オサンポ walk - 植物plant : ちょっとピンボケなオオバコ かな? It would be a plantain that was out of focus.

2021年05月01日 | 日記

オオバコ かな?? っと思う植物を見つけましたが、肝心のトコロがボケました。

やたらと見かけた大量のオランダミミナグサ(かと思うのですが)が姿を消し始めた昨日、この「オオバコかな? 」に出会いました。数週間でいなくなる植物がある一方で、ハハコグサはまだあちこちにいますね。

I thought that it would have been a plantain?

I saw many mouse-eared chickweeds(would be) anywhere but they have been going away, yesterday, I met that plant. There are plants that are going away but there are also still some plants like cudweed, we can still see them.

*not sure about my English...

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