はや明日よりは夢見月なり 悠山人
○湯島は梅鉢紋、太宰府は梅花紋。各所に「第50回 湯島天神梅まつり」のアドが目立つ。
□短写300 いにしひの うめばちもんに つたはりて
はやあすよりは ゆめみづきなり
日和かな 悠山人
□俳写057 くゎんこうに うめみそへたる ひよりかな
title : J-apricot of Yushima2
yyyy/mm : 2007/02
memo : 快晴無風、大石碑を背に和服の女性たちが、野点を楽しんでいた。三百円。篆書で、近づけず、黒ずんでいることも加わって、碑文不詳。湯島天神は、2000年春から、湯島天満宮を正式名称にしたとか。
立ちて泣くなよ千風吹く見よ 悠山人
○このごろ急に耳目を騒がせる、「千の風になって」という歌。YouTube には、何人もがULしている。調べてみると、成立や経過が複雑なうえに、著作権も曖昧らしく、本当のところはよく分からない。YTで視聴した Libera 版が来月リリースと。一般には、1932年に、Mary Elizabeth Frye (1905-2004) が、初行「Do not stand at my grave and weep」(後に題名)で作った詩、とされている。
¶¶A thousand winds;千風=[前者]私の名付けた題名。[後者]広辞苑にない、私の表現。
□短写298 あらずして ねむらざりせば はかまへに
たちてなくなよ ちかぜふくみよ
***** *****
Mary Frye's famous inspirational poem, prayer, and bereavement verse
Almost certainly Mary Frye wrote the famous poem 'Do not stand at my grave and weep' in 1932, however uncertainty continues to surround the definitive and original wording of this remarkable verse. Originally the verse had no title, so the poem's first line, 'Do not stand at my grave and weep' naturally became the title by which the poem came to be known. Mary Elizabeth Frye (1905-2004) was a housewife from Baltimore USA, when a visiting friend's mother died, and this prompted Mary Frye to compose the verse, which she said was her first real attempt to write poetry. The friend was a young German Jewish girl called Margaret Schwarzkopf, who felt unable to visit her dying mother in Germany due to the anti-Semitic feeling at home. This led to Margaret Scwarzkopf's comment to Mary Frye, according to the apparent history of this, that she had been denied the chance to 'stand by her mother's grave and shed a tear'. This seemingly was the inspirational prompt for Mary Fry to write the verse, which has for decades now touched and comforted many thousands of people, especially at times of loss and bereavement. Mary Frye, it is said, wrote the poem on a brown paper shopping bag. Apparently in interviews since writing the poem Frye said that the 'words just came to her', and it also seems clear that she wrote her poetry to bring comfort and pleasure to others, rather than to profit from its publication.
According to various sources (notably the CBC radio and TV station in Canada, whose presenter Kelly Ryan broadcast a radio feature called 'Poetic Journey' on 10 May 2000, telling the story of Mary Frye's poem) there are various 'definitive' versions.
This is the version of Frye's poem which featured on the postcard that was printed by friends of Margaret Schwarzkopf's parents. It was untitled:
(do not stand at my grave and weep)
Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sun on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there; I did not die.