日乗 diary - 夏の夕焼け雲の中に something like a face in the clouds in the sunset of summer

2021年08月26日 | 日記



そしてそれに三角形の耳っぽいモノが目の下辺りにあると思えば、それは猫のカオだったりして?? にゃー?

The air around me turned orange colour so it's the time to see a sunset, I looked up the sky. I found that one cloud turned bright madder.

Oh, how nice they are! I photographed it with my iphone then I checked it at home, I discovered that something like a face that turns over in the cloud.

Well, what's more, under the eyes, there are something like triangle ears that look like cat's. So, the face is a cat??  Meow?

*not sure about my English...

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