


2016-11-23 21:31:57 | 日常

I agree with the idea that potential dangers of artificial intelligence are exaggerated.
And I now explain why I think so, for following two reasons.

First, one of the critics claims that the artificial intelligence would mostly take over working people.
But, artificial intelligence is in developing realm still now.
In short, it has potential improvement, too.
I guess it would be able to accompany with working people in the future.

Second, another critic says that artificial intelligence might amplify the abilities by itself, for example, having its own will.
However, machines cannot get alive without being driven by humans.
So the critic is too much dreaming.
All spiritual activities belong to lives.

In conclusion, for these reasons, I guess the potential dangers of artificial intelligence might have less dangers than some critics argue.



Do the pros of having only one superpower outweigh the cons?



If there were only one superpower, it were to be just terrible presence!
We should have alternative views.



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2016-11-23 20:58:40 | 日常

I agree with the idea that lifetime employment is no longer practical in modern society.
And I explain why I think so, for following two reasons.

First, more and more official institutions have been privatized since the recession began.
For three decades, railroads and post offices have been so done, for example.
Also, these days, the industry sending persons to workplaces is thriving.

Second, these days, workers have been becoming less faithful to their employers.
This is because lifetime employees have being given less welfare benefits than it was in the past.
Nevertheless, they have being offered more tasks.
In short, even big companies have begun to use their workforce as working machines.

For these reasons, I think the lifetime employment would be unable to be a practical style in modern society.


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2016-11-23 02:06:02 | 日常

I agree with the idea that more should be done to protect the cultures of the world's indigenous peoples.
And I explain two reasons supporting my opinion.

To begin with, it leads to preservation the natural environment that the international society protect such cultures.
Most of the indigenous peoples live in rural areas where natural beauty is rich.
They have grown their cultures in such circumstances.

Secondly, indigenous peoples have developed their wisdoms that urban people have already missed.
For example, indigenous peoples have been accustomed to deals with wild animals.
Their cultures have been deepened by their histories that they have gotten along with the natural world.
The international society can get good opportunities to learn their such wisdoms.

For these reasons, I think protecting the cultures of the world's indigenous peoples will contribute the international society well.

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2016-11-23 01:21:29 | 日常

I assume the phrase of social class means the upper class existence related with the Japanese Emperor.
And I disagree with the idea that the upper class is still relevant in modern society, for following two reasons to support my opinion.

Firstly, the Emperor of Japan has never had political power, after the Japanese Constitution was enforced.
Of course, many people have being encouraged by the statements of the King, until now.
Because he has been always sincere to people when he mentions at any time.
But he willing not to commit with any political position.

Secondly, some relatives of the Emperor have funded institutions for people such as handicapped one.

But these institution has not influenced on any industrial promotion.
They also avoid having economical effect on markets.

For these reasons, I believe that such as social class represented by royal families have not substantial power in the real society.


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