オサンポ walk - 植物plant : 一年に一度の数週間 a few weeks of a year

2021年06月06日 | 日記


見つけたのは、もうみんな咲き終わったよ? っという感じの、この近所ではほぼほぼ目にしなくなった頃。小さな一本が他に遅れて咲いている。今年のナガミヒナゲシは、この花が見納めの、ラスト一本かな〜と考える。




The flower in the picture is Long-headed poppy. She(he) was very little, around 1cm. Their flower would become around 5cm sometime, so big difference between them.

When I found her, it was almost out of season for them. There would have been no flowers in my neighbourhood. Only little flower that was behind the others was opening. It must have been a last one in this year to see them.

It is not only about Long-headed poppy, any plants & flowers, we can see/meet them only a few weeks of a year. I thought that it was usual but, this year... I've got some kind of deep feelings about them.

Happy to see them. Miss you. Look forward to see them(again). There are mixed feelings.

I hope that this cycles of nature must be going on forever... I do pray for that. (I'm a bit nervous to nature that have many problems...because of tiring by COVID-19??)

*not sure about my English...

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