>Sure, Together we stand!
SF慰安婦碑設置 2月6日に決定?抗議のメールを送ってください!
January 22, 2017Uncategorized
“Our worst fear is that our painful history during World War II will be forgotten”
––former “Comfort Woman”
This monument bears witness to the suffering of hundreds of thousands of women and girls, euphemistically called “Comfort Women,” who were sexually enslaved by the Japanese Imperial Armed Forces in thirteen Asian-Pacific countries from 1931 to 1945. Most of these women died during their wartime captivity. This dark history was hidden for decades until the 1990s, when the survivors courageously broke their silence.
They helped move the world to declare that sexual violence as a strategy of war is a crime against humanity for which governments must be held accountable.
This memorial is dedicated to the memory of these women, and to the crusade to eradicate sexual violence and sex trafficking throughout the world.
Gift to the City from the “Comfort Women” Justice Coalition
Collection of the City and County of San Francisco
皆さまから英文メールで反対・抗議のメッセージをサンフランシスコ 芸術委員会の
Sharon Page Ritchie, Commission Secretary
【 メール宛先 】※CCの宛先は慰安婦碑の記事を書いたメディアや記者のメールアドレスです
TO: sharon.page_ritchie@sfgov.org
CC: jsabatini@sfexaminer.com, online@rafu.com, opinion@sfchronicle.com, caleb@sfist.com
【 メール件名 例 】
No “Comfort Women” memorial in San Francisco!!
I am against the “Comfort Women” memorial in SF
I protest against the “Comfort Women” memorial in SF
【 メール文例 】
<例 1>
Dear Ms. Sharon Page Ritchie, Commission Secretary
I strongly protest against the “Comfort Women” monument in San Francisco.
Before you approve to build the proposed comfort women memorial, you must know about the comfort women for American GIs after the WW2.
In Japan, soon after WW2 in 1945, the brothels, or RAA (Recreation and Amusement Association), were set up for U.S. servicemen pouring into Japan and hired more than 50,000 Japanese prostitutes. South Korea had a similar comfort station system for U.S.-led U.N. troops during the 1950-1953 Korean War and promoted sex businesses for American troops after the war.
Please understand that Japanese are very upset about the approved inscription of “comfort women” monument, because you single out only Japanese military. That is unfair and is nothing but an insult to Japanese.
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
<例 2>
Dear Ms. Sharon Page Ritchie, Commission Secretary
If you stick to the falsely alleged Comfort Women Memorial, despite our protests, we, as advocator for Women’s Human Rights and for suppression of prostitution, we promote all over the USA, the erection of statue of Comfort Women in a true term, with an inscription extracted from the US Army Official Report in 1944 saying that Comfort women are nothing more than prostitutes with high remuneration.
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
<例 3>
Dear Ms. Sharon Page Ritchie, Commission Secretary
I am against the comfort women monument in San Francisco.
The Arts Commission must understand that the comfort women issue is politically and diplomatically controversial issue.
The Japanese government recalled her ambassador and Council General to Pusan to home, and terminated or postponed negotiations with the government of South Korea. This decision took place in response to Korea’s decision to install a Comfort Women statue in Public place in Pusan, the second largest city in S. Korea.
Press Conference by the Chief Cabinet Secretary /January 6, 2017
The peaceful city of San Francisco should not be involved in such issue by erecting memorial of one-sided allegations.
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
<例 4>
Dear Ms. Sharon Page Ritchie, Commission Secretary
I am against the comfort women monument in San Francisco.
I have visited SF, and loved friendly people and beautiful town.
So for me, it is very upsetting to know that you plan to erect the comfort women monument in the public park.
The approved inscription of the memorial depicts “Comfort Women” as “sexually enslaved”, “hundreds of thousands of women and girls” and “Most of these women died during their wartime captivity.” What are the evidence or primary source to proof these allegations? Or name the historians.
The government of Japan officially denies above at UN human rights committees, stating “the figure ‘200,000 persons’ as the number of comfort women also lacks concrete evidence”, “the expression ‘sex slaves’ contradicts the facts” and “there are one-sided claims which lack any corroborative evidence in the reports by the United Nations Special Rapporteurs as well as in the criticisms and recommendations from treaty bodies”.
http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/files/000087944.pdf (page11 Paragraph 19)
I believe the monument will divide your multi-cultural good communities. And also it will drive a wedge among US, South Korea, and Japan alliance, and that will only make Communist China and North Korea happy.
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
<例 5>
Dear Ms. Sharon Page Ritchie, Commission Secretary
I am writing to you concerning a discussion building a memorial for “comfort women” in San Francisco Park. I would ask that you turn down the proposal.
The proposer has been insisting that this is a human rights issue. It may be true. But, instead of blaming only Japan, it is more appropriate to address all major human rights issues in the world and learn from the cases to solve them and prevent from happening again.
I am strongly against the installation of memorial of Comfort women in a park in San Francisco.
Thank you very much.
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
<例 6>
Dear Ms. Sharon Page Ritchie, Commission Secretary
I am writing to you concerning a discussion building a memorial for “comfort women” in San Francisco Park. I would ask that you turn down the proposal.
Chinese and Korean interest has been waging a concerted anti-Japan/Japanese movements all over the United States. The “hate Japan” education in their homeland has been promoting the atmosphere even in the U.S. more than 70 years after the last war. We should work toward the future for the benefits of the younger generations in a more constructive way rather than destructively.
I am strongly against the installation of memorial of Comfort women in a park in San Francisco.
Thank you very much.
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
<例 7>
Dear Ms. Sharon Page Ritchie, Commission Secretary
I am writing to you concerning a discussion building a memorial for “comfort women” in San Francisco Park. I would ask that you turn down the proposal.
Japanese people are strongly opposed to the comfort woman memorial because it will create a conflict among people, leading to hate crime and children bullying not only in your city but also elsewhere. I hear there is such a case in Glendale, New York, New Jersey and even in Australia.
I am strongly against the installation of memorial of Comfort women in a park in San Francisco.
Thank you very much.
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
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← サンフランシスコ市承認 慰安婦碑文 「数十万女性・少女の性奴隷、監禁され殆どが死亡」
SF慰安婦碑設置 2月6日に決定?抗議のメールを送ってください!
January 22, 2017Uncategorized
“Our worst fear is that our painful history during World War II will be forgotten”
––former “Comfort Woman”
This monument bears witness to the suffering of hundreds of thousands of women and girls, euphemistically called “Comfort Women,” who were sexually enslaved by the Japanese Imperial Armed Forces in thirteen Asian-Pacific countries from 1931 to 1945. Most of these women died during their wartime captivity. This dark history was hidden for decades until the 1990s, when the survivors courageously broke their silence.
They helped move the world to declare that sexual violence as a strategy of war is a crime against humanity for which governments must be held accountable.
This memorial is dedicated to the memory of these women, and to the crusade to eradicate sexual violence and sex trafficking throughout the world.
Gift to the City from the “Comfort Women” Justice Coalition
Collection of the City and County of San Francisco
皆さまから英文メールで反対・抗議のメッセージをサンフランシスコ 芸術委員会の
Sharon Page Ritchie, Commission Secretary
【 メール宛先 】※CCの宛先は慰安婦碑の記事を書いたメディアや記者のメールアドレスです
TO: sharon.page_ritchie@sfgov.org
CC: jsabatini@sfexaminer.com, online@rafu.com, opinion@sfchronicle.com, caleb@sfist.com
【 メール件名 例 】
No “Comfort Women” memorial in San Francisco!!
I am against the “Comfort Women” memorial in SF
I protest against the “Comfort Women” memorial in SF
【 メール文例 】
<例 1>
Dear Ms. Sharon Page Ritchie, Commission Secretary
I strongly protest against the “Comfort Women” monument in San Francisco.
Before you approve to build the proposed comfort women memorial, you must know about the comfort women for American GIs after the WW2.
In Japan, soon after WW2 in 1945, the brothels, or RAA (Recreation and Amusement Association), were set up for U.S. servicemen pouring into Japan and hired more than 50,000 Japanese prostitutes. South Korea had a similar comfort station system for U.S.-led U.N. troops during the 1950-1953 Korean War and promoted sex businesses for American troops after the war.
Please understand that Japanese are very upset about the approved inscription of “comfort women” monument, because you single out only Japanese military. That is unfair and is nothing but an insult to Japanese.
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
<例 2>
Dear Ms. Sharon Page Ritchie, Commission Secretary
If you stick to the falsely alleged Comfort Women Memorial, despite our protests, we, as advocator for Women’s Human Rights and for suppression of prostitution, we promote all over the USA, the erection of statue of Comfort Women in a true term, with an inscription extracted from the US Army Official Report in 1944 saying that Comfort women are nothing more than prostitutes with high remuneration.
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
<例 3>
Dear Ms. Sharon Page Ritchie, Commission Secretary
I am against the comfort women monument in San Francisco.
The Arts Commission must understand that the comfort women issue is politically and diplomatically controversial issue.
The Japanese government recalled her ambassador and Council General to Pusan to home, and terminated or postponed negotiations with the government of South Korea. This decision took place in response to Korea’s decision to install a Comfort Women statue in Public place in Pusan, the second largest city in S. Korea.
Press Conference by the Chief Cabinet Secretary /January 6, 2017
The peaceful city of San Francisco should not be involved in such issue by erecting memorial of one-sided allegations.
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
<例 4>
Dear Ms. Sharon Page Ritchie, Commission Secretary
I am against the comfort women monument in San Francisco.
I have visited SF, and loved friendly people and beautiful town.
So for me, it is very upsetting to know that you plan to erect the comfort women monument in the public park.
The approved inscription of the memorial depicts “Comfort Women” as “sexually enslaved”, “hundreds of thousands of women and girls” and “Most of these women died during their wartime captivity.” What are the evidence or primary source to proof these allegations? Or name the historians.
The government of Japan officially denies above at UN human rights committees, stating “the figure ‘200,000 persons’ as the number of comfort women also lacks concrete evidence”, “the expression ‘sex slaves’ contradicts the facts” and “there are one-sided claims which lack any corroborative evidence in the reports by the United Nations Special Rapporteurs as well as in the criticisms and recommendations from treaty bodies”.
http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/files/000087944.pdf (page11 Paragraph 19)
I believe the monument will divide your multi-cultural good communities. And also it will drive a wedge among US, South Korea, and Japan alliance, and that will only make Communist China and North Korea happy.
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
<例 5>
Dear Ms. Sharon Page Ritchie, Commission Secretary
I am writing to you concerning a discussion building a memorial for “comfort women” in San Francisco Park. I would ask that you turn down the proposal.
The proposer has been insisting that this is a human rights issue. It may be true. But, instead of blaming only Japan, it is more appropriate to address all major human rights issues in the world and learn from the cases to solve them and prevent from happening again.
I am strongly against the installation of memorial of Comfort women in a park in San Francisco.
Thank you very much.
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
<例 6>
Dear Ms. Sharon Page Ritchie, Commission Secretary
I am writing to you concerning a discussion building a memorial for “comfort women” in San Francisco Park. I would ask that you turn down the proposal.
Chinese and Korean interest has been waging a concerted anti-Japan/Japanese movements all over the United States. The “hate Japan” education in their homeland has been promoting the atmosphere even in the U.S. more than 70 years after the last war. We should work toward the future for the benefits of the younger generations in a more constructive way rather than destructively.
I am strongly against the installation of memorial of Comfort women in a park in San Francisco.
Thank you very much.
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
<例 7>
Dear Ms. Sharon Page Ritchie, Commission Secretary
I am writing to you concerning a discussion building a memorial for “comfort women” in San Francisco Park. I would ask that you turn down the proposal.
Japanese people are strongly opposed to the comfort woman memorial because it will create a conflict among people, leading to hate crime and children bullying not only in your city but also elsewhere. I hear there is such a case in Glendale, New York, New Jersey and even in Australia.
I am strongly against the installation of memorial of Comfort women in a park in San Francisco.
Thank you very much.
差出人名前 住所
例Hanako Yamada
Tokyo, JAPAN
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← サンフランシスコ市承認 慰安婦碑文 「数十万女性・少女の性奴隷、監禁され殆どが死亡」