Natural Beauty
the 101 tanka poems among the "Kokin-wakasyu"
Toshi no uchi ni haru ha ki ni keri hitotose wo kozo to ya iwa n kotoshi to ya iwa m
(ARIWARA no Motokata・Early spring)
The sun has been dancing in step with the moon. We often have twins of spring. The one is in solar, another is in lunar. Whichever it is, "Happy New Year!"
年のうちに春は来にけり 一とせを去年とやいはむ今年とやいはむ
Sode hichi te musubi shi mizu no kore ru wo haru tatsu kyo no kaze ya toku ram
(KI no Tsurayuki・Early spring)
The natural water scooped by hand was fine to drink. But now, it’s too cold. I believe the spring wind brings a good chance to us today. Let’s make up each other like melting ice.
Ume ga e ni ki iru uguisu haru kake te nake domo imada yuki ha huri tsutsu
(Unkown・Early spring)
A bush warbler is singing at the branch of the plum, like telling spring has come. However, it still be snowing.
Kasugano ha kyo ha na yaki so wakakusa no tuma mo komore ri ware mo komore ri
(Unknown・Early spring)
Don't burn the grass of the Kasugano field. My family and I have been living there. We are insects. I wish all lovers would sleep in their nests tonight, too.
Azusayumi oshi te harusame kyo furi nu asu sae fura ba wakana tsumi tem
(Unknown・Early spring)
It's rain to invite spring. If only having more rain tomorrow, we will pick up wild herbs on the field where a bow string is howling so as to arouse lives.
あづさゆみ おして春雨 今日降りぬ 明日さへ降らば 若菜つみてむ
Harugasumi tatsu wo misute te yuku kari ha hana naki sato e sumi ya narae ru
(Ise・Early spring)
“Why do they fly away from this field spreading full flowers? They are heading to the waste land.”
My baby said. Please listen to the sound of wild geese with your heart. We could hear they thank us for welcoming when they reached this country.
Yama takami hito mo susame nu sakurabana itaku na wabi so ware mihayasa m
(Unknown・Early spring)
When discovering the beauty of full blooming flowers at the depths of the mountain, you are likely to say “I’m your best audience!” But, the cherry spirits might ask you to visit more tenderly.
山高み 人もすさめぬ 桜花 いたくなわびそ 我見はやさむ
Yononaka ni taete sakura no nakari se ba haru no kokoro ha nodokekara mashi
(ARIWARA no Narihira no Asom・Early spring)
“The beauty is killing me!” A man said. ”Before she kills me, I might miss my life!” --He is exhausting himself obsessed by cherry blossoms. Let it be.
世の中に たえて桜の なかりせば 春の心は のどけからまし
Miru hito mo naki yamazato no sakurabana hoka no chiri na m nochi zo saka mashi
(Ise・Early spring)
Cherry blossoms in rural have never been paid attention. They might decide to open when they have to do. I expect them to bloom even without audience, because they are just the natural beauty.
見る人も なき山里の 桜花 ほかの散りなむ 後ぞ咲かまし
Harusame no furu ha namida ka sakurabana chiru wo oshima nu hito shi nakere ba
(OTOMO no Kuronushi・Late spring)
Now, scattering their splinters like teardrops, cherry blossoms are falling. Every one should hate this rain ruining them.
春雨の降るは涙か 桜花 散るを惜しまぬ 人しなければ
Hana no iro ha utsuri ni keri na itazura ni waga mi yo ni furu nagame se shi ma ni
(ONO no Komachi・Late spring)
While seeing a rainy scene, I have faded like the end of a flower for aging. Without soaking myself, I have done nothing.
花の色は うつりにけりな いたづらに 我が身世にふる ながめせしまに
Yadori shi te haru no yamabe ni ne taru yo ha yume no uchi ni mo hana zo chiri keru
(KI no Tsurayuki・Late spring)
When stayng at a temple in the spring mountain, cherry blossoms were scattering during the night dream, as well as in the real view.
やどりして 春の山辺に 寝たる夜は 夢のうちにも 花ぞ散りける
Yoshinogawa kishi no yamabuki fuku kaze ni soko no kage sae utsuroi ni keri
(KI no Tsurayuki・Late spring)
Wind is blowing above the Yoshino River. The Japanese mountain roses called yamabuki are along the river. As reflecting my transition, I found out the golden yellow there.
吉野川 岸の山吹 吹く風に 底のかげさへ うつろひにけり
Kawazu naku Ie no yamabuki chiri ni keri hana no sakari ni awa mashi monowo
I was looking forward to seeing the spark of the flowers called yamabuki in the Ide. But, I’m late. Now, frogs are playing a welcome tune for me there earnestly.
Nure tsutsu zo shii te ori tsuru toshi no uchi ni haru ha ikuka mo ara ji to omoe ba
(ARIWARA no Narihira no Asom・Late spring)
People were rushing to the waterside so as not to be late for cherry blossoms. Although getting wet, one of them obtained it. Maybe it will wither, soon.
ぬれつつぞ 強ひて折りつる 年のうちに 春は 幾日も あらじと思へば
Satsuki matsu hanatachibana no ka wo kage ba mukashi no hito no sode no ka zo suru
The smell let me recall what was wrapped with her clothes. The mandarin oranges will open to me in May. Then it'll make me feel the last lover's mind and pain.
さつき待つ 花橘の香をかげば むかしの人の 袖の香ぞする
Hototogisu hatsugoe kike ba ajikinaku nushi sadamaranu koise raru hata
(Sosei Hoshi・Summer)
It's the beginning of a small cuckoo singing. Even though I cannot see the figure, it strangely seems like the one who I have been waiting for.
時鳥 はつ声聞けば あぢきなく ぬしさだまらぬ 恋せらるはた
Imasara ni yama e kaeru na hototogisu koe no kagiri ha waga yado ni nake
Don't go back to the mountain yet. You are my beloved small cuckoo. Please sing all of your songs, staying in my garden as long as possible.
今さらに 山へ帰るな 時鳥 声のかぎりは わがやどに鳴け
Samidare ni monomoi ore ba hototogisu yo fukaku naki te izuchi yuku ram
(KI no Tomonori・Summer)
As raining and raining, it’s darken and darken. Nevertheless, where will the small cuckoo go to, weeping at midnight? I wish he were not alone at least.
五月雨に もの思ひをれば 時鳥 夜ふかく鳴きて いづち行くらむ
Chiri wo dani sue ji to zo omou saki shi yori imo to waga nuru tokonatsu no hana
(OSHIKOCHI no Mitsune・Summer)
Nobody can look after the pink flower called nadeshiko in my garden, except for me. It makes me warm and fresh throughout years. Thus, I love it as if I take care of my wife passionately.
塵をだに すゑじとぞ思ふ 咲きしより 妹とわが寝る とこなつの花
Natsu to aki to yukikau sora no kayoiji ha katae suzushiki kaze ya fuku ram
(OSHIKOCHI no Mitsune・Summer)
After summer is gone, autumn is coming soon. Both of the kings of these seasons might say “Hello!” each other when passing on the street in the sky. The cool wind is blowing on the latter side.
夏と秋と 行きかふ 空のかよひ路は かたへすずしき 風や吹くらむ
Amanogawa asase shiranami tadori tsutsu watarihate ne ba ake zo shi ni keru
(KI no Tomonori・Early autumn)
Day is dawning. We have been playing in a shallow stream of the Milky Way all night. You are a cat. I'm a dog. I’m looking forward to seeing you again.
Shirakumo ni hane uchikawashi tobu kari no kazu sae miyuru aki no yo no tsuki
(Unknown・Early autumn)
It’s like a shadow picture. The full moon is behind figures of a number of wild geese flying into white cloud. They are flapping frequently in the air. It’s one of the best views of autumn in this country.
白雲に 羽根うちかはし 飛ぶ雁の かずさへ見ゆる 秋の夜の月
Aki no yo no tsuki no hikari shi akakere ba Kurabu no yama mo koe nu beranari
(ARIWARA no Motokata・Early autumn)
Since the moonlight is clear extremely, I seem to be able to climb Mt.Kurabu through the night. I'm in just autumn.
秋の夜の 月の光し 明かければ くらぶの山も 越えぬべらなり
Akihagi wo shigarami fuse te naku shika no me ni ha mie zu te oto no sayakesa
(Unknown・Early autumn)
Now, putting his foot on it, the courting male deer has broken wild bush clovers there. It's invisible, though, He might be struggling. I can't help respecting his life.
秋萩を しがらみふせて 鳴く鹿の 目には見えずて 音のさやけさ
今、自分の脚で、牡鹿が鳴きながら、そこにある野生の萩を踏み抜きました。 目には見えないけれど、がんばっていますよ。その生命を、尊重せずにいられません。
Aki nara de au koto kataki ominaeshi ame no kawara ni oi nu mono yue
(FUJIWARA no Sadakata no Asom・Early autumn)
“Why not gaze me? Even the wind caresses me. “----I hear she say that. The golden flowers called ominaeshi can't grow in the heaven, but get alive with the limited story in autumn wildness.
秋ならで あふことかたき 女郎花 天の河原に 生ひぬものゆゑ
「どうして見つめてくれないの? 風さえ私を撫でていくのに」――そんなふうに言うのが聴こえます。秋の野にしか咲けない、その黄金の花はオミナエシと呼ばれ、天国ではなく、はかないこの世に生命を得ているのです。
Sahoyama no hahasoha no iro ha usukere do aki ha fukaku mo nari ni keru kana
(SAKANOUE no Korenori・Late autumn)
There are the natural forest in Mt. Sahoyama where the spring goddess has been living in. The trees there called hahasoha are usually pale green, though, they deepen their own color in fall. The color means a mother's mind.
佐保山の ははそはの色はうすけれど 秋は深くも なりにけるかな
Fumiwake te sarani ya towa m momijiba no furikakushi taru michi to mi nagara
(Unknown・Late autumn)
I'm willing to visit you still more. Even if the road is concealed with fallen maple leaves, I will trace it to see you, filling my heart with such autumnal tints.
ふみわけて さらにや訪はむ もみぢ葉の 降り隠したる 道とみながら
Ima yori ha tsugi te hura nam waga yado no susuki oshinami fure ru sirayuki
From now on, it'll be snowing more and more. The heavy snow will pile up on the Japanese pampas grass planted in my garden. After all, I wish it would cover my sorrow, too.
今よりは つぎて降らなむ わがやどの 薄おしなみ 降れる白雪
Fuyu nagara sora yori hana no chirikuru ha kumo no anata ha haru niya aru ram
(KIYOHARA no Fukayabu・Winter)
It's snowing, as being in winter still now. However, I guess that spring has been already coming above clouds, because it seems like falling white blossoms.
冬ながら 空より花の 散り来るは 雲のあなたは 春にやあるらむ
the 101 tanka poems among the "Kokin-wakasyu"
Toshi no uchi ni haru ha ki ni keri hitotose wo kozo to ya iwa n kotoshi to ya iwa m
(ARIWARA no Motokata・Early spring)
The sun has been dancing in step with the moon. We often have twins of spring. The one is in solar, another is in lunar. Whichever it is, "Happy New Year!"
年のうちに春は来にけり 一とせを去年とやいはむ今年とやいはむ
Sode hichi te musubi shi mizu no kore ru wo haru tatsu kyo no kaze ya toku ram
(KI no Tsurayuki・Early spring)
The natural water scooped by hand was fine to drink. But now, it’s too cold. I believe the spring wind brings a good chance to us today. Let’s make up each other like melting ice.
Ume ga e ni ki iru uguisu haru kake te nake domo imada yuki ha huri tsutsu
(Unkown・Early spring)
A bush warbler is singing at the branch of the plum, like telling spring has come. However, it still be snowing.
Kasugano ha kyo ha na yaki so wakakusa no tuma mo komore ri ware mo komore ri
(Unknown・Early spring)
Don't burn the grass of the Kasugano field. My family and I have been living there. We are insects. I wish all lovers would sleep in their nests tonight, too.
Azusayumi oshi te harusame kyo furi nu asu sae fura ba wakana tsumi tem
(Unknown・Early spring)
It's rain to invite spring. If only having more rain tomorrow, we will pick up wild herbs on the field where a bow string is howling so as to arouse lives.
あづさゆみ おして春雨 今日降りぬ 明日さへ降らば 若菜つみてむ
Harugasumi tatsu wo misute te yuku kari ha hana naki sato e sumi ya narae ru
(Ise・Early spring)
“Why do they fly away from this field spreading full flowers? They are heading to the waste land.”
My baby said. Please listen to the sound of wild geese with your heart. We could hear they thank us for welcoming when they reached this country.
Yama takami hito mo susame nu sakurabana itaku na wabi so ware mihayasa m
(Unknown・Early spring)
When discovering the beauty of full blooming flowers at the depths of the mountain, you are likely to say “I’m your best audience!” But, the cherry spirits might ask you to visit more tenderly.
山高み 人もすさめぬ 桜花 いたくなわびそ 我見はやさむ
Yononaka ni taete sakura no nakari se ba haru no kokoro ha nodokekara mashi
(ARIWARA no Narihira no Asom・Early spring)
“The beauty is killing me!” A man said. ”Before she kills me, I might miss my life!” --He is exhausting himself obsessed by cherry blossoms. Let it be.
世の中に たえて桜の なかりせば 春の心は のどけからまし
Miru hito mo naki yamazato no sakurabana hoka no chiri na m nochi zo saka mashi
(Ise・Early spring)
Cherry blossoms in rural have never been paid attention. They might decide to open when they have to do. I expect them to bloom even without audience, because they are just the natural beauty.
見る人も なき山里の 桜花 ほかの散りなむ 後ぞ咲かまし
Harusame no furu ha namida ka sakurabana chiru wo oshima nu hito shi nakere ba
(OTOMO no Kuronushi・Late spring)
Now, scattering their splinters like teardrops, cherry blossoms are falling. Every one should hate this rain ruining them.
春雨の降るは涙か 桜花 散るを惜しまぬ 人しなければ
Hana no iro ha utsuri ni keri na itazura ni waga mi yo ni furu nagame se shi ma ni
(ONO no Komachi・Late spring)
While seeing a rainy scene, I have faded like the end of a flower for aging. Without soaking myself, I have done nothing.
花の色は うつりにけりな いたづらに 我が身世にふる ながめせしまに
Yadori shi te haru no yamabe ni ne taru yo ha yume no uchi ni mo hana zo chiri keru
(KI no Tsurayuki・Late spring)
When stayng at a temple in the spring mountain, cherry blossoms were scattering during the night dream, as well as in the real view.
やどりして 春の山辺に 寝たる夜は 夢のうちにも 花ぞ散りける
Yoshinogawa kishi no yamabuki fuku kaze ni soko no kage sae utsuroi ni keri
(KI no Tsurayuki・Late spring)
Wind is blowing above the Yoshino River. The Japanese mountain roses called yamabuki are along the river. As reflecting my transition, I found out the golden yellow there.
吉野川 岸の山吹 吹く風に 底のかげさへ うつろひにけり
Kawazu naku Ie no yamabuki chiri ni keri hana no sakari ni awa mashi monowo
I was looking forward to seeing the spark of the flowers called yamabuki in the Ide. But, I’m late. Now, frogs are playing a welcome tune for me there earnestly.
Nure tsutsu zo shii te ori tsuru toshi no uchi ni haru ha ikuka mo ara ji to omoe ba
(ARIWARA no Narihira no Asom・Late spring)
People were rushing to the waterside so as not to be late for cherry blossoms. Although getting wet, one of them obtained it. Maybe it will wither, soon.
ぬれつつぞ 強ひて折りつる 年のうちに 春は 幾日も あらじと思へば
Satsuki matsu hanatachibana no ka wo kage ba mukashi no hito no sode no ka zo suru
The smell let me recall what was wrapped with her clothes. The mandarin oranges will open to me in May. Then it'll make me feel the last lover's mind and pain.
さつき待つ 花橘の香をかげば むかしの人の 袖の香ぞする
Hototogisu hatsugoe kike ba ajikinaku nushi sadamaranu koise raru hata
(Sosei Hoshi・Summer)
It's the beginning of a small cuckoo singing. Even though I cannot see the figure, it strangely seems like the one who I have been waiting for.
時鳥 はつ声聞けば あぢきなく ぬしさだまらぬ 恋せらるはた
Imasara ni yama e kaeru na hototogisu koe no kagiri ha waga yado ni nake
Don't go back to the mountain yet. You are my beloved small cuckoo. Please sing all of your songs, staying in my garden as long as possible.
今さらに 山へ帰るな 時鳥 声のかぎりは わがやどに鳴け
Samidare ni monomoi ore ba hototogisu yo fukaku naki te izuchi yuku ram
(KI no Tomonori・Summer)
As raining and raining, it’s darken and darken. Nevertheless, where will the small cuckoo go to, weeping at midnight? I wish he were not alone at least.
五月雨に もの思ひをれば 時鳥 夜ふかく鳴きて いづち行くらむ
Chiri wo dani sue ji to zo omou saki shi yori imo to waga nuru tokonatsu no hana
(OSHIKOCHI no Mitsune・Summer)
Nobody can look after the pink flower called nadeshiko in my garden, except for me. It makes me warm and fresh throughout years. Thus, I love it as if I take care of my wife passionately.
塵をだに すゑじとぞ思ふ 咲きしより 妹とわが寝る とこなつの花
Natsu to aki to yukikau sora no kayoiji ha katae suzushiki kaze ya fuku ram
(OSHIKOCHI no Mitsune・Summer)
After summer is gone, autumn is coming soon. Both of the kings of these seasons might say “Hello!” each other when passing on the street in the sky. The cool wind is blowing on the latter side.
夏と秋と 行きかふ 空のかよひ路は かたへすずしき 風や吹くらむ
Amanogawa asase shiranami tadori tsutsu watarihate ne ba ake zo shi ni keru
(KI no Tomonori・Early autumn)
Day is dawning. We have been playing in a shallow stream of the Milky Way all night. You are a cat. I'm a dog. I’m looking forward to seeing you again.
Shirakumo ni hane uchikawashi tobu kari no kazu sae miyuru aki no yo no tsuki
(Unknown・Early autumn)
It’s like a shadow picture. The full moon is behind figures of a number of wild geese flying into white cloud. They are flapping frequently in the air. It’s one of the best views of autumn in this country.
白雲に 羽根うちかはし 飛ぶ雁の かずさへ見ゆる 秋の夜の月
Aki no yo no tsuki no hikari shi akakere ba Kurabu no yama mo koe nu beranari
(ARIWARA no Motokata・Early autumn)
Since the moonlight is clear extremely, I seem to be able to climb Mt.Kurabu through the night. I'm in just autumn.
秋の夜の 月の光し 明かければ くらぶの山も 越えぬべらなり
Akihagi wo shigarami fuse te naku shika no me ni ha mie zu te oto no sayakesa
(Unknown・Early autumn)
Now, putting his foot on it, the courting male deer has broken wild bush clovers there. It's invisible, though, He might be struggling. I can't help respecting his life.
秋萩を しがらみふせて 鳴く鹿の 目には見えずて 音のさやけさ
今、自分の脚で、牡鹿が鳴きながら、そこにある野生の萩を踏み抜きました。 目には見えないけれど、がんばっていますよ。その生命を、尊重せずにいられません。
Aki nara de au koto kataki ominaeshi ame no kawara ni oi nu mono yue
(FUJIWARA no Sadakata no Asom・Early autumn)
“Why not gaze me? Even the wind caresses me. “----I hear she say that. The golden flowers called ominaeshi can't grow in the heaven, but get alive with the limited story in autumn wildness.
秋ならで あふことかたき 女郎花 天の河原に 生ひぬものゆゑ
「どうして見つめてくれないの? 風さえ私を撫でていくのに」――そんなふうに言うのが聴こえます。秋の野にしか咲けない、その黄金の花はオミナエシと呼ばれ、天国ではなく、はかないこの世に生命を得ているのです。
Sahoyama no hahasoha no iro ha usukere do aki ha fukaku mo nari ni keru kana
(SAKANOUE no Korenori・Late autumn)
There are the natural forest in Mt. Sahoyama where the spring goddess has been living in. The trees there called hahasoha are usually pale green, though, they deepen their own color in fall. The color means a mother's mind.
佐保山の ははそはの色はうすけれど 秋は深くも なりにけるかな
Fumiwake te sarani ya towa m momijiba no furikakushi taru michi to mi nagara
(Unknown・Late autumn)
I'm willing to visit you still more. Even if the road is concealed with fallen maple leaves, I will trace it to see you, filling my heart with such autumnal tints.
ふみわけて さらにや訪はむ もみぢ葉の 降り隠したる 道とみながら
Ima yori ha tsugi te hura nam waga yado no susuki oshinami fure ru sirayuki
From now on, it'll be snowing more and more. The heavy snow will pile up on the Japanese pampas grass planted in my garden. After all, I wish it would cover my sorrow, too.
今よりは つぎて降らなむ わがやどの 薄おしなみ 降れる白雪
Fuyu nagara sora yori hana no chirikuru ha kumo no anata ha haru niya aru ram
(KIYOHARA no Fukayabu・Winter)
It's snowing, as being in winter still now. However, I guess that spring has been already coming above clouds, because it seems like falling white blossoms.
冬ながら 空より花の 散り来るは 雲のあなたは 春にやあるらむ