This Sakura blooms
Earlier than the others
But in cold winds
さ…寒くね? という感じの日々に戻っていますね。だがしかし、そんな中でもしっかりと自分の役割を果たしている桜と出会いました。大都会の片隅で、と言いますかビルの裏側で。どんなもんだい。
It's shivering... isn't it? In these days, it's been freezing. But this Sakura tree is surely doing its job. In a big city, behind the building. It might say, I'm so good, ain't I?
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
This Sakura blooms
Earlier than the others
But in cold winds
さ…寒くね? という感じの日々に戻っていますね。だがしかし、そんな中でもしっかりと自分の役割を果たしている桜と出会いました。大都会の片隅で、と言いますかビルの裏側で。どんなもんだい。
It's shivering... isn't it? In these days, it's been freezing. But this Sakura tree is surely doing its job. In a big city, behind the building. It might say, I'm so good, ain't I?
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.