


2006年07月30日 | イスラエル・ユダヤ・国際金融資本
United States Declares Secret War against Israel over Attempt to Collapse World Economy, New Zealand Prime Minister Targeted

Reports have reached us today from our Russian Intelligence sources that the President of the United States has today ordered, by a secret Executive Order, that both the Military and Intelligence forces of the United States are to begin active confrontations with all Israeli forces, both military and intelligence, on a worldwide basis.

In what has been described by an aide to President Putin as “the last straw to the Americans”, was the attempt by Israeli Intelligence agents to transport from the Philippines to China over Three Trillion Dollars of United States Federal Reserve Bearer Bonds, and as we can read as reported by the ABS-CBN News Service in their article titled “2 Brits nabbed with $3 trillion in fake US fed notes", and which says;

"The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on Thursday said it has arrested two British nationals with $3 trillion fake US federal bank notes in their possession, DZMM reported."

This extraordinary action against their ally the United States, by the Israelis, was in an apparent retaliation for a number of actions taken against them by United States Intelligence Organizations, and that included one of the largest illegal drug discoveries the world has ever known, and as we can see as reported by the Australian News Service Evening Standard in their article titled "World's biggest ecstasy haul found in Australia", and which says;

"Police in Australia have made what is believed to be the world's biggest ecstasy seizure. Drugs squad officers found more than five million tablets with an estimated street value of more than $100 million on Melbourne's waterfront."

Not known to these Western peoples is that many of the worlds Intelligence Organizations are funded by the sale of illegal drugs, and to Israel’s Mossad has always been the selling of the drug Ecstasy, and as we can read by British FFP News Service in their article titled "Israeli Drug Smugglers' Global Monopoly On Ecstasy", and which says; "Authorities say Israeli crime groups have for several years had a virtual monopoly on global distribution of Ecstasy..."

Also angering Israel was the American decision to exclude them from participation in one of the most ambitious aircraft projects of this new century, the new American Joint Strike Fighter, and as we can read as reported by the Jerusalem Post in their article titled "US dumps Israel from jet development", and which says;

"The Defense Ministry is downplaying reports from Washington that it was so angry over Israeli arms transfers to China that it suspended Israel from participating in the development of the prestigious JSF fighter. United States Defense officials, quoted by Reuters, said over the weekend that Israeli representatives were no longer invited to participate in discussions about the design of the Joint Strike Fighter, known as the F-35, the next-generation warplane."

Even more to showing the deep divisions that have arisen between these once stalwart allies was the recent summit between the American President and his Israeli counterpart, and as described by the Jewish Press News Service in their article titled "Grim Faces, Diplomatic Phrases At Bush-Sharon Texas Summit", and which says;

"The meeting Monday between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and President Bush at Bush`s vast Texas ranch was to have affirmed the special U.S.-Israel relationship and paved the way forward in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, a triumphant summit between two friends, farmers and statesmen. Instead, what emerged between the tense lines the two men delivered as a stiff Texas breeze ruffled their scripts were profound differences over how Sharon and Bush perceive Israeli and Palestinian obligations and the future of the peace process. Bush made his position clear: Israel`s settlement expansion in the West Bank must stop."

But in an action that has taken by surprise all of the world’s leaders, Israel after this summit actually betrayed the United States, and as we can read as reported by the Big News Network in their article titled "Israel defies Bush, calls tenders for new West Bank homes", and which says; "The Israeli government called for tenders on Monday to construct fifty new homes for settlers in the West Bank. The move comes just days after U.S. President George W Bush told Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to stop expanding settlements."

Known to the world, but not to the vast numbers of American citizens, have been the many contradictions surrounding the infamous attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001, and the apparent knowledge, or at worst complicity, of the Israelis Intelligence Organizations. Equally well known throughout the world has been the knowledge of what the Americans reaction would be against Israel should these suspicions ever be proved.

To the American President, and his government, there would also be an unprecedented backlash from the American religious peoples against them should they ever dare to attack Israel, as these peoples regard Israel as a special country protected by God.

But even to knowing that by attacking Israel they would bring upon themselves the wrath of their own citizens, the recent attack by Israel upon the Prime Minister of New Zealand by Israelis Intelligence Operatives have proved once again that no world leader is safe from their attacks, and as we can read as reported by the American ABC News Service in their article titled “New Zealand Official's Plane Door Opens", and which says;

"The door to a plane carrying New Zealand's prime minister blew open mid-flight on Wednesday, forcing the pilot into a sharp descent and emergency landing that left the leader badly bruised, but otherwise unharmed. Prime Minister Helen Clark, said she knew her life was in danger as air rushed into the cabin of the twin-engine Piper Aztec, which was en route to the capital, Wellington, from the tourism town of Rotorua in central North Island. "When the plane plunges like that obviously it is quite shocking. And then when you see the door can't close you know that it is a serious incident. But I had full confidence in the way the pilot handled the matter." The officers "were strong enough to hold the door during the landing," she told National Radio. "We couldn't shut it."

Unknown to the vast majority of Americans has been the extreme anger against New Zealand by Israel because of that countries being one of the only countries of the world to have withstood themselves against the Israelis and not only had charged their Intelligence Operatives with crimes, but had jailed them also, and has also broken off diplomatic ties, and as we can read as reported by the Jewish News Service in their article titled "Top Israeli official barred", and which says;

"A top Israeli general was barred from entering New Zealand. Maj. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, the deputy chief of military staff, called off a visit to Auckland on behalf of the United Israel Appeal this month after being refused a visa, the New Zealand Herald said Tuesday. The daily quoted officials as saying the decision was part of New Zealand's suspension of diplomatic ties with Jerusalem in response to two suspected Israeli spies who tried to acquire New Zealand passports fraudulently last year."

The Israeli Newspaper Jerusalem Post has further commented on these events by saying, "Last spring, New Zealand accused Israelis Uriel Kelman and Eli Cara of being Mossad agents, sentencing them to six months in prison after they pleaded guilty to attempting to illegally acquire a New Zealand passport."

We must also always be reminded as to the extent of the Israeli Intelligence Organizations constant efforts to use passports as weapons of war, even to their using their own diplomats to sell Israeli passports to known terrorists seeking to enter the United States, and as we can see as reported by the Israeli Newspaper Haaretz in their article titled "Israeli consul to The Hague arrested for selling passports", and which says;

"Israel's consul general to The Hague was arrested Tuesday evening as he arrived in Israel for a visit on suspicion of accepting bribes. The arrest was the culmination of an extensive investigation into allegations that Yitzhaki, 56, accepted cash and perks in exchange for issuing Israeli passports to people who were not entitled to them."

Not known to the American people also is that the present leader of Israel, Ariel Sharon, is an International War Criminal who has only managed to escape punishment because of his position, and as we can see as reported by the British Newspaper Guardian Unlimited in their article titled "Sharon is war criminal says Livingstone", and which says;

"Ariel Sharon, Israel's prime minister, is a war criminal who should be in prison not in office. Israel's own Kahan commission found that Sharon shared responsibility for the Sabra and Shatila [Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut] massacre."

Both Russian and French Intelligence Services have long reported that the stranglehold held over the United States by Israel has been the ability of Israel to collapse the economy of the United States, and as this weeks event in the Philippines has shown. But with the American Presidents signing of these new Executive Orders there appears to be no stopping the global chaos about to engulf the entire world, and over one single country, Israel.

Never in the history of the world have so many nations, and with so much awesome power, been prepared to vent their wrath against a single nation.

That nation is Israel, and today the entire world stands before the abyss of a global war the likes we have never seen. May God have mercy on all of us.

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