I read this book "Palestine new edition" written by Ryuichi Hirokawa published by Iwanami-shinsyo. This book based on Palestinian side.So my opinion may not be fair,but I came to the conclusion that founding the State of Israel was misgovernment of U.N. and U.S.A. Because many people (Palestinian) lived there for 1,900 years when Jewish planed to found their own nation. They might not kill Palestinian by poison gas like the Nazis,but they displaced Palestinian from where they lived,and destroyed their houses and built new Jewish houses.
Now 3,870,000 Palestinian refugees live on poor environment. In the refugee camp,there is no running water and no sewage. There are only hunger,poor hygiene,inadequate education.
How to solve this issue,our world is not able to find the way at this moment.
Now 3,870,000 Palestinian refugees live on poor environment. In the refugee camp,there is no running water and no sewage. There are only hunger,poor hygiene,inadequate education.
How to solve this issue,our world is not able to find the way at this moment.