短歌写真1050 たづねたる
玉蜀黍のあを広がれり 悠山人
¶漿果(しゃうくゎ)=ここでは「ブルーベリー blueberry」。
□短写1050 たづねたる しゃうくゎはなきに ゆたかにも
たうもろこしの あをひろがれり
短歌写真1050 たづねたる
玉蜀黍のあを広がれり 悠山人
¶漿果(しゃうくゎ)=ここでは「ブルーベリー blueberry」。
□短写1050 たづねたる しゃうくゎはなきに ゆたかにも
たうもろこしの あをひろがれり
title: greenberry_yet
note: ブルーベリー食べ放題という農園へ案内されたが・・・。門は閉まったまま、人影全くなしだ。その上、ブルーでもライトブルーでもなく、99%はグリーンであった。因みにHPも開設している、まともな施設である。沼田市郊外(昭和村)で。
memo: YTで、フォーレ、これまた「レクィエム」。5月ULの、まだVは300ほど。30分強と短い。Libera me, anima mea, de morte aeterna...
G. Fauré : Requiem - text
1 Introit et Kyrie
Requiem / aeternam / dona / eis, / Domine:
rest / eternal / grant / to them / Lord
et / lux / perpetua / luceat / eis.
and / light / perpetual / let shine / on them
Te / decet / hymnus, / Deus / in / Sion,
you / befits / hymn / God / in / Zion
et / tibi / reddetur / votum / in / Jerusalem:
and / to you / will be paid / vow / in / Jerusalem
exaudi / orationem / meam,
hear / prayer / my
ad / te / omnis / caro / veniet.
to / you / all / flesh / shall / come
Kyrie eleison.(Lord, have mercy upon us.)
Christe eleison.(Christ, have mercy upon us.)
Kyrie eleison.(Lord, have mercy upon us.)
2 Offertoire
O / Domine / Jesu / Christe, / Rex / gloriae,
O / Lord / Jesus / Christ / King / of Glory
libera / animas ... defunctorum
free / souls / of the dead
de / poenis / inferni, / et / de / profundo / lacu:
from / punishment / infernal / and / from / deep / pit
libera / eas / de / ore / leonis,
free / them / from / mouth / of lion
ne / absorbeat / eas / tartarus,
not / let swallow / them / Hell
ne / cadant / in / obscurum....
not / let fall / into / darkness
Hostias / et / preces / tibi,
Sacrifices / and / prayers / to you
Domine, / laudis / offerimus:
Lord / of praise / we offer
tu / suscipe / pro / animabus / illis,
you / receive / for / souls / of those
quarum / hodie / memoriam / facimus:
whom / today / memory / we make
fac / eas, / Domine, / de / morte / transire / ad / vitam,
make / them / Lord / from / death / to pass / to / life
Quam / olim / Abrahae / promisisti, / et / semini / ejus.
as / in past / to Abraham / you promised / and / seed / his
3 Sanctus
Sanctus, / Sanctus, / Sanctus,
Holy / Holy / Holy
Domine / Deus / Sabaoth,
Lord / God / of Hosts
pleni / sunt / caeli / et / terra / gloria / tua.
filled / are / heavens / and / earth / glory / your
Osanna / in / excelsis!
Hosanna / in / highest
4 Pie Jesu
Pie / Jesu / Domine,
merciful / Jesus / Lord
dona / eis / requiem,
give / them / rest
requiem / sempiternam.
rest / eternal
5 Agnus Dei et Lux Aeterna
Agnus / Dei, / qui / tollis / peccata / mundi,
lamb / of God / who / removes / the sins / of the world
dona / eis / requiem.
give / them / rest
Lux / aeterna / luceat / eis, / Domine,
light / eternal / let shine / on them / Lord
cum / sanctis / tuis / in / aeternum,
with / saints / your / for / eternity
quia / pius / es.
for / merciful / you are
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine:
et lux perpetua luceat eis.
6 Libera Me
Libera / me, / Domine,
free / me / Lord
de / morte / aeterna,
from / death / eternal
in die illa tremenda:
on / day / that / terrible
Quando / caeli / movendi / sunt / et / terra:
when / heavens / move / shall / and / earth
Dum / veneris / judicare / saeculum / per / ignem.
when / you shall come / judge / world / by / fire
Tremens / factus / sum / ego, / et / timeo,
tremble / made / am / I / and / fear
dum / discussio / venerit,
when / destruction / shall come
atque / ventura / ira.
and also / coming / wrath
Dies / illa, / dies / irae,
day / that / day / of wrath
calamitatis / et / miseriae,
of calamity / and / misery
dies / magna / et / amara / valde.
day / great / and / bitter / exceedingly
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine:
et lux perpetua luceat eis.
7 In Paradisum
In / Paradisum / deducant / te / Angeli;
into / paradise / may lead / you / angels
in / tuo / adventu
at / your / coming
suscipiant / te / martyres,
may receive / you / martyrs
et / perducant / te
and / may conduct / you
in / civitatem / sanctam / Jerusalem,
into / City / Holy / Jerusalem
Chorus / Angelorum / te / suscipiat,
chorus / of angels / you / may receive
et / cum / Lazaro / quondam / paupere
and / with / Lazarus / formerly / pauper
aeternam / habeas / requiem.
eternally / may you have / rest