


2006年10月05日 | 米国
●The Dow's Phony New High by Michael Nystrom Tuesday October 3, 2006 Cambridge, MA

The Dow closed at its highest level ever today, and the mainstream press will certainly have a field day celebrating. This is BIG news - the kind you see recycled every half hour on CNN Headline Newsョ until you're both thoroughly sick of it and also thoroughly brainwashed. Big, shallow news.

At 12:33pm EDT today, Marketwatch.com breathlessly reported:
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- It took nearly 7 years, but the Dow Industrials has erased the memory of the post-millennium bear market by reaching a fresh all-time high on Tuesday・

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is composed of 30 stocks. Of these, fully one third of them - 10 stocks - posted their all time highs last century: Coca Cola (KO) and Dupont (DD) in 1998; and McDonalds (MCD), Walmart (WMT), Honeywell (HON), IBM (IBM), Pfizer (PFE), Verizon (VZ), AT&T (T), and Microsoft (MSFT) back in 1999 - seven years ago. Ten stocks made their all-time highs in 2000: Citicorp ( C), JP Morgan (JPM), Walt Disney (DIS), American International Group (AIG), General Electric (GE), Hewlitt Packard (HPQ), Home Depot (HD), Merck (MRK), General Motors (GM), and Intel (INTC).

Only 7 stocks made their new high in 2006, and of these only 3 of them are within 5% of their new high today. 21 of the 30 Dow stocks - that is 70%, folks! - are down 20% or more!

See for yourself in this chart:

(A note on methodology: While it is easy to find a stock's 52 week high, finding its all time high is a little more difficult. The way I did it was to pull up a ten-year chart of each of the Dow stocks on Big Charts and eyeball it. That is why you see a lot of round numbers for those old all time highs. While not exact, it is close enough for the purposes of this exercise.)

As I pointed out in my earlier article, Manipulation, if the Dow were to make a new high, it would be a phony new high, since adjusted for inflation, we are nowhere near the old highs. Using the Fed's very own CPI Inflation calculator (Thanks to George Ure at Urban Survival for keeping a handy link to this calculator right on his homepage) we find that we'd need a 13,817 Dow today to equal the 11,750 Dow of 2000. Put another way, today's Dow High of 11,754 is equal to only a Dow of 9,995 in 2000. Pfffttt - we didn't even make Dow 10K!

If you calculate the Dow using real money - gold - you find an even worse picture. Measured in Gold, today's Dow is equivalent to only about 5,100! Using an average gold price of $275 in 2000, we establish our year 2000 benchmark: 10,750/275= 39. Using today's gold price of $580, we have 10750/580=18.5 From 39 to 18.5 is a 52.5% drop, which is equivalent to only Dow 5K!

So is it really a new high? No. But please let me know if you hear any of this mentioned on the evening news tonight.

At the end of the day, the Dow was off its best levels, but still managed a new closing high of 11,727.34. There will be an ensuing media circus that will distract from any real issues or difficult topics going into the November elections, which I believe is the point. I know many out there will disagree with my analysis. In Manipulation, I put forth the idea that the Dow is being held up for political reasons prior to the election. I know that over the long term, markets cannot be successfully manipulated. However, for a few weeks, to make the economy look stronger than it is and to help the powers that be remain in power...

Whether you believe in this thesis or not, the stakes for Bush and the Republicans are very high in this coming election. The future of the country hangs in the balance, and the Republican party knows it. Should the Democrats win control of one or both houses of Congress and serious questioning about the Iraq War begins, there will be hell to pay. This is why Bush has given himself retroactive immunity for any war crimes he's committed with regards to the torture and mistreatment of US terror detainees.

And this is why I believe we will continue to see phony record Dow highs on the marchs toward election day - it is a major, empty distraction that should none-the-less makes people feel good. Unless they see through it. (What are we being distracted from? How about that Henry Kissenger is a secret advisor to the White House and wants to fight Vietnam all over again in the form or Iraq?) If they don't it will make voters less likely to rock the boat - or should I say, rock the vote - on election day.

I hope that I am wrong, but the stakes are so high that I would honestly be surprised if they weren't trying to keep the market up until election day.

In a previous article, I said that if the market makes new highs, I would go long the market. I have since changed my mind. The fundamentals do not support the optimism, and I believe it is dangerous to buy stocks at these levels.

●Dow Manipulation - DJIA Manipulation - Stock Market Manipulation Friday September 29, 2006

●Woodward on Henry Kissinger: He's Baaa - aaack! Posted Tuesday October 3, 2006

Wallace: What's Kissinger's advice?

Woodward: In Iraq he declared very simply, victory is the only meaningful exit strategy. This is so fascinating. Kissinger is fighting the Vietnam war again. Because in his view, the problem in Vietnam was that we lost our will. That we didn't stick to it.

Wallace: So Henry Kissinger is telling George W. Bush to stick to it: stay the course.

Woodward: That is right - it is right out of the Kissinger playbook.

●The Blog | Gary Hart: The October Surprise | The Huffington Post 09.23.2006

●ダウ平均株価 - Wikipedia

●Nationwide Protests Oct. 5 to Drive Out the Bush Regime

Nationwide Protests Oct. 5 to Drive Out the Bush Regime
Posted: 2006/10/01
From: Mathaba

Call for Nationwide Protests Oct. 5 in More Than 130 Cities and Towns, and Growing; No Work, No School - March

By Takoma Village Cohousing

More Than 130 Cities and Towns, and Growing No Work, No School - March

On Thursday, Oct. 5, people will walk out of school, take off work, gather in town squares, and march in cities across the country, declaring their intention to bring the Bush program to a halt.


●債券・株・為替 中年金融マン ぐっちーさんの金持ちまっしぐら :アメリカの反撃


マーケット / 2006-10-05 09:01:50




ダウは史上最高値を更新する一方、SPの市場最高値は2000年の1527.16というやつで、いづれヒットするでしょうがあと一息。これはコモディティーの下げが響いている訳です。ナスダックに至っては最高値は5000ドルを軽く超えてますから、現在の2375ドルはいかにもしょぼいですね。これらを総合して見ますと、結局商品市場の下落をきっかけにリスクマネーが逃げてきているため、Flight to qualityを徹底する結果、倒産確率の一番低いダウ平均に資金が一番集まっているという解釈が出来るでしょう。債券が高いのも同じ理由ですね。





 ダウ平均株価指数は10月3日の米国市場終値で7年ぶりに市場最高値を更新し、10月4日も続伸して最高値を更に更新している。Michael Nystromはこれをインチキではないかと主張している。



ぐっちーさんは「結局商品市場の下落をきっかけにリスクマネーが逃げてきているため、Flight to qualityを徹底する結果、倒産確率の一番低いダウ平均に資金が一番集まっているという解釈」をされている。しかし、GMという破綻懸念企業も含まれている。



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