オモニ어머니ランチ mum's lunch - 韓国/釜山へ travelling to Pusan

2017年04月10日 | 日記

Korean mum's
We enjoy ourselves

テーブルに乗り切らないくらいいっぱいおかずがあって、辛いのもあるので全部全部は食べられなかったりしたんですが、手前にあるトゥク(お餅入りのスープみたいな?)の量が多かったので半分にしてもらえばおかずの方をもっと食べられたのに…とプチ後悔。一緒に行った日本の友人が「オウチにお呼ばれなんて緊張する…」と言っていましたが、緊張より興味が勝っていると思っていたんですが、やっぱりところどころで緊張していたようですな。上手い遠慮をすることが出来ず…。ああ! でも胃袋が10個くらいあればもっといっぱい食べられたはず〜〜〜。ギブミービッグ胃袋プリーズ! お料理は、どれも美味しかったです〜。マシッソヨ! 本当に本当にご馳走さまでした!
翌朝チンして、オモニブレックファーストとしていただきました! ご馳走さまでした〜。

There were many dishes filled on the table that we couldn't eat the all.. I wish I had 100 stomachs! Some of them were very very spicy, so couldn't eat, I wish I could eat even spicy ones. We had a kind of soup with something, pieces of soft white ones (I forgot the name...) it's like Mochi(it's a Japanese rice cake), it's yummy I love this taste but the soup had many like Mochies, it made my stomach full... I couldn't eat the other dishes more...I should have asked my friend, please make it in a half. Another Japanese friend told me, when we knew a Korean friend was going to invite us her house for her mum's lunch, we're so happy but the same time, the Japanese friend got nervous. I understood it but I'm ok, my interesting to Korean cultures are much more than nervous, I thought so, but actually I was a bit nervous, because I couldn't tell the Korean friend about that. I'd like to eat more dishes as I'm greedy-guts. Especially I love the dishes that is in the front line, the second dish from the left in the photo, it looks noodle but it made of sweet potatoes, I love this tastes! I'd got some and red(?) rice for breakfast next day. Thank you than you for everything! They were all delicious!!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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