オサンポ walk - ニンゲン活動・っ・再開発 the human economic activity•っ•renewal

2016年08月13日 | 日記

The human around here
Doing economic activity
There are some left behind

都心の再開発…と聞くと、あの浮かれポンチのバブル時代をついつい思い出してしまいますが、ここで結構広範囲かつ大きなビルまで壊している、様子を見ると、土地の所有者とかビルオーナーとかテナントとか、そしてまだあった! 個人住宅ポイ建物が壊されていくところとか…を目にすると何がしかの感慨が胸をよぎります。

The big city, the metropolitan is doing renewal, I remember that our 80s' bubble economy, we were crazy with it. Here, now, some people started to tear down many buildings, small and big, even individual residences(it's surprising! there are still these houses here...) widely. I feel something ... it's difficult to tell you what.
Now, the buildings have no people who used to use, came in and out or lived, many Sukima-soh have still been at the edge of them, I understand that their lives are quite shorter, I feel something with seeing them. Something...
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