オサンポ walk - 植物plant :ヤツデのヤッチャン

2022年01月11日 | 日記


植物って、雪を溶かしますよね? 呼吸しているから??


I think that plant in the picture is fatsia. I will call it Ya-chan. In Japan, fatsia is Yatsude. Ya comes from Yatsude. 

A few days ago, we got much snow. Ya-chan was covered by snow completely, I was worried about Ya-chan but next day. Ya-chan showed my their face(leaves). Good.

I think that any plants make snow melt when they are covered. Because of breath??

*not sure about my English...

日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋279 lost glove

2022年01月10日 | 日記




The odd glove in the picture was at the same station of No.278.

It's also the same colour, black and was pointed in the same direction ... to right.

Would it be something a spiritual thing...??

*not sure about my English... 

オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : 雪とすみれ the snow and violet

2022年01月09日 | 日記


The violet, was buried by the snow last night but it was melted, the violet was showed.

The violet has been living in a gap at the pole of traffic sign.

The leaves of it seemed diluted yellow, because of the snow?

It must be good for the violet, the snow melted for one day.

*not sure about my English...


自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百九十九

2022年01月08日 | 日記





Ture white snow soon vanish.


Snow make world white, so beautiful but at the same time, it will be melting.

It would be cruel but it would be better to melt.

Just the snow in special areas, never melt.

*not sure about my English...

日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋278 lost glove

2022年01月07日 | 日記



I found that a dropped/lost odd glove at the ticket gate.

When the owner of it got off the train, and removed off the gloves then dropped one of them?

Or, when the owner was going to get on a train so they removed off...??

*not sure about my English...

オサンポ walk - 植物plant :紫陽花のガク、ドライガク dried hydrangea's calyx?

2022年01月06日 | 日記





We can see many hydrangea macrophylla f. normalis that has calyx. The calyx is not petal of flower. I knew about that many years ago.

I noticed that it turns dried ones a few years ago. It looks like leaf vein that seems sensitive lace. Some of them sometimes stay at some of hydrangeas after finishing blooming. 

Now I like to see them in winter season, they give me something special impressions.

*not sure about my English...

自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百九十八

2022年01月05日 | 日記




Any cats know where warm is.


In these days, it's been freezing. I know somewhere where we could avoid cold winds and get sunlight. We can be chilling out there.

*not sure about my English...

オサンポ walk - 植物plant :蕗の薹じゃないよ、蒲公英 it might be dandelion

2022年01月04日 | 日記




There are many flowers that look like dandelione.

Are they dandeline?

I met them in the morning on the 3rd of Jan this year.

Were they too early to bloom??

*not sure about my English...

日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋277a lost glove

2022年01月02日 | 日記





It must be the same glove as 落としモノ 手袋277. It was moved to another place where on the plants. How did it move to there from the first place? by a wind or a human?

--- I didn't notice it, it was the same as 277, when I uploaded it on the blog. I have no time to find another top for the blog today. So, I upped it. Sorry, it's not a new topic...

*not sure about my English...