21:31のVO-52 ■交信(SSB)JA2MJA JA1GHV 7M4DUI ★810Hz 良好なパスでした
【CO-65】21:26 デジOFF CWHKデータ受信 CUTE1.7 CUTE I 2000DAYS…HI HI DE JQ1YTC DIGI OFF このような符号も一緒に打っていました
Satellite mode is FLIGHT
USB Power is turned off
Rx mutual monitor is active
Tx mutual monitor is active
Antenna is deployed
DTMF flag is turned on
Amatuer service mode : DIGI off
Temperature of communication board is 15.260 ['C]
Temperature of battery is7.529 ['C]
Current of battery is 0.299 [A]
S meter of 144MHz is 1.449 [V]
S meter of 1.2GHz is 0.000 [V]
APD 3.3V A power is turned on
APD 3.3V B power is turned on
APD main power is turned on
DAQ power is turned off
PDA is turned off
TH-59 power is turned off
CW power is turned on
DJ-C5(TX) power is turned on
【CO-66】21:44 デジトーカとSSTVで始まった 途中CWHKデータ1フレーム半 その後FMPKT→受信データに異常発生(152字以上デコードしてしまった)原因不明 次回確かめるしかない 受信環境:AGWONLINEKISS QSBあり◆JQ1YGU SEEDS G4 0C14C7F6 D48 FFE 007 009 00A 008 009 009 994 97F 891 98A 11 0000 0001 0001 0001 4780 A7 37 30