

◉More people need to know the truth about HK unrest: restaurant owner 港人說:網紅“華記”:真相應該被更多人知道

2019年09月13日 15時29分30秒 | ●YAMACHANの雑記帳

More people need to know the truth about HK unrest: restaurant owner 港人說:網紅“華記”:真相應該被更多人知道

チャンネル登録者数 91.9万人
As the unrest in Hong Kong has entered its third month, rioters not only unleashed physical violent acts but also waged online attacks on common residents for criticizing and exposing them. Alex Yeung, founder of Wah Kee Restaurant, recently became the latest target of online bullying after he filmed videos showing sophisticated equipment and weapons being used by student protesters. Hostile complaints and comments were also made against his restaurants in other Asian cities.
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