


2016-10-08 21:27:43 | 日常

I disagree with the idea that companies should be allowed to target children with their advertisements.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, children don't have conscience. They need to learn bearing with what they don't want.
For example, when they want to eat colorful foods used too much sugar and fat, parents should ban their children from eating it. Then, such an advertisement to target children is harmful for children to watch it.
Secondly, it is the cunning way to advertise such products targeting children.
Most companies have been making efforts without it.
Companies should advertise their products targeting parents who love their kids.

For these reasons, I believe that targetting children with advertisements should not be allowed.


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2016-10-08 00:56:42 | 日常

I disagree with the idea that young people are less interested in having careers in agriculture.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, these days, most young people have been aware of the environment.
They are almost interested in the issues related with the environmental industries including agriculture.
Also, they think that such environmental issues are important for them to get sustainable society that they will attend in the future.
Secondly, young people have noticed too worse situation to improve the society.
This is because other industries have been standstill by being taken over working machines.

For these reasons, I guess that more young people are interested in having careers in agriculture.



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2016-10-07 10:08:23 | 日常

I agree with the idea that local government should limit the amount of garbage that people can throw out.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.
To begin with, we should more consider that garbage will become to pollute the environment.
We tend to think removing garbage is cleaning up.
But, it is unable to vanish eventually.
In short, we should think more how to throw out it these days.
Secondly, we have to reuse more things before we decide to throw out it.
For instance, most of the glass bottles can be reused at home. Also, the makers of such things have to produce the things that we can reuse easily.

For these reasons, I believe that local government should limit the amount of garbage thrown out by people.




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2016-10-07 09:31:01 | 日常
I agree with the idea that there is too much pressure on people to be healthy these days.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, today, people are too busy to cook their meals by hand.
It is important for people to have natural foods considering their own condition.
But, people have been tending to have process foods, such as instant packed products.
They need to have enough time to cook their own meals.
Secondly, people have had more responsibilities for their workplaces than it was in the past.
This is because the economic tough time has been lasting for long.
Fearing being fired, people have taken on too much responsibilities.

For these reasons, I think that people are given too much pressure to be healthy these days.


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2016-10-05 12:17:54 | 日常
お題:Is there too much pressure on people to be healthy these days?

I agree with the idea that there is too much pressure on people to be healthy these days.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, entering in stores, we have been looking at a number of health care goods and supplements.
Furthermore, turning out the page of magazines and newspapers, we have been shown a lot of the articles about health care.
This is because that people require such things related with health issues.
Secondly, people are too busy to make their own meals by using natural foods.
They have been tending to use process foods, such as instant packed products.
So people have been likely to be worried about their health.

For these reasons, I guess that people must be feeling too much pressure on themselves to be healthy today.





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2016-10-04 18:28:14 | 日常

I agree with the idea that international sporting events are good way to improve relations between nations.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, the Olympic event is the best example.
We are able to feel empathy with various country's people by watching the event of the Olympic immediately or on TV.
It will be likely to let us know that everyone around the world has been making efforts in order to open to the new vision of getting love and peace.
Secondly, sporting events almost impressed us that having a healthy and strong body is excellent.
Most athletes have been exercising for attending such events. Their bodies are so beautiful that we can eliminate the prejudice of the racism.

For these reasons, I believe that international sporting events have a good role to improve relations between nations.


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2016-10-03 15:12:03 | 日常

I disagree with the idea that companies should place more emphasis on academic qualifications than work experience when hiring employees.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with these days, the computer has been taking over human's working fields.
If we simply discuss whichever has a lot of knowledge, the computer or human, it has not to mention that.
In short, the computer will overcome human. Then, academic qualifications of new employees will become less worthy in the future.
Secondly, work experience of employees will become more useful for companies when they hiring people.
Work experiences include the sense of communication with co-workers.
It is impossible for the computer to acquire good communication skills as human has.

For these reasons, I believe that companies have not to place more emphasis on academic qualifications when hiring employees.


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2016-10-02 15:37:39 | 日常

I agree with the idea that education should get more funding from the government.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, in Japan, poor children have been increasing.
Their circumstances are making them have too much difficulties to receive good education.
The government should give them more helps by spending more money for education.
This is because that some parents are too poor to let their children even go to schools.
Secondly, Japanese education system is more taxing on parents than the other developed countries.
It leads most parents to suffer paying their children's education because of the shortage of funding from the government.

For these reasons, I believe that the government should more support such parents by funding enough for good education.


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2016-10-01 16:05:13 | 日常

I disagree with the idea that more people will read digital books in the future.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, paper books have a lot of fan.
They are supposed that they prefer to touch the page of paper books.
This is because they are able to feel gently and comfortable sense when they are turning out the paper pages.
Digital books could never make people relax in the same way as paper books.
Secondly, digital books are convenient, though, people tend not to love the very convenience in itself, and they will be likely to throw it away if it becomes outdated.
So, digital books will be easily taken over by more convenient things in the future.

For these reasons, I believe that people eho like degital books won't increase in the future.


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2016-10-01 01:20:58 | 日常

I agree with the idea that rich countries should do more to help poor countries develop.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

Firstly, most poor countries have been struggling to make their economies stable.
Rich countries should give them knowledge of manufacturing and researching about markets scientifically, if they would be given these knowledge, they must be going to start as independent countries, at the first time.
Secondly, it supposed that beginning businesses needs the financial help at any cases.
Poor countries often remain good soils and resources that would be helpful for global economies.
So, poor countries should be given such helps.

For these reasons, I believe that rich countries should do more to help poor countries develop.


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