


2016-11-29 15:45:03 | 日常

I disagree with the idea that science makes a bigger contribution to society than art.
And I explain why I think so, with two reasons.

First, art is able to release people from sadness.
By describing their feelings with words, painting, or doing in each free style, people can make themselves comfortable.
In the other hand, science often triggers wars or conflicts.
For example, the most worst product from progression of science is the nuclear weapon, in the world.

secondly, science is more likely to confront religion than art is.

Art has gotten along with other spiritual activities for long.
Since defeating conventional and spiritual activities, such as indigenous religions or cultures, science cannot have constructed the peaceful world yet.

In short, science contributions should have been confined economical and substantial stage.

For these reasons, I believe that art makes more contribution to society than science does.

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2016-11-29 15:11:31 | 日常

I disagree with idea that racial discrimination is totally eliminated from society.
For following two reasons, I think that way.

To begin with, for example some of the urban area in US have hate speeches that argue the justice of racial discrimination. The USA president talked about need of expelling foreign people who have immigrated into the country, before voting.
This is the fact that racism has being remained yet.

Secondly, many black people have been prejudiced by their skin color until now.
I heard that white people would like not to swim in the same pool with black people.
Actually, some countries have continued discriminative education that makes students go to school in which white high level or black low level, by their habitats.

For these reasons, it is difficult for world's people to eliminate racial discrimination.

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