オサンポ walk - 2023年の十月初めごろ・・・の植物模様:ツユクサ群?? About a plant has violet coloured flowers

2023年10月21日 | 日記



I see many dayflowers, they always stand just theirselves, like alone. But they (in the picture) are like a group?

I've never seen like this before...

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オサンポ walk - 2023年の十月初めごろ・・・の植物模様:ぶどうぽいつる草 About a plant has violet coloured flowers

2023年10月20日 | 日記



A kind of vine looked nice but they would be a kind of plant weeds...so if they are spreaded, it would be trouble with humans...?

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オサンポ walk - 2023年の十月初めごろ・・・の植物模様:イチョウノギンナンAbout a plant has violet coloured flowers

2023年10月19日 | 日記



No one picked dropped gingko(S), why? I feel like I don't want to waste them.

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ガーデニング便り : ミツバ似 No.3 The letter from the garden : One day, looks like a Japanese honewort

2023年10月18日 | 日記


In the same small garden, there was a similar plant with No.1,2. I will see them.

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ガーデニング便り : 五月に芽「豆っポイ」→アカザ? No.6 (十月一日Sun撮影) The leaves look like pea family

2023年10月17日 | 日記

花が咲きそう? な雰囲気があっても、風の中のナイト・ガーデニング。アイホンであってもさすがに写真に撮るのは難しかった…。

This plant seemed to be going to bloom but it was night and blowing. It was difficult to photograph it even my Iphone camera...

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ガーデニング便り :おまんは桜系→ハナミズキかも? No.3 (十月一日Sun撮影) From gardening

2023年10月16日 | 日記


It was Gardening at Night. They go raining, but looked fine, but a bit ominousness.

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空を見上げる No.13 (十月七日Sat撮影) Looking up in the sky

2023年10月15日 | 日記


There were blue sky, white clouds and a metasequoia(maybe). Great.

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ドングリ系の日々 No.8 - Acorns' daily

2023年10月14日 | 日記


The Acorns. They seemed to be pushed by the plants that surrounded. It was night, looked like ominousness.

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オサンポ walk - 2023年の十月初めごろ・・・の植物模様:ヨモギ似の群?? About a plant has violet coloured flowers

2023年10月13日 | 日記



I found a lot of plant that looked like artemisia in the narrow empty space. They seemed to be lively but the season is going to autumn and winter, it will be cold. I laughed at them because of the gap between their condition and the season.

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant :ヤツデのヤッチャン My fatsia, Yacchan(25)

2023年10月12日 | 日記


I have stopped to count how many leaves the plant have. I saw sometimes dried leaves blowing by wind.

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