


2012年04月24日 | 中南米・カナダ
●フォークランド諸島とYPF:中南米の国際金融資本からの独立戦争 - 国際情勢の分析と予測

●アルゼンチン、ブラジルに石油関連の投資要請  :日本経済新聞 2012/4/21 20:12


●Obama's Neutral Falklands Stance Harms Britain, Helps Argentina And Means Trouble For Us - Investors.com Posted 04/18/2012 06:34 PM ET

Relationship: As Argentina marshals diplomatic support for its claim on Britain's Falklands Islands, the best President Obama can declare in response is U.S. "neutrality." It's an insult to our top ally — and trouble for us.

One can only wonder what an irresponsible Evita Peron wannabe like Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner must think when she sees the shabby way President Obama treats America's leading ally, the United Kingdom.

At the weekend's Summit of the Americas, President Obama reiterated U.S. "neutrality" toward Argentina's claim to the Falkland Islands, the Atlantic islands under the British flag for 180 years, and the site of a 1982 war where Britain had to defend them from Argentina. At the time, the U.S. and Chile provided key help.

Obama's neutrality wasn't even that, though.

At the summit he attempted to use the Argentine term Malvinas, but mangled the term to "Maldives."

Not only does that show contempt for the U.S. "special relationship" with Britain, it bodes ill for the future.

Obama's failure to show U.S. leadership in the region, along with his decision to limit U.S. oil output, are triggering aggressive moves to energy resources.

Argentina under Fernandez is a fresh new troublemaker acting up badly on energy issues, this week seizing Spanish oil company Repsol-YPF to whip up nationalist sentiment and distract from her own mismanagement — the same causes of the 1982 Falklands invasion.

Subscribe to the IBD Editorials Podcast Unlike the generals, she's cleverly marshaling global opinion to checkmate Britain in international forums.

At the recent Summit of the Americas, she tried to get every nation to sign a statement affirming Argentine sovereignty over the Falklands. Only U.S. opposition to an unrelated Cuba passage in the statement kept it from passing. Still, U.S. neutrality serves her purpose well.

The U.S. should be concerned about this bid to harm the U.K. because it's an ally, but also because it's stoking a new race to seize resources as oil prices rise.

Fernandez's effort to isolate Britain and seize the Falklands is all about grabbing the oil-rich waters around it.

Echoes of this are found in resurgence of Peru's Shining Path terrorists, who are kidnapping oil workers — the same grab. With China adding Argentina to its list of nations it seeks an oil monopoly on, the game is clear.

The U.S. gains nothing from isolating itself from its best friend Britain, but lays the ground for new conflicts over energy. Obama's neutral stance is cowardice and irresponsibility that will bite us in the end. And all because he cannot respect our dearest and best ally.

●Brazil Funneled Soviet Weapons to Argentina During Falklands War, Says Report | Fox News Latino Published April 23, 2012

Brazil helped supply Soviet weapons to Argentina, in deal negotiated by Cuba and supported by Libya, during the Falkland Islands War of 1982, according to a report by the Brazilian newspaper O Globo.

The scheme, first reported by the Rio de Janeiro daily, marks an unusual twist for Cold War-era politics as both the Argentine and Brazilian governments of the time were ruled by fervently anti-Communist military dictatorships.

The Argentine military junta, installed in 1976, had unleashed an internal war against Marxist and leftist political dissidents that eventually resulted in the deaths or disappearances of some 30,000 people, according to human rights groups.

But when Argentina’s generals found themselves embroiled in a conflict with United Kingdom over the islands the Argentines call the Malvinas and the British call the Falklands, it was the Soviet Union that offered military support.

Cuba emerged as the unlikely mediator of the deal. A week after Argentina invaded the Falklands on April 2, 1982, Cuba sent a diplomat Emilio Aragonés Navarro to Buenos Aires, via Brazil, to relay the message that the Soviets would send weapons and intelligence equipment to help the war effort against the British.

Brazil agreed to allow the weapons shipments to pass through its territory, O Globo reports, citing once-classified diplomatic and military documents released by the Brazilian government in recent weeks.

The shipments originated in Libya—then governed by Soviet ally Muammar al Qaddafi—and passed through the Brazil’s northeastern city of Recife, before continuing on to Buenos Aries, according to O Globo.

At their peak, two weapons flights passed through Brazil daily.

Though then U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher suspected Brazil of covertly facilitating arms shipments to Argentina, Brazil denied involvement and publicly maintained its neutrality.

The revelation by O Globo follows a release earlier this month of declassified U.S. documents requested by the National Security Archives that show the United States also played a greater role in the conflict than it had admitted.

The United States publicly declared neutrality at the outset of the three-month conflict, waiting until April 30 to announce its support for Britain.

In reality, however, the Reagan administration provided logistical and intelligence support to Britain from the beginning of the Argentine invasion.

The dispute over the islands continues to simmer.

The Falkland Islands are inhabited by some 3,000 people who identify as British subjects and are governed as an overseas British territory. Argentina claims sovereignty over the islands based on its inheritance of Spain's claim, though Argentina has never directly administered the Falklands since gaining its independence in the early 19th century.

Nevertheless, British rule over the islands angers most Argentines, who view England as an intruder and their possession of the Falklands as an unwelcome reminder of European colonialism.

●<EMeye>ブラジル鉱山・エネルギー相、アルゼンチンのYPF国営化で議会証言/ 株式NEWS /モーニングスター2012/04/20 11:59



●Barack Obama makes Falklands gaffe by calling Malvinas the Maldives - Telegraph

Barack Obama made an uncharacteristic error, more akin to those of his predecessor George W Bush, by referring to the Falkland Islands as the Maldives.

By Jonathan Gilbert in Buenos Aires
3:50PM BST 16 Apr 2012
President Obama erred during a speech at the Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia, when attempting to call the disputed archipelago by its Spanish name.

Instead of saying Malvinas, however, Mr Obama referred to the islands as the Maldives, a group of 26 atolls off that lie off the South coast of India.

The Maldives were a British protectorate from 1887 to 1965 and the site of a UK airbase for nearly 20 years.

Cristina Kirchner, the Argentine president, has renewed her country's sovereignty claim to the Falklands in the build-up to the 30th anniversary of the Argentine invasion of the islands, which triggered the Falklands War, on April 2.

She has accused David Cameron of maintaining a "colonial enclave" in the South Atlantic and taken Argentina's claim to the UN.

●Argentina's Falklands oil threats: the letter to banks in full - Telegraph

●Argentina threatens to sue banks helping Falklands oil explorers as trade war with Britain escalates - Telegraph 9:30PM BST 31 Mar 2012

A group of British and American banks have been threatened with legal action by the Argentine government for advising and writing research reports about companies involved in the Falkland Islands’ £1.6bn oil industry.

In what amounts to the start of a new trade war between the UK and Argentina, the banks - understood to include the Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays Capital and Goldman Sachs - have been warned they face criminal and civil action in the Argentine courts.

The threats were made in a series of letters sent to as many as 15 banks by the Argentine embassy in London over the last ten days.

The letter, a copy of which has been seen by The Sunday Telegraph, warns the institutions that even merely writing research notes on exploration companies involved in the Falklands constitutes “a violation of the applicable domestic and international rules”.

The news - coming a day ahead of the 30th anniversary of Argentina’s invasion of the Falklands which sparked the 1982 conflict - is likely to worsen tensions between the two countries. The Argentine government is continuing to push for sovereignty.

The two-page letter, to which a schedule of legal declarations about the Falkland’s ownership are attached, is intended to warn off the banks from any further involvement in the South Atlantic oil industry.







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23 コメント

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Unknown (Unknown)
2012-04-24 09:32:04
日本にも (万里眼)
2012-04-24 10:49:51

Unknown (Unknown)
2012-04-24 20:22:33
 中東でアメリカの力が弱まれば、逆に言うと反米同盟が成立すればアメリカはたぶん引き上げる。すると何が起きるか。 おりしもエジプトの風向きが変わりつつある。
kenjiへ (princeofwales1941)
2012-04-24 20:36:14

Unknown (Unknown)
2012-04-24 20:53:03
Unknown (kenji)
2012-04-24 20:53:47


帝國主義の終焉 (あさぎり 1号 新宿発御殿場行き)
2012-04-24 21:48:57
Unknown (Unknown)
2012-04-24 22:34:23

Unknown (群青)
2012-04-24 23:16:29


王子様お願い (Unknown)
2012-04-24 23:20:21
