With all of the Crooked Hillary Clinton's foreign policy experience, she has made so many mistakes - and I mean real monsters! No more HRC.
Even though I have a very biased and unfair judge in the Trump U civil case in San Diego, I have thousands of great reviews & will win case!
Join me in San Jose, California- tonight!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
Tickets: bit.ly/1ZdWSh0SANJOSE pic.twitter.com/OrEhKJZ5Rd
Wow, USA Today did todays cover story on my record in lawsuits. Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. Isn't that what you want for your president?
Bernie Sanders was right when he said that Crooked Hillary Clinton was not qualified to be president because she suffers from BAD judgement!
Do you ever notice that @CNN gives me very little proper representation on my policies. Just watched-nobody knew anything about my foreign P
Crooked Hillary Clinton has zero natural talent - she should not be president. Her temperament is bad and her decision making ability-zilch!
Good!! twitter.com/AlbionAwakes/s…
TRUMP HEADING TO BRITAIN ON DAY OF BREXIT VOTE@End_of_Europe @AlbionAwakes youtu.be/U94Zjr9l3Vw
Demand the resignation of San Jose's Mayor Sam Liccardo. He told the police to stand down. He allowed the violence pic.twitter.com/ZgQXWKtSuZ
Police incompetent at Trump Rally last night. RT @Timcast: Police forming a line as #Trump protest grows in San Jose pic.twitter.com/DXtMWOeVxP
.@AlbionAwakes so lets get started!! 6k/day=5 yrs...12k/day=2.5 years...lets DO IT!! Study long, study wrong!!!
Prison in the very heart of London turned into terror factory ? ex-inmate to RT@End_of_Europe @AlbionAwakes youtu.be/eJ2_FvVSTBE
THANK YOU for your AMAZING support #TrumpTrain??????????
The thugs & criminal "protestors" #GravyTrain will be over! pic.twitter.com/6EzXp2o1yb
#Rapefugee boats now heading for the UK coast: CCTV shows hive of activity in the dead of night in Kent town dailym.ai/1UfHYm8
Scumbag Mayor of #SanJose must be made to pay for his sick actions against future President #Trump2016 . Is Mexican? pic.twitter.com/igHDg6aMVv
次期比大統領ドゥテルテ氏、南シナ海の権利では譲歩せず(ロイター) - Yahoo!ニュース headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20160603-… #Yahooニュース