

Natural Beauty ―古今和歌集101首鑑賞(その3)

2016-12-22 19:56:18 | 月鞠の会
Mi zu mo ara zu mi mo se nu hito no koisiki ha ayanaku kyo ya nagame kurasa m
(ARIWARA no Narihira no Asom・Love-stage1 )

She is unseen. Thinking of her, I'm feeling hot all day. ”Are you my fatal woman?” I'm murmuring to a void in raining scenery.

見ずもあらず 見もせぬ人の 恋しくは あやなく今日や ながめくらさむ
まだ顔も知らないよ。それなのに、彼女のことを思うと、一日中、火照るんだ。運命の女なのか? 誰もいない雨に向かって、むにゃむにゃと呟いてしまうんだ。

Au koto ha kumoi harukani narukami no oto ni kiki tsutsu koi wataru kana
(KI no Tsurayuki・Love-stage1)

Neighing with mixed sound, the thunderstorm will come. So riding on the thunder light, I wish I would be close to you right away. But it's far, far away!

逢ふことは 雲居はるかに 鳴神の 音に聞きつつ 恋ひわたるかな

Kataito wo anata-konata ni yorikake te awa zu ha nani wo tamano wo ni sem

It looks like hooking thread that you have been making passes at women. However, have you ever loved anyone? You might meet just only your own tail in the end.

片っ端から女の子に言い寄って、本当に誰かを好きになったこと、ある? 自己中心だと自己完結するしかないよ。 

Karigomo no omoimidare te ware kou to imo shiru rame ya hito shi tsugezu ha(Unknown・Love-stage1)

I can't confess to her how I'm getting sick for her,so I want someone to let her know it. My thinking is like mowed weeds that have being entangled.

刈菰の 思ひみだれて われ恋ふと 妹知るらめや 人し告げずは
君を好きになって苦しいだなんて、自分では、とても言えないよ。 誰かが、彼女に、この思いを伝えてくれないかしら。何を考えようと、もつれた刈草のようだ。

Omoi izuru Tokiwa no yama no iwatsutsuzi iwa ne ba koso are koishiki monowo

I should have been born as your beloved azalea flowers in the permanent green mountain. In other words, I wish to remind you the memorial without mention my mind.

思ひ出づる 常盤の山の 岩つつじ 言はねばこそあれ 恋しきものを

Hito no mi mo narawa shi monowo awa zu shi te iza kokoromi m koi ya shinuru to

I decide to see if I can be killed by my own love feelings. Until now, I never have had a comfortable night, after I fell in love.

人の身も 習はしものを 逢はずして いざ試みむ 恋や死ぬると

Haru tate ba kiyuru kori no nokori naku kimi ga kokoro ha ware ni toke nam

Spring is going to make your iced heart melt with my love completely. In short, you can't help getting honest to me.

春立てば 消ゆる氷の 残りなく 君が心は われに解けなむ

Ito semete koishiki toki ha mubatama no yoru no koromo wo kaeshi te zo kiru
(ONO no Komachi・Love-stage2)

At least, you should have come to my dream. These days, I wear night clothes turned inside out. It's the charm. Depending on even the dream, I'm always worried about what you are doing.

いとせめて 恋しきときは むばたまの 夜の衣を 反してぞ着る

Orokanaru namida zo sode ni tama ha nasu ware ha sekiae zu tagitsuse nare ba
(Ono no Komachi・Love-stage2 )

He often makes me pour my tear drops on my clothes, so I hate myself to believe him. With rushed feelings like a waterfall, I can't dislike him yet.

おろかなる 涙ぞ袖に 玉はなす 我は堰きあへず たぎつ瀬なれば

Waga yado no kiku no kakine ni oku shimo no kiekaeri te zo koishikari keru
(KI no Tomonori・Love-stage2)

For the rising the sun, the frost on flowers of chrysanthemum fence has been gone. Also, some smell affixed to my clothes during last night has vanished. Now, I'm already missing you.

わが宿の 菊の垣根に おく霜の 消えかへりてぞ 恋しかりける

Hakanaku te yume nimo hito wo mitsuru yo ha ashita no toko zo okiukari keru
(Sosei Hoshi・Love-stage2)

Last night, we were hugging tightly each other in my fancy dream. So, I can't leave my bed this morning.

はかなくて 夢にも人を 見つる夜は 朝の床ぞ 起き憂かりける

Tagitsu se ni nezashi todome nu ukikusa no uki taru koi mo ware ha suru kana
(MIBU no Tadamine・Love-stage2)

I'm drifting and floating in flood water, like duckweeds. So, I have been such a character even when going steady with a woman. Why did you assume that I'm able to moor at you?

たぎつ瀬に 根ざしとどめぬ 浮き草の うきたる恋も 我はするかな

Waga koi ha shira nu yamaji ni aranakuni madou kokoro zo wabishikari keru
(KI no Tsurayuki・Love-stage2)

Now, I'm straying in the forest that has been familiar to me. The hateful forest called love makes me feel pain, and gets me unconfident.

わが恋は 知らぬ山路に あらなくに まどふ心ぞ わびしかりける

No 52
Shiratama to mie shi namida mo toshi fure ba karakurenai ni utsuroi ni keri
(KI no Tsurayuki・Love-stage2)

Even if she was angry, she was so beautiful. Her teardrops looked like pure white pearls. After that, it has come to blame me, turning into the red.

白玉と 見えし涙も 年ふれば からくれなゐに うつろひにけり

Azusayumi hike ba motosue wagakata ni yoru koso masare koi no kokoro ha
(HARUMICHI no Turaki・Love-stage2)

Imaging the shape of the bow drawn to full extent, it resembles her figure at that time. I'm filling with earnest feelings this night.

梓弓 引けばもとすゑ わがかたに 夜こそまされ 恋のこころは

Mirume naki waga mi wo ura to shira ne ba ya kare nade ama no ashi tayuku kuru
(ONO no Komachi・Love-stage3)

These days, I’m annoyed with him. He visits to me frequently with smell of the beach. Perhaps he will to fish me without understanding me. So, I’m waiting for not him but you!

海松布なき 我が身を浦と 知らねばや かれなで海人の 足たゆく来る

Ariake no tsurenaku mie shi wakare yori akatsuki bakari uki mono ha nashi
(MIBU no Tadamine・Love-stage3)

When she said good-bye to me, the moon was still staying in the sky. After that, I have come to recall her indifferent attitude to me every dawn. it's the most painful time.

有明の つれなくみえし 別れより 暁ばかり 憂きものはなし

Kimi ya ko shi ware ya yuki kem omoe zu yume ka utsutsu ka ne te ka same te ka

If only all were to be a dream, we were able to have pleasant time each other. It's no matter whichever provoked it, -- I'm not sure the affair on a certain night.

君や来し われや行きけむ おもほえず 夢かうつつか 寝てか覚めてか

Kimi ga na mo waga na mo tate ji Naniwa naru mi tsu tomo iu na ai ki tomo iwa ji

I want you to make a promise that it should be secret what happened that night. My plea is that you should pretend not to meet me, and I'll tell your love action to nobody.

君が名も わが名もたてじ 難波なる 見つとも言ふな 逢ひきとも言はじ

Shirakawa no shira zu tomo iwa ji soko kiyomi nagare te yoyo ni suma m to omoe ba
(TAIRA no Sadafumi・Love-stage3)

Open your heart to my relatives, build our nest in clear and comfortable water with me, and pour our good feelings into our ldaily life. In other words, it's my hope to marry with you.

白川の 知らずとも言はじ そこ清み 流れて世々に すまむと思へば

Shiru to ie ba makura dani se de ne shi monowo chiri nara nu mi no sora ni tatsu ram

I'm disappointed about the rumor. I have never been in the same bed with him, however, people are asking me--"How did you make that without using a bed?"

知るといへば 枕だにせで 寝しものを 塵ならぬ名の 空に立つらむ
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