


2006年06月03日 | ロシア・北方領土

領土問題解決に意欲 プーチン大統領
(共同通信) - 6月3日2時8分更新


領土問題、妥協呼び掛け プーチン大統領



Putin dismisses idea of giving Kuril Islands to Japan

21:14 | 02/ 06/ 2006

NOVO-OGARYOVO (Moscow Region), June 2 (RIA Novosti) - Russia has never thought that it should give any of the Kuril Islands to Japan, President Vladimir Putin said Friday.

"I should say that Russia has never thought that it should give the islands [to Japan]," he said at a meeting with news agency heads from G8 nations.

Putin said that Russia had signed a declaration with Japan in 1956 on giving it two islands.

But he added "it [the document] did not define under which conditions and whose sovereignty" the islands should be given.

"These are the questions that were left open in the declaration," Putin said.

The dispute over the sovereignty of the southernmost Kuril Islands to the northeast of Japan, currently under the administration of Russia's Sakhalin Region, dates back to the end of World War II, when the Soviet Union claimed the islands under Allied agreements.

Japan has consistently stated it wants the islands back and the row has prevented Russia and Japan from signing a peace treaty officially ending the war.

Japan concerns over four Pacific islands again   06/02/2006 22:05            

Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Japan for deadlock over disputed Pacific Ocean islands. In spite of this situatiun Moscow was ready to continue talks. More than 50 years two countries couldn’t solve this problem.

The dispute over the four islands seized by the Soviet forces in the closing days of World War II which Russia calls the Kurils and Japan refers to as the Northern Territories has prevented the two nations from signing a peace treaty to formally end their wartime hostilities.

Putin said that Japan had initiated the discussion of a 1956 Soviet-Japanese declaration under which Moscow had agreed to return two of the islands but backed off when the Kremlin agreed to honor the commitments meaning Tokyo would not be able to lay claim to the two remaining islands.

"Several years ago, we returned to this declaration on the Japanese initiative," Putin said. "After certain considerations and consultations here in this country, we decided to meet them halfway. And then, sometime later, we heard that Japan does not want that. Why raise the issue, then?"

Putin said Moscow had never planned to give up control of the islands but softened his statement by saying Russia was ready to continue looking for a resolution. " Japan is our important partner," Putin said. "We want to solve all problems left over from the past and we will search for ways to solve these problems", reports the AP.


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