オサンポ walk - 虫bug: 今年も蓑虫 I've also found a bagworm this year

2021年06月17日 | 日記


ミノムシが減っているかも? と言うのを何かで読んだ気がしています。たくさんいても困るみたいですが、少ないのも自然じゃない。そしてミノムシの種類にも寄る。



I find any bagworm at least one, a year for a few years.

I'm not quite sure if I read some article that told me bagworms in Japan have been decreasing recently. If there are many, it will be a trouble but less is not normal. It also depends on what kind of them.

But it must be for humans.

Anyway, now, there was a bagworm. This fact is a positive incident to me.

*not sure about my English...

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