

* Unknown route

2005-10-18 05:16:35 | サボテンの国への旅
I could get the unkown route to the next destination from the very rural beach. Local people usually use this route but the English guide book and Japanese guidebook don´t show this one. I think that it because there are few people other than locals go to my destination. However it is very easy way.

Owner´s brother of Cabana I stayed showed to me this easy cheap route. First I take a collevtivo, which is called the camioneta here and just a small truck of which back where people get on. And in 20 minutes it took me a place called San Antonio, and costed only 5 pesos to reach there.

There is a big road where traffics are busier. At the stop where some shops are there, I waited for the bus and soon got the bus. There were full of only locals, this atomosphere was what I would like to enjoy. Bus stopped at several points and I seemed to sleep a bit. Much sooner than I expected we arrived the destination. Being too easy to get the place dissapoints me because I like some trouble on the process in travel, which would become a nice memory when the journey finishes. And the cost was only 15 pesos (US$ 1.50).

I wrote this route with the cost on the English guide book.

I add that I met English couple, I think they were not married, who stayed at the same cabana. Mark said that Laura was so suuffered from mosquite? that she wanted to move... We had a picture and exchanged the e-mail addresses. They have a same publish company´s guidebook, and it is the 9th edition and mine is the 8th eddition....

I experienced the surfing for the first time today. It is also good story I am impressed because it took time to get an instructor and a man I expected was out of business this day...

