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福島原発 IAEAレポートより 3/28

2011年03月28日 | 福島原発

引き続き1-3号炉の圧力容器の温度は、徐々に下がりつつあり安定しています。現時点での最重要課題は海水ポンプ復旧による復水器(Condenser)の稼動です。このレポートでは1,2号炉に関して ”in progress" となっています。 復水器が稼動すれば、排気ベントの必要は無くなり、汚染は圧力容器内に封じ込めます。(圧力容器は全号機健全)

IAEA Briefing on Fukushima Nuclear Accident (27 March 2011, 13:30 UTC

At Unit 1, the temperature measured at the bottom of the RPV fell slightly to 142 °C. At Unit 2, the temperature at the bottom of the RPV fell to 97 °C from 100 °C reported in the Update provided yesterday. Pumping of water from the turbine hall basement to the condenser is in progress with a view to allowing power restoration activities to continue.

At Unit 3, plans are being made to pump water from the turbine building to the main condenser but the method has not yet been decided. This should reduce the radiation levels in the turbine building and reduce the risk of contamination of workers in the turbine building restoring equipment.

No notable change has been reported in the condition of Unit 4.

Water is still being added to the spent fuel pools of Units 1 to 4 and efforts continue to restore normal cooling functions.