


2016-11-16 23:58:04 | 日常

The global food supply must be going to be the most important issue in the coming decades.
And I think that it might be difficult that the global food supply would be ensured in the future for the following three reasons.

First, the global population is increasing dramatically.
This is occurring in developing countries.
Even in the past decades, we noticed that many children were starving and getting diseases for the lack of nutrients in Africa, for example, where people could not control their birth rate. Now, this situation have been lasting, because they have been unable to receive basic education.

Second, such developing countries have become victims of ethnic and ideological conflicts.
In colonized Africa, people have been suffering for the serious social condition that ethnic conflicts complicated by early developed countries have been continued around there for almost ten decades.
The purposes of colonists are including rare metal mining that causes enslavement.

Finally, such enslavement has being ignored by developed country's people.
This is because it has priority for developed countries to take advantage on the international society rather than to improve the situation that prevailed by conflicts, the lack of nutrients, and enslavement.

These situations have resulted from indifference of developed country's people.
They immediately need to change mind.
International cooperation is the best way to improve the global food supply.
Originally, the continental Africa is the rich resource for supplying food to the global population.

In conclusion, without stopping such a negative use of the indigenous people, and damaging the global environment, developed country's people will hurt the global food supply in order to take advantage, I expect that.

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2016-11-11 00:13:00 | 日常

I disagree with the idea that urbanization has had a positive effect on Japanese society.
And I have three reasons to support my opinion.

Urbanization has led to the industrial situation change dramatically.
More and more young people have been moving from rural area to urbanized area such as Tokyo, Osaka, and so on.
This is because they are more able to choose their job at the developed cities than to do it at local regions.
Also, they are able to receive better education, since a lot of universities and colleges have centralized at such big cities extremely.

Firstly, each local society lost its young population.
It caused the result that each local government became poor.
Losing young workable people means less income taxing them.
Now, many local governments are struggling to keep their institutions, after putting their workforces out.
Some local organizations have already collapsed by their economy broken.

Additionally, after young people have left their home regions, the rest of people have been aging simply, but having less children in such local societies.
So their human relationships have been changed.
Such rural communities lost their variety of generations.
I guess old people in rural areas are missing their successors and are feeling lonelyness.

Finally, it is concerned many traditional cultures that local people have grown are disappearing in such regions.
Young people seem not to be going to take over such cultures.
For example, they often see their country's own culture as a tedious and outdated thing, being more attracted by urban events than a traditional dance called a bon-odori.

For these reasons, I think that urbanization has had a negative effect rather than a positive one.




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2016-11-07 12:29:43 | 日常








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2016-11-03 18:29:00 | 日常

I think it is the better choice that cloning research will have been continuing rather than stopping it.
And I have a reason to support my opinion, and two conditions that should be improved.

Firstly, I mention the reason.
Cloning research has many possibilities of medical applications.
For example, people who have lost their mobilities due to a certain accident can be encouraged by such research.
They can imagine themselves who can restore their abilities by medical cares using the clone technology.
If such research will be stopped, they will lose their dreams and possibilities, too.

Secondly, I rise two conditions that such research can be worthwhile for our society in the future.

One is need to improve political ethics.
It is because such clone technology may be applied for supplying slaves and soldiers that mean clone men and women.
We should firmly grow the ethical view and the government and the international society need to establish and enforce the regulation to prevent it.

Another is need to guarantee for clone food's safety and quality.
The genetic modification technology has already been common in food supply.
It has allowed people to buy cheaper products generated by using such technology than natural foods.
But these artificial foods do not have confidence about how they effect our health.
So we should also research about the influence of clone products subsequently.

In conclusion, I believe if these conditions are improved, continuing cloning research will be effective to our society in the future.


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