

捏造慰安婦問題を糺す日本有志の会(in English)

2015-07-29 09:49:47 | 日記

http://true-history2.jugem.jp/?eid=607 より

捏造慰安婦問題を糺す日本有志の会(in English)

This is the sub-blog of the "Association of Japanese Willing to Correct Fabricated Comfort Women Issue."

In this blog, please let us post information in English, and notification/report/circulation of activities by conservative civic groups.

Translation;Mio Sugita is to go to the U.N to notify "truth about comfort women." Even she will cooperate with Texas Daddy and "Nadeshiko-Action"
>"「慰安婦の真実」伝える 杉田水脈氏、国連へ テキサス親父や「なでしこアクション」と連携も(1"
> 国連女子差別撤廃委員の第63回プレ・セッションが、27日からジュネーブで開かれる。今回の検討対象国は日本で「慰安婦問題」が取り上げられる。「反日」組織の暗躍が指摘されるなか、舌鋒鋭い国会質問が「神質問」と評判となった、次世代の党の杉田水脈前衆院議員が現地に乗り込み、フランス語で真実を伝えるという。
63 Pre-Sessional Working Group of CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women) is to be held from July 27th in Geneva. This time, the object country of the deliberation is Japan, and comfort women issue is to be picked up. When secret maneuvers by "anti-Japan" organizations are pointed out, Mio Sugita -- a former Lower House lawmaker of the Party For Future Generations whose Diet question with bitter tongue became popular as "god question" -- is to go the field location, and notify the truth in French.