We are living in a
Fare adjustment machine
「自立型精算機」で合ってますか? たまに見る、道路脇にある一台分の駐車スペースの端に突っ立っている細長いスタンドのことです。その足元に多種多様なスキマ草たちが犇いていました。この“スキマ”は住みやすい? んかいな、と眺めていると。写真には写っていませんが、タバコの吸い殻が捨てられていました。この観点の違い。にふと思いました。一方は住むところ、一方は捨てるところ…。“ココ”を変えていけたら、ニンゲンと、それ以外の生き物たちとの生活圏のバランスも、上手いこと取れるんとちゃうかな…?
I'm not sure, if it's right to call it, "self-contained fare adjustments machine" for a single car park beside a road. Anyway, around below, there were various small plants(I call it Sukima-soh, sukima means a small gap) lived in the narrow space. "Is there a good place for them...?" When I was thinking, I found a dimp. There is no dimp in the photo, as I cutout. I was surprised about it, the difference point of views between Sukima-soh and a human. For them, it's a place for living in but for a human, it's a place that is for like a rubbish bin. I think that... if we could change this point of view, we would get a good balance of our living spaces between nature creatures. What do you think about that??
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.