、タンパク質、ミネラル、ビタミンは5大栄養素といわれ、私たちの体にとって大切な役割を担っていますが、これに加えて『第6の栄養素』と呼ばれるものがあります。それが“食物繊維”。かつては、便通をよくするぐらいにしか見られていませんでしたが、現在では、動脈硬化や胆石の予防に加え、腸内でのガン細胞の発生を抑制したり、発ガン物質をはじめとする有害物質を体外に排出する働きを持つことなどが認められています。 そこで今回は、数ある栄養素の中から、この食物繊維を取り上げ、これら八面六臂の活躍ぶりを探ってみることにしましょう。





食物繊維を含む食品を単品で摂るよりも、いろいろな種類を組み合わせた方がより多く食物繊維を摂れます。 ほうれん草・豆腐・しめじ・にんじん・こんにゃくを取り合わせて和えたもの。 豆と昆布を煮たもの。


大塚製薬 ネイチャーメイド 食物繊維 240粒

(2020/5/20 11:16時点)





























ディアナチュラスタイル 48種の発酵植物×食物繊維・乳酸菌 240粒 (60日分)

(2020/5/20 11:17時点)


Of the nutrients obtained from food, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, minerals, and vitamins are said to be the five major nutrients, which play an important role in our body, but in addition to this, it is called the "sixth nutrient". There are things. That is "dietary fiber". In the past, it was only seen to improve bowel movements, but now, in addition to preventing arteriosclerosis and gallstones, it suppresses the generation of cancer cells in the intestine and carcinogens and other substances. It is recognized as having the function of discharging harmful substances out of the body. So, let's take this dietary fiber out of the many nutrients and explore the performance of these eight sides.
Excretion of harmful substances along with dietary fiber and stool that help prevent obesity
The treasure trove of dietary fiber is the so-called "flavor of your baby", such as kinpira burdock (upper left), dried daikon (upper right), and boiled hijiki (lower center). Why don't you take the challenge actively?
In short, dietary fiber is something that is not digested in the body. To be more specific, it refers to food ingredients that are not decomposed by human digestive enzymes. Therefore, instead of being digested and absorbed by the stomach and small intestine, it reaches the large intestine as it is, and eventually becomes feces and leaves the body.
Dietary fiber is roughly divided into those that are soluble in water and those that are insoluble. Both of them have the characteristic of absorbing water and expanding, so even if they are taken into the body, the food will increase in bulk and you will feel full. Therefore, for dieting, if you do not forcefully reduce the amount of food, you can use the ingredients containing it in your diet to prevent obesity without overdosing energy.
It is also known that it absorbs harmful substances such as carcinogens and discharges them out of the body. It grows good bacteria in the intestine and creates an environment in which carcinogens are less likely to be produced.
On the other hand, these two types are also known to have different characteristics and functions. Now let's look at each category.

What dissolves in water
Removes cholesterol, prevents arteriosclerosis, enhances peristalsis of the large intestine, and promotes defecation
Koya Tofu is also a recommended dish
You can get more dietary fiber by combining various kinds of foods than by eating foods containing dietary fiber alone.
A mixture of spinach, tofu, shimeji mushrooms, carrots and konjac.
Boiled beans and kelp.
It absorbs excess cholesterol in the intestine and excretes it with stool. As a result, the proportion of cholesterol present in the blood and bile is reduced, resulting in the prevention of arteriosclerosis and gallstones.
In addition, it also has the function of accumulating water and increasing the bulk. As a result, it more effectively digests and absorbs food and increases peristaltic movement of the large intestine (which is digestive movement in the gastrointestinal tract), resulting in faecal excretion.

Main ingredients
● Glucomannan
It is included in konjac. Since it reaches the intestines without being digested by the stomach, the intestines work actively. Then, the action of absorbing waste products in the intestine and excreting them out of the body is promoted, which is also useful for eliminating constipation.
● Sodium alginate
It is contained in seaweeds such as kelp and seaweed. When these are dipped in water, they become slimy because they contain this ingredient.
● Gum quality
Included in beans such as pods.
Insoluble in water
Absorbs water in the intestine to help relieve constipation, smooth defecation, and help prevent colon cancer
As it absorbs water in the intestine and swells greatly, the stool becomes bulky. Then, the intestines are stimulated and the peristaltic movement becomes active, and since it contains water, it softens the stool. It is because of these functions that dietary fiber promotes defecation and eliminates constipation.
By the way, it is said that carcinogens are likely to be produced in the intestines if you continue to eat high-fat and high-protein diets. Therefore, the effect of adsorbing harmful substances such as carcinogens and discharging them out of the body, which I mentioned at the beginning, is effective. In other words, if the ingestion of dietary fiber makes defecation smooth, the harmful substances that have stopped in the intestine will go out of the body along with the feces. This is where dietary fiber is said to play a role in preventing colon cancer.

Sweet potatoes that are high in fiber are effective in improving bowel movements. It's good to eat as a snack.
Main ingredients
● Cellulose
Vegetables, sweet potatoes, brown rice and black bread are also included.
● Hemicellulose
It is contained in unpolished grains.
● Lignin
It is included in burdock. In recent years, it has been confirmed that it has a function of suppressing the development of cancer cells.
● Chitin
It is included in shrimp and crab shells.
Pectin contained in apples-For constipation and diarrhea ◎
In addition, one that is soluble in water and one that does not dissolve in water, and one that belongs to both categories, is called pectin contained in apples and bananas. This ingredient absorbs a lot of water in the intestine, so it softens the stools that are trying to become hard, and makes defecation smooth. Therefore, it is useful for eliminating and preventing constipation.
Conversely, it also plays a role in controlling diarrhea. This is because it does not stimulate the intestines so much and protects the intestinal wall.
By the way, there are jams that people often eat with bread, but the reason why they are in such a drunk state is that the fruit that is the raw material contains pectin.

If you eat apples and bananas
● One way to eat apples
When eating an apple, it is better to eat it with the skin than to peel it. This is because the skin contains more pectin than fruit. You can eat it as it is, but if you can, grate it and eat it. The action of pectin, which is effective for constipation and diarrhea, is enhanced. Especially recommended when you have diarrhea.
Constipation mechanism
Constipation is said to be a condition in which stools are hard and difficult to discharge. So how can we soften a stiff stool? It requires the intake of fluid.
Water is absorbed by the large intestine, but where it comes from is digested food. However, if you don't drink too much water, you will absorb water from your stool and it will become harder.
Then, as I mentioned earlier, it becomes difficult for stools to be discharged, and eventually it leads to constipation.

Dietary fiber for fluid intake
Therefore, taking enough water is the first step in eliminating constipation (prevention). However, even if you think you are drinking a lot of water, in the large intestine, it will be immediately absorbed through the intestinal wall.
Therefore, we borrow the function of dietary fiber. In other words, when ingesting dietary fiber, it absorbs water in the intestines and swells greatly, which softens stool and promotes defecation.

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  脳の秘密 1  Brain Secret 1

2020-05-20 09:07:06 | 


ヒトにひそんでいる潜在能力だと彼はいい、ヒトにはいくつもの未開 拓な精神領域があるのだと断定しているのである。モンテッソリーシステムは、その未開拓領域 を発掘するひとつの方法だということであろう。



 偉大な数学者、カールーフリードリッヒーガウスは、おそらく人類がかつて持った最もすぐれ た知能の持ち主のひとりであった。かれは、煉瓦積み職人の子どもとしてドイツに生まれた。ガ ウスは幼少のころからとび抜けた才能の片鱗を示した。幼稚園での話であるが、先生が生徒たち にIから百までの足し算をするようにいいつけた。生徒たちが、いそがしそうに、いっせいに石 板に音を立てながら計算をはじめたとき、小さいガウスはすぐに手を上げて、答は五、〇五〇で あると答えた。彼は、九九と一で百、九八と二で百、九七と三で百……となることを直ぐに見抜 いたのである。結局、四九組の百と、真中の五〇とで四、九五〇になる。これに最後の百を足し て五、〇五〇となる。以上のことをすべてサッと頭のなかでやってしまったのである!




 そうだろうか? そんなことはないのである。あなだだってそうなれるのだ、といったらあな たはびっくりするだろうか? だが、決してウソではないのである。私は断言する。すくなくと も、あなたにだってそうなれる可能性は十分にあるのである。


 ヒトの知能における第一の要因は、脳のなかにある何億という細胞の、細胞と細胞の問の相互 連結の数とその性質である。脳の物質の大きさや重さ、形状にはほとんど関係なく、それは細胞 のはたらきかたの状態による。

 脳は二つの型の細胞を持っている。そのひとつはニューロンで、これが実際の仕事を行なって いると信じられている。もうひとつはクリア細胞で、これはニューロンを支持し、またそれにエ ネルギーを供給するものと考えられている。クリア細胞は記憶の貯蔵所とも考えられている。その数はニューロンよりはるかに多く、実際、脳の物質の三分の二はニューロクリア(神経膠)から できている。これは、ごく最近までニューロンの基質にすぎないと見なされ、まったく無視され ていた。しかし、最近、これが非常に重要なはたらきをしていることがわかってきて、注目を集 めつっある。将来、これについてもっと十分な研究が行なわれれば、いろいろ驚くべき事実が現 われてくるにちがいないと多くの学者は信じはじめている。

 ニュー・ロンの形、大きさは種々さまざまであるが、基本形は、細胞体(普通これを神経細胞とい う)とそれから出る長短いろいろの突起である。

 ニューロンは、この突起によってほかのニューロンと接着し、連結し、複雑なからみ合いをつ くって神経系を組み立てている。この接着、連結はどうして起きるかというと、その所有者の生 命経験によって起きる。その脳の所有者の経験がニューロン突起の接着と連結をつくるわけであ る。ニューロンは、他の細胞とちかって分裂によって数がふえないので、ひとたび脳がつくられ てしまうと、筋肉のように発達することはない。そのかわり、それぞれのニューロンは微妙な行 動でそれ自体ひとつの生物のようにうごめき、他のニューロンと接触し、その接触が有益なもの であることがわかると、そのまま結びついて接着固定する。この接着の場所をシナプスという

が、シナプスを通ってニューロンからニューロンヘ、ニューロンの連鎖を次から次へと伝わって ゆく信号の流れが、つまり、脳のはたらきであり、それがわれわれの知能のすがたであり、心 の機能であるということになる。シナプスーーエユーロンの連結がその所有者の生命の体験を反 映するというユニークな方法で、脳ははたらいているわけである。だから、G・R・テイラーは このシナプスをスイッチであるといい、名著。脳と記憶″の神経生理学の大家、J・Z・ヤング 博士はボタンにたとえている。思考、行動、判断、決定などヒトの精神活動のすべてを決定する スイッチであり、ボタンだというわけである。そういうわけで、このボタンとスイッチは数が多 いほどいいということになる。野球選手の脳は、哲学者の脳の連結のされかたとちがうが、いろ いろの点で他の野球選手のものに似ている。したがって、平凡な成人した頭脳を一瞬にして、ガ ウス、ぐ・・。トーベン、アインシュタイン、シェイクスピア、さらにはすぐれたスポーツマンの脳に変えてしまうような方法を見つけ出す見こみはちょっと無い。けれども、まるっきり不可能なことでもない。どうするのか? 空いていて遊んでいる多くのニューロンを動かしてこれをはたらかせるのである。





犬フスという連結を持っているのである1・ それによって作りうるネットワークーパターツや神経のインパルスを伝えうる道の数は、宇宙のなかの物質を作る粒子の総数よりもはるかに大きい












 ところが、そのあなたが、その性能のほんのわずかI、多くの専門家の見解によると、ニパーセントから五八Iセントしか使わず、あとは全くほうりっぱなしにほうっておかれているのだと知ったら、あなたはどう思うか? もしもあなたが現在の自分の能力にすっかり満足しきっているのであったらべっだんいうこともないのであるが、少しでも能力の向上ということに関心を持っているとしたら、聞き流しのできない数字なのではあるまいか?











 それなら、この控えの能力を利用できないものであろうか? 一群の神経学者、教育者、その他の研究者が最近熱心に″人間能力開発研究所”をつくろうと組織づくりに努力をはじめたが、



 どうだろう? あなたも不精をして、わずか五パーセントくらいの大脳皮質など動かしておらず、もう少しI、フル回転せよなどとはいわない。もしもそんな人間があらわれたら、超・超、

超人間になってしまうだろうから、せめてI〇八Iセントか一五パーセントくらいはたらかせてみたらどうだろう? それでもあなたは、あの、カールーフリードリッヒーガウスの親友になれるのではないだろうか?

 え? そういう方法? ないことはない、ちゃんとあるのだから-。

He says it has hidden potential in humans, and he concludes that humans have several untapped mental spheres. It can be said that the Montessory system is one way to discover the untapped area.

Potential Cagueille Euron

The great mathematician, Carrough Reed Lighie Gauss, was probably one of the most intelligent people humankind ever had. He was born in Germany as a child of a bricklayer. Gauss showed a glimpse of his talent that had been outstanding since childhood. As for the story in kindergarten, the teacher advised the students to add I to 100. When the students started to calculate while making a noise on the stone boards all at once, the little Gauss immediately raised his hand and answered that the answer was 5,500. He quickly found out that 99 and 1 would be 100, 98 and 2 would be 100, and 97 and 3 would be 100. In the end, one hundred forty-nine sets and fifty in the middle make for four, ninety-five. Add the last hundred to this to get 5,050. I did all of this in my head!

No one is surprised to hear this story.

"I think Gauss was a great genius."

However, such a genius has nothing to do with me!

Is that right? That's not the case. Would you be surprised if you say that you can do that? However, it is not a lie. I affirm. There's a good chance that you can, at least.

If you look so incredible, explain.

The first factor in human intelligence is the number and nature of interconnections between hundreds of millions of cells in the brain. Almost nothing to do with the size, weight, or shape of the substance in the brain, it depends on how cells work.

The brain has two types of cells. One is the neuron, which is believed to do the actual work. The other is clear cells, which are thought to support neurons and supply them with energy. Clear cells are also thought of as a memory store. They are much more numerous than neurons, and in fact two-thirds of the brain's material is made up of neuroclears. Until very recently, it was considered a neuronal matrix and ignored altogether. However, recently, it has been found that this is a very important function, and it is attracting attention. Many scholars are beginning to believe that in the future, if more thorough research is done on this, various surprising facts must be revealed.

The shape and size of New Long vary widely, but the basic form is the cell body (usually called this as a nerve cell) and various long and short projections that emerge from it.

The neuron attaches to and connects with other neurons by this protrusion, and assembles the nervous system through complex entanglement. The reason why this adhesion and connection occurs depends on the life experience of the owner. The brain owner's experience creates the attachment and connection of neuronal processes. Neurons, unlike other cells, do not increase in number due to division, so once the brain is created, it does not develop like muscle. Instead, each neuron wobbles itself like a living organism with subtle movements, comes into contact with other neurons, and when the contact is found to be beneficial, they are connected and fixed together. The place of this adhesion is called synapse

However, the flow of signals that travels from neuron to neuron through the synapse and from one neuron to the next, that is, the function of the brain, is the brain of our intelligence and the mind. It is a function. The brain works in a unique way that the connection of the Synapse and Euron reflects the life experience of its owner. Therefore, G.R. Taylor calls this synapse a switch, a famous work. Dr. JZ Young, a master of neurophysiology of "brain and memory", is likened to a button. It is a switch, which is a button that determines all human mental activities such as thinking, action, judgment, and decision. Therefore, the more buttons and switches there are, the better it is, because the baseball player's brain is different from the way philosophers' brains are connected, but it is different in color from other baseball players. It's similar to something, so the idea is to find a way to instantly turn a mediocre adult brain into a brain of Gauss, Gu ... Toben, Einstein, Shakespeare, or even a good sportsman. There's no such thing, but it's not completely impossible, what do you do? Move many neurons that are idle and playing to make this work. Is.

Can you do that?

It is possible. Please recall the words of Professor Olivier in the previous section. He says this. "Exactly we have more neurons than we need, and in the case of brain damage we have extra cortical neurons" sleeping neurons "that do nothing but replace damaged cells ... … If we awaken and use these sleeping neurons, these potential traits will manifest themselves. ” So, after all, which's which "sleeping neuron" we have

♠ Famous cerebral physiologist Dr. Ralph Waldo Gerrard said:

"... The unit of the cranial nervous system is an individual minute cell called a neuron. There are more than 10 billion neurons in the human brain, and each relatively large one has an average of more than 10,000 neurons with other neurons.

It has a connection with Inuhus 1. The number of paths that can transmit network patterns and nerve impulses that can be created by it is much larger than the total number of particles that make up substances in the universe

Is! ]

The number of neurons is exactly 140 billion. It is about five times the world's population. And that

There are five times as many clear cells. However, such outrageous numbers are a bit out of touch with our senses. So there is an interesting parable in the book "Creating the Brain" by George Gallup from the Gallup Poll Research Institute.

“Assuming that every person in the world has a telephone, each telephone will be tied to another respective telephone in the world, and thus each person will be able to communicate with each other. Good. That will at least give some insight into the capacity and complexity of the human brain. "

I used the parable and I would like to say more.

Everyone in the world has all the telephones, and you can make instant calls with those telephones.

I have 100,000 dedicated phones. With that 10,000 phone calls, you can connect with people around the world.

It is a scene in which information is exchanged without interruption. And all the information you received is

It is properly classified and stored in a storage warehouse so that it can be retrieved immediately when needed.

George Gear Wrap is like the capacity and complexity of the human brain, but I would like to call it "performance".

The human brain has this capability. Of course you are. How wonderful a job would be if we were able to fully rotate this performance?

But I know that you're just a mere percent of its performance, in the opinion of many experts, you spend only nicent to 58 Icents and the rest is left at all. Then what do you think? If you're completely satisfied with your current abilities, there's nothing to say, but if you're interested in improving your abilities a bit, it's a number that you can't overlook. Is it not there?

――Therefore, George Gear Wrap says in his book above.

“Ironically, on the one hand, some of the most skilled American experts are making great efforts to study the potential of modern electronic calculators, while on the other hand, with much greater machines. A human brain latent

I don't know anything about my ability, and it's the situation that almost no research has been done. ”

"There," said GR Aireer, "whether humans have a future," as if to pull the rest.

”I tried to utilize the revolutionary ideas that have been recently taken up, the unused capacity and potential of the brain.

Let's handle this idea under certain conditions. The brain is made up of two symmetrical parts. Right handed

For most people, most of the work is done in the left half of the brain. It is said to be "dominant." The other half seems to be only a reserve ability. There are countless contacts between the two halves,

If you separate the nerves so that each half of the brain is connected to only one eye,

What he has learned is shown to be immediately written to the other half. From this, half of the brain

If minutes are "stroked" and useless, they will gradually recover their abilities. The unused half is replaced.

Then, couldn't we take advantage of this reserve capability? A group of neurologists, educators, and other researchers have recently enthusiastically made efforts to create an organization to create a "human capacity development laboratory."

It is said that this is the purpose of this institute. If it succeeds, then in higher mathematics,

At the same time, a new type of genius who is familiar with the garden will be born. "

what about? You were too lazy to move only about 5% of the cerebral cortex, and I can't say that you should rotate it a little more, full rotation. If such a person appears, super, super,

You'll be superhuman, so why don't you try at least I08 I cents or about 15%? I wonder if you can still be the best friend of that Carroof Reed Lilly Gauss?

e? That way? There's nothing you don't have, because it's there.

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運命学  5月20日 あなたの運勢? Fate study

2020-05-20 08:35:41 | 運命学

躍動の週 命の日


生まれ年二黒の人は大事に驚かず小事もゆるがせず、締め括りと節度を良くして進めば吉。ぶらりのひょうたん、 真中に締めくくりあるのを見習え。用意周到に。
へうたんの大器に心遊ぶかな 偽王
生まれ年三碧の人は飛鳥山を過ぐる象。門を出て落し穴あり。渡り鳥が美しく夕空に声を残して過ぎた。 あわてて見ようと門を出て空を仰ぐが、よろめいて門前の穴にはまり込むような日。悟らざれば空しき日。
生まれ年四緑の人は何と言っても、一家和合が一番大切。易経に曰く 「家人には厳君有り。父母の謂なり…。父は父たり子は子たり。兄は兄たり弟は弟たり。夫は夫たり。婦は婦たり。而して家道正し。」 と。夫婦関係が正しい時は、一家族皆正しくなる。暗剣を帯ぶ凶日。内外共に和を貴び事故を防げ。家事整理吉の日。
生まれ年五黄の人は困難が重なる日。行きなやみ蒙昧の行いをしやすい。何をするにも誠心が大切。 「仁者は山を楽しむ。仁者は静」の論語の境地を学びたい。

時ものを解決するや春を待つ 虚子
生まれ年九紫の人は易では離火の卦の日です。離の卦は中央が陰爻で空虚です。人の心が空虚になれば、明らかになります。 明らかな鏡の如く。自我をすてて大我に生きる心構えで当れば物事順調に進みます。強運ですから、当って砕ける心構えも大切。


Lively week Life day
The day when I want to spend everything carefully
The day of my own fate. It's a day when I'm restless and can't continue to focus on things. What you decide and do on this day, whether good or bad, will have a big impact later. It is important to avoid impulsive behavior and act sparingly and cautiously. Avoid blind actions, clean up your personal routines, clean up your tasks, and secure your own time. Strive to cleanse your environment and mind and save energy to keep you in top shape during the upcoming dynamic week.

Nine purple mars day
Financial problems and difficulties related to women. It can be contrary to people. A day when you have a lot of hard work.

Good luck for those who are born a year old. A day of worship with the orb in the palm. Proceed while looking for the light of hope.
The person who was born in Niguro is not surprised to be serious, does not loosen the small things, and is good if the progress and moderation are improved. Look at the hanging gourd, which ends in the middle. Be prepared.
I wonder if you can play with the big utensils
The person who is born in Sanhe is an elephant who passes through Asukayama. There is a pit through the gate. Migratory birds were beautiful and voiced in the evening sky. I rushed out of the gate and looked up at the sky, but it was a day when I staggered and got stuck in the hole in front of the gate. It will be an empty day if you realize it.
No matter what you say when you are born in Shiroku, family harmony is the most important thing. According to Yikyo, "There is a strict rule in the family. The parents are so-called parents. The father is the father, the child is the child, the brother is the brother, the brother is the brother, the husband is the husband, the woman is the woman. You're right. " When the marital relationship is correct, the whole family is correct. A bad day with a dark sword. Enjoy harmony both inside and outside to prevent accidents. Housework arrangement day.
The day when the birth year of Gohuang is difficult. It's easy to do things that are unreasonable. Sincerity is important in everything we do. I would like to learn the state of the jargon of "The person enjoys the mountains. The person enjoys the quiet."

People with six-year-olds are separated from each other because of interpersonal relationships, and things do not carry out. Even if I was tired, I couldn't turn around suddenly.
Kyoko waits for spring as soon as time is resolved
Nakayoshi is born in the seven year red. An elephant who catches his voice when thunder is around the equinoctial week. It is important to act according to the goodness of time even if you have the ability. Advancing and retreating behavior flexibly.
A person born in Yakuhaku is lucky, but he doesn't want to be drowned in comfort. Need for tightening and renewal. I'm starting new day by day.
People who are born in nine purple are in Yi on the day of fire. In the middle of the distance, the center is shady and empty. When a person's heart becomes empty, it becomes clear. Like a clear mirror. If you hit your mind with the attitude to live your self after your ego, things will go smoothly. Since you are lucky, it is important to be prepared to hit and break.

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