


2020-06-15 15:54:02 | 英語特許散策

Vacuum source 60 and vacuum line 61 are optional. Vacuum source 60 is in sealing operative contact to and fluid communication with vacuum line 61, which contains adjustable valves 62 and 63.

真空源60及び真空ライン61は任意的である。真空源60は、真空ライン61とシール作動接触し、真空ライン61と流体連通しており、真空ライン61は可変動弁(adjustable valve)62及び63を含んでいる。

Vacuum line 61 in turn is in sealing operative contact to ball-and-socket joint 48 of funnel assembly 4, thereby establishing a reduced-pressure gas flow pathway (not indicated) from enclosed volumetric space 42 through porous filter frit 41 of funnel assembly 4 and vacuum line 61 ultimately to vacuum source 60.


Examples of vacuum source 60 are a water aspirator and a wet-and-dry vacuum cleaner (e.g., SHOP-VAC® catalog number 587-24-27, Craftools, Inc., New York, N.Y., USA).

真空源60の例は、水流アスピレーター及び乾湿両用電気掃除機(wet-and-dry vacuum cleaner)[例えば、Craftools,Inc.(New York、New York、USA)のSHOP-VAC(登録商標)カタログ番号584-24-27]である。

[0010] In modern internal combustion engines 1, it is however possible for additional positioning elements to be provided within the mechanical coupling path between crankshaft 9 and inlet camshaft 23 and the outlet camshaft 33, for example in a manner integrated into the inlet camshaft adapter 24 and the outlet camshaft adapter 34, which positioning elements can effect a desired controllable phase shift between the crankshaft 9 and inlet camshaft 23 and the outlet camshaft 33.


These are known as so-called phase adjusters in so-called variable valve drives.


The engine 21 also includes a controller 35, such as a conventional Electronic Control Unit, ordinarily comprising a computer.


The controller 35 is adapted to control fuel injection into the cylinder and to control opening and closing of the intake valve 27 and the exhaust valve 29, such as by controlling operation of a variable valve actuator (VVA) 37 or by a conventional cam and rocker arm arrangement (not shown) wherein the controller controls opening and closing by changing and freezing position(s) of the rocker arm(s).


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2020-06-15 14:31:16 | 英文法

a device layer disposed(*初回の修飾:分詞)on the cooling layers that(*2回目の修飾:関係代名詞)has one or more connection points and a device layer area 

including sequences located(*初回の修飾:分詞)adjacent to the coding region on both the 5' and 3' ends for a distance of at least about 2 kb on either end and which(*2回目の修飾:and+関係代名詞)are involved in expression of the gene.

The sequences which are(*初回の修飾:関係代名詞)located 5' of the coding region and which are(*2回目の修飾:関係代名詞)present on the mRNA are referred to as 5' non-translated sequences.

Article 15, PCT
a translation(翻訳文)prepared(作成)by the applicant in a language prescribed(所定の言語であって)for international applications and which the International Searching Authority has undertaken to accept 

a clear and continued need to provide Cryptococcosis treatments that are orally available, effective, and which may be provided at reduced cost. 


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2020-06-15 14:05:59 | 英語特許散策

[0018] The present disclosure relates generally to medical devices that are used in the human body.


In particular, in many embodiments, the present disclosure relates to electroporation systems and methods of energizing a catheter for delivering irreversible electroporation (IRE) using intracardiac catheters, such as, for example, a spiral catheter, or "voltage" catheter, that delivers a high-voltage to multiple electrodes through which a therapeutic current flows into a pulmonary vein of the left atrium of the heart.


During such a procedure, a physician maneuvers the catheter to place it the ostia or antrum of a pulmonary vein.


The catheter should be oriented, preferably, such that a hoop of the catheter is concentric with the central axis of the pulmonary vein.


It is realized herein that achieving such an orientation is challenging, potentially requiring multiple attempts and, in certain circumstances, a proper position and orientation of the catheter cannot be achieved.


[0012] In one embodiment, not intended to be limiting, the break-away floatation may be held into a base which is mounted to the aircraft, wherein the break-away part (which will be referred to as the "foot") is held magnetically to the base (which will be referred to as the "shoe") by both an electromagnet and a permanent magnet.


The electromagnet is powered by the aircraft electrical system, and is sufficiently powerful to attach a ferrous metal component of the break-away part to the base so that the breakaway part will not come off during flight.


Upon a crash, at some point at the time of the crash or shortly thereafter as the aircraft sinks, the electrical system will fail thereby de- energizing the electromagnet.


The break-away part is then merely held in place by the much weaker permanent magnet.


If the break-away part has not already disengaged from the base because of the g-forces on landing, the flotation component, such as styrofoam or other lighter than water material, has a buoyancy which, once submerged, overcomes the force of the permanent magnet, thereby de-coupling the break-away part from the base, and triggering the distress signal from the, then floating on the surface, break-away part.


The base may be mounted in a lower-drag location on the aircraft, for example under the tail at the after-most end of the aircraft.


The plurality of coils 58a can be electrically coupled with a power source (not shown) that can facilitate energization of the power coils 58a to propel the vehicles 24 along the track 22.

The propulsion coils 58a may be disposed on at least one of the opposing sides of the magnet of a vehicle to facilitate propulsion of the vehicle along the track system.
A control system 62 (FIG. 1) can control the energization of the coils 58a to control the propulsion of the vehicles 24 along the track 22.
In one embodiment, each coil 58a can be electrically coupled to a transistor (e.g., a MOSFET or IGBT) which is coupled with an output of an "H-bridge".
The control system 62 can control the propulsion of each of the vehicles 24 along the track 22 through operation of the H-bridge which controls the amount and direction of current in each coil 58a.


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Article 62, PCT

2020-06-14 11:33:29 | 条文


Article 62
Becoming Party to the Treaty

(1)  Any State member of the International Union for the Protection of Industrial Property may become party to this Treaty by:
(1) 工業所有権の保護に関する国際同盟の構成国は、次のいずれかの手続により、締約国となることができる。

(i)  signature followed by the deposit of an instrument of ratification, or
(ⅰ) 署名し、その後に批准書を寄託すること。

(ii)  deposit of an instrument(*legal document)of accession(*act of becoming joined).
(ⅱ) 加入書を寄託すること。

(2)  Instruments of ratification or accession shall be deposited with the Director General.
(2) 批准書又は加入書は、事務局長に寄託する。

(3)  The provisions of Article 24 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property shall apply to this Treaty.
(3) 工業所有権の保護に関するパリ条約のストックホルム改正条約第二十四条の規定は、この条約の適用について準用する

(4)  Paragraph (3) shall in no way be understood as implying the recognition or tacit acceptance by a Contracting State of the factual situation concerning a territory to which this Treaty is made applicable by another Contracting State by virtue of the said paragraph.
(4) (3)の規定は、いずれかの締約国が(3)の規定に基づいてこの条約を適用する領域の事実上の状態を、他の締約国が承認し又は黙示的に容認することを意味するものと解してはならない。



Paris Convention
for the Protection of Industrial Property

Article 24
第24条 対外関係について責任を有する領域への条約の適用

(1) Any country may declare in its instrument of ratification or accession, or may inform the Director General by written notification any time thereafter, that this Convention shall be applicable to all or part of those territories, designated in the declaration or notification, for the external relations of which it is responsible.
(1) いずれの国も,自国が対外関係について責任を有する領域の全部又は一部についてこの条約を適用する旨を,当該領域を指定して,批准書若しくは加入書において宣言し又は,その後いつでも,書面により事務局長に通告することができる。

(2) Any country which has made such a declaration or given such a notification may, at any time, notify the Director General that this Convention shall cease to be applicable to all or part of such territories.
(2) (1)の宣言又は通告を行つた国は,当該領域の全部又は一部についてこの条約が適用されなくなる旨を,事務局長にいつでも通告することができる。


(a) Any declaration made under paragraph (1) shall take effect on the same date as the ratification or accession in the instrument of which it was included, and any notification given under such paragraph shall take effect three months after its notification by the Director General.
(3) (a) (1)の規定に基づいて行われた宣言は,その宣言を付した批准又は加入と同一の日に効力を生ずるものとし,(1)の規定に基づいて行われた通告は,事務局長によるその通報の後3箇月で効力を生ずる。

(b) Any notification given under paragraph (2) shall take effect twelve months after its receipt by the Director General.
(b) (2)の規定に基づいて行われた通告は,事務局長によるその受領の後12箇月で効力を生ずる。



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プラスチックの話 用語集

2020-06-14 11:11:33 | 参考資料

プラスチックの話 用語集 日精樹脂工業株式会社


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Article 61, PCT

2020-06-13 21:16:14 | 条文

Article 61
Amendment of Certain Provisions of the Treaty

(1)(a)  Proposals for the amendment of Articles 53(5), (9) and (11), 54, 55(4) to (8), 56, and 57, may be initiated by any State member of the Assembly, by the Executive Committee, or by the Director General.
(1)(a) 第五十三条(5)、(9)及び(11)、第五十四条、第五十五条(4)から(8)まで、第五十六条並びに第五十七条の規定の修正の提案は、総会の構成国、執行委員会又は事務局長が行うことができる。

(b)  Such proposals shall be communicated by the Director General to the Contracting States at least six months in advance of their consideration by the Assembly.
(b) (a)の提案は、遅くとも総会による審議の六箇月前までに、事務局長が締約国に送付する。

(2)(a)  Amendments to the Articles referred to in paragraph (1) shall be adopted by the Assembly.
(2)(a) (1)に規定する規定の修正は、総会が採択する。

(b)  Adoption shall require three-fourths of the votes cast.
(b) 採択は、投じられた票の四分の三以上の多数による議決で行う。

(3)(a)  Any amendment to the Articles referred to in paragraph (1) shall enter into force one month after written notifications of acceptance, effected in accordance with their respective constitutional processes, have been received by the Director General from three-fourths of the States members of the Assembly at the time it adopted the amendment.
(3)(a) (1)に規定する規定の修正は、その修正が採択された時に総会の構成国であつた国の四分の三から、それぞれの憲法上の手続に従つて行われた受諾についての書面による通告を事務局長が受領した後一箇月で効力を生ずる。

(b)  Any amendment to the said Articles thus accepted shall bind all the States which are members of the Assembly at the time the amendment enters into force, provided that any amendment increasing the financial obligations of the Contracting States shall bind only those States which have notified their acceptance of such amendment.
(b) (a)の規定に従つて受諾された(1)に規定する規定の修正は、その修正が効力を生ずる時に総会の構成国であるすべての国を拘束する。ただし、締約国の財政上の義務を増大する修正は、その修正の受諾を通告した締約国のみを拘束する。

(c)  Any amendment accepted in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph (a) shall bind all States which become members of the Assembly after the date on which the amendment entered into force in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph (a).
(c) (a)の規定に従つて受諾された修正は、その修正が(a)の規定に従つて効力を生じた日の後に総会の構成国となるすべての国を拘束する。


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2020-06-13 21:05:24 | 英語特許散策

In the illustrated embodiment, a lean air-fuel mixture is combusted within the primary combustor section 18 to generate a first combust gas 19. The plurality of injectors 58 are disposed penetrating through(*例少), a periphery 62, the liner 42, and a seal of the secondary combustor section 20. The injectors 58 are used to introduce additional fuel mixture into the secondary combustor section 20

[00198] The operator accesses the right IPS 102R and the cavernous sinus 104 with an anchor delivery catheter 3307 and micro wire 3333 coaxially disposed through the guide catheter 307 (FIGS. 32B and 32C). The anchor delivery catheter 3307 (e.g. , catheter 304 of FIGS 7A-D, 0.027" micro catheter such as a Phenom 27 Catheter from Cathera, Inc. of Mountain View, California, an Excelsior SL-10 Microcatheter from Stryker Neurovascular of Fremont, California, or a Marksman Micro Catheter from Medtronic of Irvine, California) advances through the guide catheter 307, and rides over the micro wire (e.g. , an 0.010", 0.014", or 0.018" guide wire such as a Synchro2 Guidewire from Stryker Neurovascular of Fremont, California).

In the case that one of the cameras detects the presence of a defect penetrating through the foil, the computer generates control signals that are transmitted via communication interfaces to the unit controlling the foil movement and to the defect-marking unit. The foil movement stops. The location of the defect on the foil surface is marked. The camera that has detected the defect approaches foil surface along the normal line and is set up at the second given distance away from the surface.

An LED chip package structure includes a ceramic substrate, a conductive unit, a hollow ceramic casing, many LED chips, and a package colloid. The ceramic substrate has a main body, many protrusions extended from the main body, many penetrating holes respectively penetrating through the protrusions, and many half through holes formed on a lateral side of the main body and respectively formed between each two protrusions. The conductive unit has many first conductive layers respectively formed on the protrusions, many second conductive layers respectively formed on inner surfaces of the half through holes and a bottom face of the main body, and many third conductive layers respectively filled in the penetrating holes. The hollow ceramic casing is fixed on the main body to form a receiving space. The LED chips is received in the receiving space. The package colloid is filled in the receiving space for covering the LED chips.

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2020-06-13 13:40:46 | 英語特許散策

Scintillation light yield of exemplary scintillators was measured using a Hamamatsu 3177-50 or R6231-100 photomultiplier tube (“PMT”) and recording the response to gamma rays (from, e.g., a <137>Cs (Cesium-137 isotope) source).


Mineral oil was used to protect the sample scintillator crystal from degradation, as well as to provide an optical coupling between the sample scintillator crystal and the PMT such that scintillation light generated in the sample scintillator crystal would transmit to the PMT for measurement.


The number of photoelectrons was calculated from the position of the 662 keV photopeak and the peak from single photoelectrons. The photopeaks were fitted with a Gaussian function to determine the center of the peak.


The conversion from the number of measured photoelectrons to the number of photons/MeV emitted by the scintillator, i.e., the scintillator's light yield, was accomplished by convolving the quantum efficiency of the PMT as a function of wavelength (measured by Hamamatsu, the manufacturer of the PMT) with the X-ray excited emission spectrum of the sample.


A hemispherical dome of Spectralon was used to improve the scintillation light collection into the PMT and a shaping time of 10 μs was used to ensure the complete integration of the light pulse.


For the energy resolution and γ-ray response of <137>Cs, <57>Co, <109>Cd, <133>Ba and <241>Am, the specimens were placed in a quartz container filled with mineral oil to protect them from moisture during the measurement.


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2020-06-13 13:24:38 | 英語特許散策

[0007] Meanwhile, in welding by means of seam welding, expulsion that is a phenomenon in which a base material is melted and scattered sometimes occurs and causes a joining defect.


When expulsion occurs, temperature of a joint portion immediately after welding increases.


However, when occurrence of expulsion is to be determined by determining whether or not temperature of the joint portion is in a predetermined temperature range as described in PTL 1, it has been difficult to perform such determination with high accuracy.


(3) Spot Weldability

Spot weldability was evaluated as follows.

[0079] The prepared sample steel sheets were each put in a furnace and heated therein at 900 degrees for 6 minutes. The sample steel sheets were then each sandwiched by a stainless steel mold for rapid cooling immediately after taken out of the furnace.


The cooling rate was approximately 150 degrees C/second. Each cooled steel sheet was cut into a 30 × 50 mm piece for measurement of a suitable current range for spot welding (maximum current to minimum current).


The measurement conditions are as follows. A current value achieving a nugget diameter of 3 × (t)0.5 was defined as the minimum current, whereas a current causing expulsion was defined as the maximum current.


In the case that the projection is smoothly convex, a contact area of conductors changes drastically even due to a slight collapse of a convex portion at the tip.


Accordingly, when a collapse at the tip of projection is small when a current is applied between the welding electrodes, contact resistance increases, and sudden melting occurs. This has a risk of scattering or explosion.


Conversely, when a collapse at the tip is heavy, the contact resistance decreases, and can hardly generate resistance heat, hence providing unstable bonding.


*expulsion and surface flash

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2020-06-13 07:13:18 | 単語

has an adverse effect on, adversely affect, penalize, detract from

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Article 60, PCT

2020-06-12 19:33:09 | 条文


Article 60
Revision of the Treaty

(1)  This Treaty may be revised from time to time by a special conference of the Contracting States.
(1) この条約は、締約国の特別の会議により随時改正することができる。

(2)  The convocation of any revision conference shall be decided by the Assembly.
(2) 改正会議の招集は、総会が決定する。

(3)  Any intergovernmental organization appointed as International Searching or Preliminary Examining Authority shall be admitted as observer to any revision conference.
(3) 国際調査機関として又は国際予備審査機関として選定された政府間機関は、改正会議にオブザーバーとして出席することを認められる。

(4)  Articles 53(5), (9) and (11), 54, 55(4) to (8), 56, and 57, may be amended either by a revision conference or according to the provisions of Article 61.
(4) 第五十三条(5)、(9)及び(11)、第五十四条、第五十五条(4)から(8)まで、第五十六条並びに第五十七条の規定は、改正会議により又は次条の規定に従つて修正することができる。


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2020-06-12 16:36:49 | 英語特許散策

|0057] The vapor passages VI and V2 are provided in order to reduce a pressure drop, which in turn limits reduction in cycle efficiency (cycle efficiency can be generally maintained).


In this embodiment, the vapor passages VI and V2 are provided through the upper group of heat transfer tubes 34a but not through the lower group of heat transfer tubes 34b.


However, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art from this disclosure that the vapor passages V I and V2 can also extend through the lower group of heat transfer tubes 34b (in addition to the upper group of heat transfer tubes 34a).


In any case, the vapor passages VI and V2 at least extend through the upper group of heat transfer tubes 34a as illustrated in this embodiment. This is because as refrigerant descends further downward in the condenser 3, more of the refrigerant condenses to liquid.


As the amount of liquid increases the amount of refrigerant vapor decreases. As the amount of refrigerant vapor decreases the benefit(s) obtained by the vapor passages V I and V2 may diminish.


This is why the vapor passages VI and V2 are provided at least through the upper group of heat transfer tubes 34a where there is a higher concentration of vapor than in the lower group of the heat transfer tubes 34b.


[0005] During edge trim removal, particularly during a laser cutting process, it can be desirable to control mechanically generated stress on the crack tip at the cutting location, such that the mechanically induced stresses do not overly influence crack tip formation, and thereby to improve edge quality.


In other words, the thermal stress (for example as imparted by a laser beam and coolant jet) should be the primary driving stress which maintains crack tip propagation and stability, as opposed to mechanically induced stresses imparted by physical edge separation.


However, edge separation of the edge trim from the central quality portion of the flexible glass ribbon is desirable to inhibit edge quality reduction by, for example, crack formation and propagation resulting from contact between the edges.


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2020-06-12 16:22:47 | 英語特許散策

[0086] A predictive disambiguation model is then used to determine the most likely reduced meaning structures from the reduced meaning structure based on property functions such as: attributes; attribute combinations; attribute value-pairs; co-occurrences of verb-stems; sub-categorization frames; rule trace information and/or any known or later developed features of the meaning structures.

モデルを作成したらそのモデル例えば予測多義性解消モデルを圧縮意味構造体に適用して何個かの圧縮された最尤候補意味構造体を作成する。この作成は何個かのプロパティ関数、例えば属性(attributes)、属性結合(attribute combinations)、属性対定義対(attribute value pairs)、動詞幹共起(co-occurrence of verb-stems)、下位範疇化フレーム(sub-categorization frames)、ルールトレース情報(rule trace information)その他、既知の又は今後知られることとなる意味構造体フィーチャに基づき実行する。

For example, in various embodiments, a set of possible candidate structures S(y) for each sentenceyin training data { ( s j y j ) } j = 1 m
Image available on "Original document"
is determined. The predictive disambiguation model is trained based on the conditional likelihoodL(λ) of a reduced meaning structure for each given sentence based on the formula: 



The BBN is trained on labeled input/output data to calculate the conditional probabilities at each arc of the network.


The a priori probabilities (or priors) are also learned from the labeled training data. Referring to FIG. 6, a digital image training collection 602 spanning multiple years is collected from a number of consumers.


Events and super-events are detected in the collections using the hierarchical event detector 110 from FIG. 1.


The events are then labeled by a human manual event labeler 607 into one of the pre-determined set of event categories listed in Table 3 (or "Other" if none are appropriate).


The features described earlier are computed for each event using correlated feature detectors 610, which includes the content-based feature detectors 112 and the time-based feature detectors 114 of FIG. 1.


This forms the training set for the Bayesian belief network. The BBN is trained for the top-level event category (in one embodiment, vacation, sports, family moments and social gathering) using an event classifier training component 620. The rule-based system described later is used to determine the sub-category.


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2020-06-12 11:43:11 | 英語特許散策

Second optimization pass: This is where the bulk of optimization work occurs. In this pass the optimizer enumerates the search space exhaustively for small and medium queries and partially for highly complex queries. The optimizer uses an advanced and adaptive form of the guided enumeration approach described above. Each optimization task is assigned a priority by its parent task based on its potential for producing higher quality plans. Higher priority tasks are scheduled and performed first. As the optimization process proceeds, a search space controller keep tracks of the number of tasks performed (optimization effort) and controls the remaining effort by adjusting a priority threshold used to prune(*枝切り?)less promising tasks. 

[0144] Specifically, in step B2, the interval search unit 10 obtains the coverage region R(v)=[lv1,uv1]×[lv2,uv2]× . . . ×[lvd,uvd] of the node v of the k-d tree.

具体的には、ステップB2では、区間検索部10は、kd木のノードvのカバー領域R(v) = [lv1,uv1] × [lv2,uv2] × … × [lvd,uvd]を取得する。

Then, the interval search unit 10 determines whether or not “uvk<lqk or uqk<lvk” is satisfied with respect to at least one of the dimensions k when k satisfies 1<k<d.</p>

その上で、区間検索部10は、1≦k≦dとなるkのうち、少なくともひとつの次元kにおいて、(uvkqkまたは uqk < lvk)が成り立つかどうかを判定する。

As a result of the determination, if the above-described relationship is true, the interval search unit 10 determines that the result is “No” because there is no spatial overlap.


If the above-described relationship is not true, the interval search unit 10 determines that the result is “Yes” because there is a spatial overlap.


The determination in step B2 is performed in order to perform pruning so that a coverage region that does not overlap the query region is prevented from being further searched.


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Article 59, PCT

2020-06-11 23:58:32 | 条文



Article 59

Subject to Article 64(5), any dispute between two or more Contracting States concerning the interpretation or application of this Treaty or the Regulations, not settled by negotiation, may, by any one of the States concerned, be brought before the International Court of Justice by application in conformity with the Statute of the Court, unless the States concerned agree on some other method of settlement. The Contracting State bringing the dispute before the Court shall inform the International Bureau; the International Bureau shall bring the matter to the attention of the other Contracting States.


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本ブログの「特許英語散策」等題した部分では、英語の例文を管理人の独断と偏見で収集し、適宜訳文・訳語を記載しています。 訳文等は原則として対応日本語公報をそのまま写したものです。私個人のコメント部分は(大抵)”*”を付しています。 訳語は多数の翻訳者の長年の努力の結晶ですが、誤訳、転記ミスもあると思いますのでご注意ください。