お菓子の中に something in a sweet box - 韓国/釜山へ travelling to Pusan

2017年04月11日 | 日記

A credit card
Comes out
Of the sweets box

このお菓子を箱ごと渡された時、初めて見るお菓子だったので、へぇ…と全体を観察している(この一個一個が薄紙に包まれているのもいいですよねぇ)と、箱の内側の壁に何か黒い紙ッぽいモノが挟まれているのを発見。日本だと小さなパンフや説明書が入っていたりするじゃないですか、てっきりそれだと思ってヒョイっとつまみ出したら、何と、「クレジットカード」でした。「え? ここになんでクレジットカードが入ってんの?」っと、その家の友達に訊いたら、「あああああ〜! ここにあった〜!」と大喜び。「え?」「昨日の夜無くしたと思って家の外を懐中電灯持ってすっごい探し回ったのに見つからなくって…」「え?」「ここにあった〜!」「え?? 外に落ちてるはずのクレジットカードが何故お菓子の箱の中に?? え? マジック?」…何か、お菓子を布団の上(赤ちゃんが寝る)に置いておいたら、その布団の下に犬が寝ていて、起きて出て来るときに犬がお菓子の箱をひっくり返したので中身が飛び散り、そのお菓子を箱に戻す時に何故か?? クレジットカードも箱の中に一緒に入ってしまったらしいん…ですね。「え? このお菓子キレイ?」「大丈夫大丈夫!」…ホントに…?

These are one of Korean traditional sweets, look like Japanese ones. It designs walnut, the outside is like sponge cake, in the inside, there is a walnut cream(I guessed). The taste was gender sweet, yummy.
When a friend of mine handed me the box, I looked around it, I thought that each one was wrapped by a thin paper, it looked nice. Then... I noticed a kind of black something that was like a paper was stuck on the between the sweets and the sidewall of box, I thought the box had a mini leaflet that explained about the sweet, usually we have the same things in a box in Japan. So, I took it out, then I was going to see...what? It was like a credit card, not paper. I asked her why it was in the box?? When she saw the card, she was excited and got happy! Wow! Wow! Wow! She said, That credit card, I thought I lost it out of the house, I was looking for, looking around near my house with the lighting but I couldn't find it!
I didn't understand what happened... why did the credit come out of the box?
When she put the box on the futon (for baby) last night, her dog was sleeping under the futon, when the dog came out, the dog turned over the futon and the box. The sweets in the box were scattered, she gathered them then put the ones back to in the box. She guessed, at the same time, she might have put the card in the box... was it? Anyway, everyone was happy with the discovered card. Good!
I asked her if the sweets were still clean? She said "yes". I believed in her.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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