Whenever I see any red leaves, it reminds me of autumn...
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Whenever I see any red leaves, it reminds me of autumn...
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びっくりの。暑かった11月初め、のせいで咲いたかな? 歩道沿いのスキマで。(11/11/Sat撮影)
were blooming! Because we had the hot days in a few days ago... they might have been surprised!
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That tomato(?) was not in a croft, in a narrow space beside the pavement. Who brought its seeds by a bird or a human?
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This red bud of the fleshy plnat will open?
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のお出まし? 土の中で感じた、外気温にビックリして出ちゃったとか…。(11/11/Sat撮影)
A cricket came out of the soil because of the hot days in a few days ago...??
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It was difficult to photograph them with the correct focus.
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There are many that flowers in the flowerbed...
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シソっぽいが…? (11/4/sat撮影)
Would it be Japanese basil??
ガーデンのそばに小さなアリの穴が三つ開いていた。暑さに引かれて出てきたのか…? (11/4/sat撮影)
There were three holes on the ground near the garden... They came out of the land, because of the high temperatures in these days??
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It's getting to be red, really!
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