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寒河江(黄覆輪くろなみぎぼうし)Hosta fluctuana‘Sagae’
【栽培難易度:中】(特大型大葉・広葉、黄白色覆輪・薄紫系白色花・花茎;長・結実;○:発芽率 優・・・芽出し;早・成長度;中・伸長時期;春)------2000 Hosta of the yearを受賞。葉は波打つのが特徴。この品種は、山形県寒河江市の農家の畑で食用ギボウシを栽培中に見い出されたことはギボウシ愛好家の世界では有名、今ではアメリカをはじめとして鑑賞用のギボウシ№1になった。 単価 ¥800.
以下は長文になりますが、アメリカのサイト Hostalibrary による 寒河江 の特性の詳細な説明になります。
Descriptions (from various sources):
=fluctuans 'Variegated' (former name, declared invalid).
=fluctuans 'Sagae'.
Hosta of the Year for 2000 (HOTY).
Benedict Garden Performance Award 2010.
Of cultivated origin, it was discovered near the town of Sagae in northern Honshu.
Was a legend in Japan long before it reached the West. One of the best hostas.
The name is pronunced: suh-ga-eh (Japanese don't combine vowels).
24" tall. Part Sun to Light Shade. Emerges early in Spring.
Blue green center with bright cream margin. No garden is complete without one.
June brings lavender flowers.
1982 President's Exhibitor Trophy.
1987 Benedict Award.
1991 Alabama Hosta Society Award.
1995 Alex Summers Distinguished Merit Hosta.
Frosted green with irregular yellow margins.
Wavy. Pale violet flowers.
Large broad green leaf with brilliant gold margins.
One of the best available.
Despite the name change after the former name was declared invalid by the International Nomenclature Code, this upright vase shaped large hosta with a satiny blue/grey leaf and a very wide creamy border remains as the finest and most dramatic variegated hosta ever introduced! The pale lavender flowers top the 3' wide clump on 54" scapes in summer.
Broad leaves are frosted green with irregular yellow margins, outstanding plant.
This is my favorite Hosta, bar none. First of all it's unique, you can't mistake it and I don't know of anything else like it, and it hasn't been widely available for very long, so it's still fairly unusual. More important, it is absolutely stunning. I really believe that if you have a yard full of beautiful plants that includes a mature clump of fluctuans 'Variegated', it is likely to be the first plant people point to and say "What's that?" The leaves are large and heart-shaped, with wavy edges and prominent veins. They emerge bright green, margined in deep golden yellow, and later turn to a frosty, silvery gray-green while the margins turn to creamy white. Pale lavender flowers. Someone has decided that this plant should now be called 'Sagae'. Now why do they have to do things like that? I still like the old name and I don't like the new one so I am going to hold out for at least one more year.
Distinctive upright vase shape with long oval leaves that reach skywards. The foliage is moss green with frosty green hues and creamy edge. The leaves have a smooth, silk-like, look to them. A truly regal Hosta! Formally named Hosta fluctuans 'Variegated'. (Plant 24x20)
Very heavy substance. Frosted green leaf with creamy yellow, frequently indented margin. Pale lavender flowers. Good slug resistance. 10" scapes.
One of the best large variegated hostas. May need some protection in early spring.
Formerly known as H. fluctuans 'Variegated'. New name but the same wonderful plant! Heart-shaped leaves are frosted green with wide, irregular margins. The plant has an upright growth habit with an attractive wave. SUPER! Lavender flowers.
Blue-green leaves with 1/4" to 3/4" creamy yellow borders when in high shade. Underside of leaves have a grayish bloom. Pale lavendar flowers.
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